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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Thanks again for the transcript! I understand how Takumi feel really, is hard to not to think like him. I feel that Takumi has worse luck than Arthur... Poor boy.
  2. Kaden in Birthright and Revelation, I'm so happy with him Leo in Conquest, because there is no Kaden in Conquest, Leo is the only Nohrian I really like a lot and because of supports (but still don't like the idea of marrying him)
  3. Thanks for the transcript! With this I find more easy to see why Takumi feel like that about Corrin. Now I want to hug him more? Poor boy need lot of hugs
  4. There are no translations for what I know, except for the 4komas that Kirokan shared here. From the other ones, the Nohr Anthology have most of it chapters translated by Microwaveit (who did the translations of the Hoshido ones too) and by tumblr users. It looks that Microwaveit is a bit busy these days, but last time I talked with her, she told me that she wanted to translate the Revelation Anthology too. I think, we need to wait until she have the time to work on it.
  5. Takumi was possessed by Anankos in chapter 10 after, he fell on the bottomless canyon and landed on Valla (we can assume that the same happened in Conquest). Iago controlled him in Chapter 23, but the game try to imply that Iago was allowed to do that only because there was still some influence of Anankos on Takumi
  6. For bow user, Camilla!Nina is just awesome, if not, gotta go with Anna, Nyx need her magic Or you can use He is good option for Conquest hard mode too haha
  7. Conquest shows a bit more of what the real enemy is, it throw you to one Valla chapter and it shows that Anankos is possessing people, and Birthright doesn't show Valla and is never really explained what happened with Takumi, but it talks a lot more about the song (Conquest didn't talk about it) ... And still, Conquest throw Valla info with no explanation, it show you stuffs, but it never explain anything... So yeah, I think the same about Conquest showing more about the real enemy but not provide a good explanation about Valla and Birthright just left everything in "there was something more, but no one know what it is (except Azura but she can't say anything)" , haha what a way to sell us the third route! But that was the premise of the games if I remember well, something about Hoshido being more straight forward story and Conquest being a more complex one
  8. Hello, Miss Marcella, glad to see you around here! I'm bad for questions, so I only wanted to send a small greetings from Mexico to you! Your voice is the one I use in my Corrin, I feel like is the perfect one for my character. Have a good day and good luck in your next works!
  9. For me, I don't think is bad, as long as you remember that is just a game, and actually... I always shout to the characters every time they miss or encourage them when they have low percent attacks, but is not only Fates, is just... Any game actually (mostly FE and Pokemon), I even shout to people from videos in walkthroughs when I see them fail at something that I think can have an easy solution. I just can't stop, even if I know that the game/videos can't hear me (except Nintendogs or Hey You Pikachu... Now I think we need more games in which we can really talk to the characters lol), it just happens and I can't stop doing it. So hey, if you don't abandon reallity and you have fun talking to a videogame character is ok, is similar to talking with your pet, they probably can't understand but it make you feel better
  10. At the end of the S support Kiragi ran to tell Takumi about him and Corrin, right? So Takumi learned it first from his son, the next encounter with Corrin wasn't a pleasant one for sure Corrin: Hi Takumi how are you to... Takumi? Why are you aiming at me with your bow? Takumi stop... Takumi just stop, this is not funny... Stop pointing that to me... Don't... OMG!! *Thousand of arrows filled the sky over Corrin* Corrin: I'M SORRY!!! The legends say that a half dragon helped to bring two kingdoms at war together, but the dragon dissapeared mysteriously in the middle of war, nobody knew of her ever again, but some people believe that she fly away in a storm of arrows THE END!
  11. Takumi, Oboro, Revelation My votes will never change, even after I already played the 3 games... Like... Conquest have a fun gameplay but, the part that the only way to use my favorite characters is via logbook (No Kagero?? = me no happy), make me choose Revelation with no doubt, also happy ending, I'm cheesy for happy endings.
  12. Is the fight with Flora and Camilla, right? Reina is very helpful to take down some of the enemies that are walking in the frozen water, also you can use her to move some characters from one ship to another, and skip the waiting for the Dragon Veins to surface. If I remember very well my normal positions in that map, in the left ships I always deploy Corrin with Azura and Jacob (Corrin in the ship that is closer to Serena) in the upper left ship: Takumi, Oboro and Hinata, then in the right ships, in the one in the bottom of the screen I leave Hayato, Reina and Sakura, and in the other Subaki, Kagero and Kaze (and I think Hana too, I can't remember how many units I can deploy, sorry). At the start of the level, I always use Subaki and Reina to move characters from one ship to another, that is moving Sakura and Hayato to the ship with the ninjas. Kaze and Hayato, can help to take down the mages from the ship with Flora when they start to try to aboard your ships. The ship with Serena and Beruka have lot of axe users, so this side is good for Corrin y/o Hinata, Jacob can help, but if you don't use him or another healer, you can always stack Azura with Amaterasu for healing. Jacob and Takumi are used to attack the enemies that are walking in the ice, some can't attack back, so, that is good for them, Oboro helps too with a javaline. That could help until the DV appear. Sorry if something sounds confusing or aren't helpful to you at all, I always have problems with descriptions.
  13. Yeah!! I was actually thinking: half in everyone after the war and half in everyone without the babyrealms, like... more in a general context and just based on their personalities haha! So yeah, Elise and Sakura will be good moms ones day! That's also why I added that I wasn't only thinking in Kana, and that I was thinking in general for any of the canon kids or even not canon (for the people that like to create OCs), I wanted to wite a more general idea. And think how awesome both girls will be as moms in the future, they already show to being good ones in the games (and Elise even showed more maturity than Leo in Forrest paralogue!), but if they instead got kids after being a bit more older, they will be even better!!
  14. I'm talking here in general, not only for Kana, and taking in consideration their base personalities: Best Moms: Mozu, Kagero, Sakura, Elise, Azura. They are caring and loving girls that for sure are be very nice with childrens, maybe I will add Serena too, since she already know what is to grow without parents and she for sure don't want her own kids to feel or grow like her. Oboro too, she is a caring girl and like Serena, know what is to grow without parents. Best fathers: Kaze is the most obvious, Laslow and Odin for the same reason than Serena... Maybe??, Kaden too since he is nice and kind. Arthur is a good option too, he is caring and want the best for his kid, also he is a super hero!! Oh! I have less options for dads, I feel that the other characters (from both genders) need to learn or grow maturity a bit more before taking care of childrens (bets examples are Takumi and Leo)... And if I consider the childrens but thinking in them as full grow persons... Forrest for sure will be very good and he is a very understanding person, Siegbert is kind and a good person too, same with Shigure... Midori and Caeldori can be very good ones too
  15. Yeah I though the first option too after I got the message, and then I starting thinking in that maybe the ones knowing the answer is the Treehouse team. At least I want to believe that showing interest in the DLC can help in some way
  16. I send a question about the DLC's after the Nintendo Direct, but I only got this response So, they are not sure of what is next for Fates. Maybe the "proper departments" is Treehouse office? What if we send messages to Treehouse, requesting for the release of the DLC? They localised the game, right? Maybe they could do something if we show our interest in these DLC's
  17. I paired Inigo with Severa... and they are still married in Fates so, nothing changed. With Odin... Well, Owain was forever alone in Awakening, so he need to be gratefull that he finally have a spouse
  18. And I thought that nobody liked this one... I like it too! Are there no good class for him? I reclassed him into a Grandmaster since I didn't know what to do with him, he is ok for now
  19. This one, Leo sounds... cool Kaden and Selkie's crazy laught too, and Takumi & cia "Oh, That's it!!"
  20. I like Hisame with Kagero's hair color... Even if I actually give him Hana as his mother, I still prefer him with the color Kagero (Or Mozu) give to him. Rhajat with Mozu, Nyx or Orochi's color And I don't know exactly why, but I think that Nina looks very good with Camilla's color
  21. Oh god, I forgot to mention Forrest! He will be a good date too, he is very caring and kind, very precious.
  22. From boys: Kaze, Shigure and Siegbert sounds like the best options, they are very attentive (is that the correct word?), cute and really nice boys... Maybe Kaden counts too From girls: Flora, Kagero, Sakura... For the same reasons of the boys
  23. I don't know why, but somehow I would like to see the return of the "Dismount" command Lol Also the return of the Canto skill, the Sentinel class (I was expecting it to be the promotion of Soldiers for Fates, to be the counterpart of Spear Masters) and keep something similar to My Castle.. I just liked the idea of watching the characters around the castle working or just hanging out, but if is possible, I would like a new option to interact with the mounts lol (i want to pet a wyvern). Keeping Attack stance and Defense stance is good for me too
  24. Same every time, same name, same appearance... I just have bad inspiration for creating characters
  25. I will always be salty for not having Oboro and Forrest supports (only C to A of course, not wanting to create weird pairing here)
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