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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. Eeehh I always think of the siblings something like that: Xander and Ryoma - Near 25, Xander older than Ryoma, for the poll I choose 26 and 25 respectively Camilla - 23 Hinoka- 21 or near 22 Corrin and Azura - Same age, around 20 Leo - 18 Takumi - 17 near 18 Sakura - 16 Elise - 15 Also I imagine the ninjas near to Ryoma's age, Orochi too. Hinata older than Takumi, so, around 18 or 19, I choose 19 for the poll (since he wants Takumi as his "younger sibling" in the festival DLC) Hana and Oboro near the same age probably, Idk... I don't think they have more than 17 Niles around Camilla's age, Charlotte too Aaaaaand Kaden and Keaton in their 20 or a bit older... That's how I headcanon ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  2. Deciding a pairing for Kiragi is godamn hard! I ship him with FKana, Selkie and Midori!! Sweet child have good supports mmm... I ended choosing Selkie in the end, after a long struggle with it. Most of the others I just skipped or I have very clear whit who I ship... And probably I'm the only one that like Nina x Siegbert lol
  3. I have a +7 Steel Naginata and I feel Oboro is now very overpowered with it... Like, I'm not even in endgame and she Oneshot all the enemies with no effort... So yeah, I think forging is too powerfull, at least for the main story (I hasn't used her in online)
  4. I feel like a wasted of DLC if they take out the conversations from the maps, since... Aren't the maps easy? Like the Convo maps from Awakening, because the whole point of them is allow the characters to have chats between them? I prefer to wait for the maps, because I really want some of the conversations in them, learn more about the characters and of course I want the extra items, but I will never pay for these maps only for the items, I want the conversations too
  5. Oh shippings... I actually don't have a lot of shippings in Fates, let's see Takumi x Oboro (The obvious OTP) Leo x Hinoka Xander x Sakura or Hinoka Kiragi x Selkie or Midori (I just love both supports) Azura x Kaze Ryoma x Elise or Rinkah Forrest x Soleil Thats all? These are the ones I like the most .... Aaaaaand the ones impossible in the game: Niles x Orochi (why they can't support? why??) Ryoma x Scarlet (I don't need to say more, right?)
  6. I liked it a lot... but somehow I would have liked that the kids had the same hair color from your file, but anyway, the chapters where fun. Also, I really liked tha bg music from the last chapter, and that the royal childrens can talk with their uncles, and in the case of Shiro and Kiragi, a conversation with grandad Sumeragi.
  7. Mmmm, I can't visit your castle, is really a NA castle? Because I get the "Not found" message
  8. I'm right now between chapter 22 and chapter 23 of Revelation hard mode, the kids paralogues have promoted enemies at lv8 and kids autolevel with the seal to lv8 too. I'm actually feeling the chapters very easy. Right now I'm playing Soleil's one, here is an enemy from the chapter: I only lost one NPC for now, but my priority is Soleil and she is fine with me right now, so, it's ok if I lost one or two NPCs. Before this I did Sophie's chapter and I managed to save all the NPC's with no problem. For what I heard, the most the kids can autolevel is promoted lv18 if you recruit them before Chapter 27, probably the enemies are at lv18 too if they are similar to the kids. Really, I think the best is to decide when to do the chapters based on your gameplay and what you know about the chapters, if you consider you can't do the chapters with enemies at lv10, then do the paralogues around chapter 18 of the main story, but if you consider you can do it, then wait a bit more... I'm actually a terrible player but here I am feeling that I could have waited more for a bit more of difficulty in these paralogues. The only ones that can give you some problem are Shiro (but you only need a good use of Rescue) and Ignatius (because ninjas and he is near as slow as his dad) . Maybe Asugi since you can't talk to him, he moves every turn and you need to finish the chapter before he escape or he get attacked, so the difficulty here is only the time you take to move, you need to keep moving while defeating the enemies and activating the Dragon Veins, it's actually not that hard, but you can take lot of time or he will escape
  9. Then we need to fill the cards for us to start deleting them? God, that is so bad! I find very easy to add cards by accident. I actually have more cards that I got by accident, than the ones I added because I really wanted
  10. I bought my cards with the help of another person, and he told me that the box is coming! I'll probably will receive it in like... 15 days, it's a very long wait... I already want to see what R and SR I got!
  11. What you say about Nohr is what is keeping me away of of playing it. I will play Nohr, but I feel bad for playing that story haha Now here you mention a Revolution in Nohr, that is exactly what Scarlet wanted to do, maybe, part of the story could had involve helping her to start the Revolution and stop Garon, also convincing the siblings to join the cause. Aww, now I think that Scarlet could have been a better main character for Nohr. I would have loved this! And actually, I was expecting Takumi to be the boss in that chapter... No wait, you know what? Maybe having this chapter as a two part chapter? First part with Dragon-Takumi (he has dragon blood, so Anankos can use that to force a transformation somehow) as the boss, and after defeating him and getting him back in your team, Iago appearing as the second boss and you fight him normally, keeping Takumi's dialogue with him. That would have been better for Takumi also, like giving the siblings (and maybe his retainers and kid) pre-battle talks with him in which they express how they care for him and want him to come back with them, that can work with the part of him learning that everyone believe and care for him... Ah, now I want this in the game, but we will never have it mmmm, damn it, Dragon-Takumi sounds soo good
  12. Interesting a lot of people vote for Beruka as friend for Oboro, I would like to know why, since I can't feel Oboro wanting to start a friendship with her, so, I'm curious to know if the votes where based on the supports or if thinking only in a possibility (and if I talk about possibility, I think Oboro will get a long better with Serena or Pieri, like in the comics)
  13. Awww no Hugh, Niime and Noah cards yet, I will need to wait for another set to have one of Hugh. But I liked the cards, especially Kurth R and R+ , and now that I see... Rafiel didn't have a card in this set (And no Yuzu awww). Lando's cards look cool. Even if this set don't have some of the characters I wanted, everything look awesome, too bad I don't have enought money to buy at least 2 boxes, so, I will need to live with only one box.
  14. I have Takumi with the three skills, you can visit if you want: 15741-38400-87603-16245
  15. You can wait to Lv 20 with no problem! And it will help your characters to have better stats. If you need Sakura or another healer to start fighting, you can always do skirmishes for lv them up! Hoshido (And Revelation) have the nice Mokushu maps (the ones where you fight Ninjas) filled with spikes on the floor. So, just do some skirmishes on said map, and leave a character over the spikes, it will receive damage every turn and you can heal them so the healer can win experience very easy. The other characters can fight the enemies to win exp and to keep the healer out of danger, to exploite it more, don't go to the enemy attack range, most of the times the more far enemies don't move at first, so you can have some extra turns to heal the damage created by the spikes, before the last enemies reach you. But, if you aren't using this file as your main one or you have problems with a map, then you can promote your characters at lv15 or similar to finish the file quickly, since in Birthright you don't need mega stats anyway, unless you play Lunatic.
  16. That page with Silas... Yes Setsuna, do it!! Ah, finally I can see what did Takumi say. Oboro really likes to undress her lord on these comics... And dress him back in whatever she want Lol
  17. I wonder who the other 6 characters are *sarcasm* I'm going to cry! And 8 part picture! Getting the 8 cards for this is going to be a hell
  18. Based on supports is really hard, I don't like most of the supports, even for the pairings I like. Anyway, these are the ones I like: - Takumi x Oboro - Effie x Asama - Kiragi x Selkie/Midori/FKana (this kid is so cute with a lot of his options) - Xander x Hinoka/Sakura - Ryoma x Elise - Hisame x Sophie - Forrest x Soleil - Leo x Hinoka - Kaze x Azura They have good supports and interactions... Well, I find Leo's support with Hinoka actually lacking, but I like the pairing, so I count it, ha! And a pairing that is not possible but become one of my favorites: - Orochi x Niles
  19. Hinata and Odin are similar, and I liked their interaction, so, yeah. Same with Kaden and Keaton, they even become friends alone, before the supports. And of course, the royal dorks, Takumi and Leo, best bros. For the girls, Sakura and Elise are obvious, but them with their retainers are good too. Oboro was hard, but I decided for Rinkah, but mosty because I liked that chapter from the Revelation Anthology (The only thing I'm sure is that it can't be Beruka)
  20. Here is Forrest as Sky Knight And as Dark mage Btw, when you consider promotions, he looks terrible as a Dark Knight
  21. Silas was a dissapointment to me. I'm usually very cheesy for childhood friends relationships and I like the cavalier class and paladins, so I really wanted to learn more about him, but after start playing Fates, I found him annoying, creepy (I really don't like how he calls himself my best friend even if is obvious that Corrin didn't remember him that well) and he is very mean to a lot of the other girls. As a result, I can't use him again. Thanks to god his supports with Mozu where ok, because I restarted my Revelation file after see how awful he was with the characters I paired him first
  22. Thanks a lot! I visited like a lot of castles and nobody has something for him... And he was getting so hard to train with his bad accuracy, now he has a better change No problem, thanks anyway! I'm probably asking for something very weird for him
  23. I'm in chapter 22 of Revelation in hard, and right now 'm doing the kids paralogues, the chapters feel really easy, so, I don't think its a problem if you waited until chapter 20. I already did the chapters for Shiro, Ignatius, Kiragi, Caeldori and Asugi with 0 problems, but of course you need the Rescue for Shiro (I especially needed it because it was Elise!Shiro and he has very bad defense haha).
  24. This probably a weird request, but did someone have a good Takumi with Axebreaker? Also, anything for Arthur? I can't find skills for him
  25. Snipers. I just love the snipers animation, I love to see Takumi doing that flip in midair in a normal attack, or the spining critical animation, I love it. Also... I love when Spear Master do this attack: Ok, I just love the Snipers and Spear Masters animation
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