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Everything posted by SniperGYS

  1. I miss the Summoners. I know we know have Replicate that is a similar idea, but is not really the same. I don't know exactly why, but I think they were cool. Maybe Fates could have used them from a Nohr class, or just use the dark mages, idk, anything but with a skill to summon faceless? That was a think right? Leo and Rhajat can summon them, maybe if it was possible from a skill to have something similar. Sentinels could have been like the Spear Master counterpart. Nohr having the Sentinels from their soldiers, and Hoshido keeping the Spear Fighter/Master. Similar classes, different skills and builds? maybe?
  2. Oh the Royal Dorks one! Yeah! Oh Leo, taking advantage to punch the poor guy lol, he suffered a lot already Oboro scaring people will alway be one of my favorite things
  3. Maybe Saizou x Felicia can work, since I hear Asugi can use magic fine and Saizo too, so, magic boost with Felicia can be useful Azama x Rinkah can be a thing since you didn't have her with anyone else in your list, Mitama looks good with white hair and she have acces to another class that use both magic and strengh, I did this one too in my file Jacob x Azura are left, I hear the supports are fine, but I don't know more about the pairing when talking about stats
  4. I have all the Anthologies... Minus the Awakening 4Koma king, but the normal Comic Anthologies, I have all, all of them! (or so I think, if I'm missing one, someone teel me to try to get it) But couldn't find someone interested in translate them :/ . I even feel like doing something for whoever translate Oboro and Rinkah's chapter (Idk what since I'm terrible in everything but is the thought that counts ?????)
  5. I like Hana, she was in my final team in my Hoshido file and I still used her for a bit in Revelations (I even spend some money in smkirmished to lv her up before the wind chapter and she ended defeating Fuga). I like how she want to be strong to protect her best friend and liege, and try to follow her dad steps. Also Rinkah, I like her and I don't care if she have bad growths, I decided to play birthright again, maybe in Lunatic, and I'm gonna use her. I find her interesting even before the game was released, and now, I think that chapter of the Revelation Anthology make me like her even more xD And Hisame, I read that some people didn't like him for being boring, but somehow, I ended liking him a bit. Maybe he is not into my "Wow super favorite characters" , but I don't find him THAT bad.
  6. I really like and agree with this one: Also, I really love every time Takumi (or Oboro) say "Oh that's it!"
  7. From Kaze and Corrin support: Sounds that the retainers choose who Lord to serve, but sometimes the Lord is who choose them, since Sakura said that she asked for Hana as her retainer
  8. And people thought that the lack of armor in girl were just fanservice, when in actually was the lack of resources in Nohr! Oh Ryoma, now I can think on him trying the make Camilla to "dress better" (and this become more funny thanks to another koma involving Takumi, Sakura and Odin in another page)
  9. I don't ask for much, but if possible, I would change... THE BACKGROUND FROM THE SUPPORTS! I hate how in some supports, characters are talking about the beautiful forest around them like Kiragi and Forrest... And all you look is the godamn wall from a room? Or what about Niles and Belka visiting the grave of their mothers... in the same castle room? Elise recolecting flowers with Ryoma in the middle of said room? And I think these examples are enough :S. Yes that is why I would like to change: different backgrounds based in the supports! The room is fine for like example... Oboro support with Takumi since they could be talking inside the room, but for Kiragi hunting with Shiro? Change the background to a forest at least! The game have different backgrounds that we can see in the story, why don't reuse them for the supports too?
  10. Name + a picture of your avatar : Yes, that is her name Spouse: Kaden Class: Hoshido Noble, second class Mercenary line Route taken: Revelations its the main file, since she didn't liked the idea of destroy one of her two families and really wanted to make them one big family Personality description: She is crazy to the point that nearly everyone think that she is over sugar all the time, but actually she isn't that much into sweet stuffs, the crazyness is natural. She is very active and sometimes she ends looking a bit creepy because of it. She also have bad sense of humor. Theme music, voice options, personal critical quotes, anything! : Voice is the more mature the game have, and build the smaller. I actually don't think that much about Corrin, I like to think about other characters more. But yeah, I think of her as a crazy person, she actually followed everyone telling them to get two childrens after the weddings, for example she said to Leo in the day of his wedding "Now have two childrens" , she said the same to Takumi and made him angry. So basically, she try to convince everyone to have two childrens... Why? Because she is crazy! And she actually have two childrens. She is all very sensitive to loud noises and can hear small sounds, something she have for being half dragon. That make her to hate loud noises and it's always scolding Takumi for shouting in front of her face. She loves Kaden a lot, and give him lot of hugs because of how fluffy he is, and play a lot with both Kana and Selkie. And after Kana became sad for not having a tail like his father and sister, she bought one of the fox tail accesories for him and for herself... She also try to keep everyone happy and learn more about them And
  11. Ooh that's what happened in that comic! It would be funny if Mozu's personal skill was the capture one... But you need a food item in order to use the skill! Haha, goo Mozu, your power it's good for every nation! And lol with Kagero and Reina, they misunderstanding everything haha
  12. Kame Hame Takumi!

  13. Haha, it looks that Effie is really the best option for Azama! I'm surprised for Kaden, never expected Setsuna to won that one... and awwwww, Kaden x Oboro need some love!!
  14. This new headcanon of mine is a total mess: * Another one for Revelation * * Forrest love to talk with Oboro, after the war both of them help each other with their clothes bussines. Forrest always request Leo to take him to Hoshido just to show her his new ideas There is also my Fuujin heacanon being the cause of Takumi having a weak mind, but I explained that in a previous thread.
  15. Hi! I think I need some help again, with some question related to the childrens. First: It's good to change Kana to another class? I want to make him a Dread Fighter, but then his personal skill will not be usefull anymore. Is his skill worth it or it doesn't matter? Just or extra info, my Corrin have STR as asset and is married to Kaden, so Kana's MAG aren't that high And second: How good or bad is Subaki x Orochi for Caeldori? My only girls left are: Orochi, Nyx, Luna and Setsuna... And for the boys: Laslow, Odin and Subaki. I was thinking in leave Nyx with Odin, but which would be "the best options" for them in this case?
  16. The others already told you about story, but I will add that playing the other routes first, it helps you to understand the new mechanics, like Defense stance and Dragon Veins. Revelations have a lot of gimmick maps (too much Dragon Veins and big maps), so, maybe you will like to get used to the gameplay first. In that case, siding with Hoshido first it helps a lot, since the route it's more easy and you can experiment with the features
  17. No childrens pairings aside of Corrin? Mmm, oh well, I only have like 5 childrens pairings LoL I vote for them too
  18. Silas x Anyone. He is not the nice guy I thought he was... There are some supports in which he acts better but still... I only allow him to marry because of Sophie, still really feel bad for the poor girl (sorry Mozu) Oboro x Anyone from Nohr. This is like NO! to me, I don't think she can forget so fast her trauma and hate to Nohr and I feel she is OC in the S supports with the Nohr boys. I like her interacting with them (her supports with Jacob are interescting) and learning that not everyone is bad, but marriage (specially after some days of knowing them)? Nop!... Oh, and Oboro x Azama I didn't liked it! The whole "I act like a jerk with you because I like you" made me want to punch something after reading it. Azama x Everyone not named Effie. really Azama, stay with Effie and never leave her. Corrin x Siblings. Same reasons than others Takumi x Orochi and Takumi x Camilla. The S support, it's like if he only want to marry to prove that he is a man? I don't like that, and with Orochi is worst since she take care of him as a baby... I add Takumi x Kagero too, only because of localization, the japanese supports was fine, but I didn't like what localization did to it in the C support. And there are some same gender pairings that I don't like, but they aren't possible in the game
  19. There is a castle with all the resources and Forrest as a witch... And there is another one, with all resources and all the royals as buttlers and maids
  20. Ah yeah! I wanted to know what that comic with Saizo was about haha. Oboro really doesn't have problems undressing people, that's funny since in the Hoshido Anthology she did it too, and her in the komas she keep doing it... But she don't want Corrin to enter the bathroom... wonder if she only didn't care with people she already have time knowing. Poor Saizo, at least Ryoma found him fabulous!
  21. Hana x Jacob in my Hoshido file... I don't remember how it happened, but in the end, I let them S support and I was: Ok, I'm fine with it. The S support was a bit funny, so yeah, I'm ok with it. There was Hinoka x Subaki in the same file, it just happened randomly but it was good. For Revelations I pretty much used the pairings I planet, so there was not surprise, the most random one was probably Beny x Rinkah.
  22. Only remember that Hoshido noble is a class only available in the Hoshido and Revelations route. And after reaching lv12, you can use an Eternal Seal to have 5 more lv and win skills from another class
  23. Me too, I'm here still waiting for Yuzu. I hope they decide to add them in the final wave of DLC, but since Cipher is Japan only for now... it make me lose hope
  24. These maps are fun, I enjoyed the 2 already out and is a good oportunity to use all these kids that I never used in my team (I only used 4 kids at random levels, and only 1 in endgame) I beated Shiro in hard mode with Sophie "tanking" him, she was in pairup with Nina and Forrest and Dwyer were near her, but out of Shiro's attack range. He went out of the healing room in a previous turn, and Sophie was able to connect all of her attacks on him... Did he heal himselfs if he stay in that healing room? The only thing I didn't liked was my bad luck, with the kids missing 90% hits and getting hit by 30% or less... Even one of the random enemies activated a low percent critical on Forrest, but he got saved by Nina with a Dual Guard... And Rhajat got a critical on Kana... But since I was already at the end of the map, I didn't restarted and just finished the mission.Still a fun DLC.
  25. I was wondering what the Keaton's comic dialogue say! So she is using him as a bait? Haha The flying mini Keaton still looks cute!
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