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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. I'm gonna give the item to Oboro for "Dragon Vein family" ... And because of Headcanon material
  2. I think I can like whatever I want to like Why is that people recently just reply me with Takumi x Camilla every time I mention Oboro? Like seriously, I'm getting tired of it...
  3. I need to built an altar for Jokerthebuttler for translating the two conversations I wanted to read! Oboro x Kisaragi *As cute how I wanted, mmmm yeah I love it! And Hinoka x Foleo since I was sure nobody will translate it that fast (since Leon x Hinoka is not very popular), too bad these conversations are short, because I want to read more about Hinoka and Foleo! I also liked Luna and Soleil one, it was a good read. Kazahana and Matoi was good too!
  4. Camilla x Kisaragi is very funny, he learned well from his mom... In the other hand, Elise x Kisaragi was actually a small disappointment, what with all the chicken talk lol? But thank's god Elise x Shinonome was cute, I liked it, Shino wants time with his mom and is so sweet, I hope the english version keep the cuteness! I have the raw version of Oboro x Kisaragi, it looks that they talk about how Takumi promised to help Oboro to have her design store (Or so I think, maybe I'm wrong) ... And Oboro still call Takumi with the "-sama" but then she correct herself and call him just Takumi... This is the raw version:
  5. Forrest looks so cute, with that dark paint in his hair, is the most close I can see in game to Oboro!Forrest haha! Too bad the CG looks a bit weird, still cute in context... Ok, all the CG's look a bit weird :/ , Shigure can look fine if you ignore the bottom part I think... And Dwyer and Ophelia CG's look the best. The most popular Hoshido male is Takumi since he is number 3 in the poll, after Leo and Xander and he was number 1 in the other two polls
  6. I want the themes, I hope they give us them in the future, I will never get tired of buying Fire Emblem themes for my 3ds, especially if they have Oboro, Takumi and Leo... Oh wow, the kids DLC was out too along with the scramble? But the scramble is only the Hoshido one, when the Nohr one will be out? I'm a bit confused with the release days. Anyway, I hope someone translate the possible conversations, I would love to see what Foleo's possible mothers have to say to him (there are lot of conversations, right?)
  7. Ah, thank you! I didn't realised before that the logbook have category, I just though the bond units appear in the same list with the other characters. Thanks, Takeshi is back now!
  8. Ugh, I need help again, this time is with Bond units. I got a Bond Unit with an online friend, a Samurai named Takeshi in my new Valla file... But Takeshi is not in my team! I can see his name in the Bond Unit menu along with another bond unit who is in my Hoshido file, but Takeshi is not even in the Hoshido file... So... I want to know, if there is another way to call back a Bond Unit? Like via logbook or similar? I want to "recover" Takeshi... Or is he doomed now and I lost him forever?
  9. I already say my Fujin headcanon in the other thread, but here is again! My headcanon is that the Fujin have a side effect. You see, Kiragi say in his supports with Takumi that a strong mind is necessary for using the bow, but we know that Takumi actually have a weak mind, so, what if the user use all his mental concentration in the bow, and in respond the Fujin let them weak in other mind aspects, and that is why Takumi have too much issues and have a weak mind. Most of his strength is used in the bow, and have only a bit left for his normal life. Some other headcanons I have - All Dragon Vein users have a mark in their bodies (you know, like the brands in Awakening), there are 4 types of marks asociated to the 4 elements of the DV, and every person have more affinity to one of the elements, that is, their DV power is stronger when they use said affinity, like example... You have Takumi and his "Wind" related them because of Fujin, so he have the wind mark, and his DV power over wind is stronger than his DV power over fire or water. Leo have a ground mark - Takumi see Orochi like a mother, also he really likes fluffy stuffs - Sometimes Lilith come out of his sanctuary and play in the water of the ore resources, Kana loves to play with her And this one is a small shipping one...Since the game never explain how Oboro's crush on Takumi started, my headcanon is that she developed the crush after one night in which both of them were unable to sleep and found each other in the garden of the castle, they spend the night talking and Oboro was able to see a side of him she never saw or hear before, that make her to think that there was more about him than everyone see and she decided to try to understand him better, that new interest in him grew up until become a crush Oh wow, that sounds interesting and good for some play, and that make what happen to her in Revelations and Conquest more tragic
  10. Today, last arena before Endgame, Takumi was in the arena, and Oboro joined the fight, I make my bet for Takumi as the main fighter and the battle was like this: Round 1 - Takumi activates Rend Heaven, enemy survived, Oboro make a critical, the enemy dies Round 2 - Takumi make a critical, the enemy dies Round 3 - Takumi activates Luna + critical, the enemy dies He won whitout a scratch, I'm proud of my otouto
  11. As I don't have too much time to play these days, I only have played Birthright... But I can say that I liked For chapters I don't like...
  12. IS really want me to be poor... I'm going to buy this, I'm sure... Maybe I can ask for it ask a late b-day gift! A dvd for the cutescenes sounds cool! Can't wait to see HQ videos of the movie clips
  13. Of course! Look at this picture: The upper part, you can see a small pic of Kisaragi with Fujin Yumi. I wonder how Shiro will appear, as a Samurai/Swordmaster with Raijin or his normal Spear class? Also... For the "scramble/festivities" map, I hope you can play them with the three routes, because I want more Nohr-Hoshido interactions, like really, I would like to see Peri talking to Oboro or Laslow with Hinata or Oboro with Foleo c'mon they need to talk!
  14. I remembered that I took these screenshots of Shiny Kinshi Takumi Kinshi Knights look very cool in the snow maps
  15. Oh this is great!! I want to buy this one too, but until the next Cipher series got released because of shipping, so, it's good to see the scans for now!! Sakura, what a kind soul to everyone haha
  16. Yes sometimes is awkward... Specially when the invited character say stuffs like this: Oh Takumi... I prefer not to explain what was the sounds you heard LoL (funny, it make him sounds really innocent haha)
  17. I have Takumi's squad "Oh, that's it!" stuck in my head (maybe for how often they perform a crit)... Kaden's laugh is great too, and Leo "I will erase you!" And for some reasons, I like when Kiragi say "No more mister nice guy!"
  18. Choosing a side it's the saddest part for me, as is the beginning of what happens later
  19. My favorite moment is a non important one, that you can miss pretty easy, didn't affect the story, didn't have a cutscene in video or model secuence (like the one of Kaze in Birthright CH15)... My favorite moment in the game is: ... When Leo save Takumi from the falling bridge in Revelations. I really don't know why, but I like that part... And is only showed with map sprites, but... I like it... How I wish that part was a cutscene, but oh well :/ Also it give funny momments if Takumi is in the Ballistician class, because the map sprites show Takumi inside the tank, an you can wonder how the hell Leo were able to save him and his tank, haha Another one is Revelation final cutscene, both families happy, together and safe... Yeah, how could I not like that? I like that type of cheesy things after all
  20. Yeah Nintendo take my money and my damn FEELINGS!! I'm in for all of this! And that DLC picture.. Are Marx and Oboro? Because of blue hair... or is a FCorrin?? Anyway, I'm in for more conversations! But that scramble is for both Nohr and Hoshido? Like Hoshido charas can talk to Nohr charas too?? And the map about the kids... Just wow... I can't wait to see how all of that happened (probably a future in which Anankos succes in the war), can't wait for parents and kids conversations can I finally have a unique Oboro x Kisaragi convo?
  21. 3DS Friend Code | and/or | My Castle Code : 3308-4620-7896 (FC) / 15741-38400-87603-16245 (castle) Chosen affinity (Hoshido/Nohr/Revelations): Hoshido for now Avatar Name / Castle Name : SniperGYS / SniperGYS Club (I'm not original...) Region (NA/JP/etc): NA Food Resource: Beans Mineral Resource: Lapiz Battle Level: I think it's easy? but my characters are running around (I don't know how to make them to stay quiet) Additional Notes (Available units/skills, stuff design, special requests, etc): - Avatar - Proiteer, Astra - Takumi - Death Blow, Luna, Replicate - Oboro - Axebreaker, Death Blow - Kaden - Astra, Luna, Duelist Blow - Selkie - Astra, Luna - Kiragi - Luna, Death blow - Hinoka - Swap, Rend Heaven - Hana - Death Blow - Kagero
  22. Oboro for the girls! Maybe even in general... I think she is awesome. Takumi for the boys, along with Leon... Also I really like Forrest, Hinoka and Kiragi
  23. I have this screenshot, because I find it funny Make me imagine Takumi hearing their talk and thinking "Gods, my family is crazy" ... and probably he joints in the chat after some minutes Also, this one... Ryoma what happened to your face?? I will try to take actually cool screens, some backgrounds are pretty, especially in my castle
  24. My votes remain the same... Actual, playing the game just increased my decision
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