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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. Because it's completely necessary? It's not like Corrin can just kill/injure Hans at that time without getting killed by King Garon. They also can't refuse an order from Garon without getting killed on the spot. King Garon and Iago are already suspicious of Corrin and they are trying to make them prove their loyalty. They are waiting for any excuse they can get to kill Corrin. Corrin needs to appear loyal while biding their time and waiting for the right time to act.
  2. I love how Hans going out of control and murdering Scarlet is getting blamed on Corrin for convenience. Corrin had no intention of hurting Scarlet. They only intended to injure the rebels so that it would appear that they were following King Garon's orders. When Corrin found out that Hans was doing that, they were completely horrified and tried to order Hans to stop. Unfortunately they couldn't stop Hans at the time since Hans was acting on King Garon's orders, so if Corrin stopped Hans and it got back to King Garon everything would be ruined.
  3. I really love the chapter in Birthright where you face Leo in the spooky forest. That map looks so cool! It's easily my favorite location in Fates. The story in that chapter is also really likable and Leo looked really cool in the cutscene.
  4. I honestly don't think Conquest Corrin is stupid. Deciding to fix a problem by going to the root of it while also trying to guide the siblings who you grew up with on the right path just isn't a stupid decision imo. Honestly, I personally think it makes more sense for the avatar to go back to Nohr rather than staying in Hoshido. That way the avatar can remain loyal to the family they are actually close to, guide said family on the right path, and see first hand what is really going on in Nohr and figure out how to solve it from within. It felt to me like the avatar was trying to help both families and remain as loyal as possible to both in Conquest more so than in Hoshido. As for the singer thing, that actually was kind of dumb so I can't really say anything about that. It doesn't really bother me though, since I grew up watching Sailor Moon (the anime where "best friends" think that they look like totally different people depending on what outfit they are wearing).
  5. I always just play as my own gender in games. I'm not into playing as the other gender because it feels weird to me (especially when it comes to games that have marriage like the newer Fire Emblem games, Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, etc). Just play which one appeals to you more, I guess.
  6. Conquest by far! The characters are much more interesting and I enjoyed the maps in Conquest more than the maps in Hoshido. I also prefer the story a bit more from the Conquest angle.
  7. Camilla's boob scene of course! I like vs Leo the most maybe. He looked really cool in that cutscene.
  8. Male: Leo Female: Camilla Not really any different from my opinion before playing the games. I knew I was either going to love Leo or Xander, it was just a matter of which one. I do adore Xander too, I just like Leo more. I expected Camilla to be my favorite female and that turned out as predicted.
  9. My favorite male is Leo. I would also say he is my favorite Fire Emblem character in general. My favorite female is Camilla. Elise and Selkie aren't very far behind.
  10. Swordmaster, Dark Flier, Falcon Knight, and Malig Knight (Camilla <3).
  11. It reminded me of Sailor Moon. "Minako is Sailor Venus?! Omg you look so different when you're wearing a school uniform instead! Omg you guys look completely different too!" At least Azure had something over her face a bit. I'm not sure if I would believe that Camilla and Leo would secretly set up an attempt to hurt Garon.
  12. That feeling when you get killed by a critical hit with a 3% chance four times in a row and have to keep restarting.
  13. Conquest is my copy and Hoshido is my partner's copy (although we swapped them so that we could play both), and we'll be getting Revelation too.
  14. As of now (after experiencing both games), I would say my dislike list is the following: Nohr characters: Selena (Severa was my most hated FE character ever, and I still hate her as Selena), Nyx, Ophelia, and Peri (I don't dislike her nearly as much as the other three). Hoshido characters: Takumi (even after playing Birthright I still think that he is a little shit), Rhajat, Caeldori, and Subaki. I don't like Kaden very much either. He's kind of annoying.
  15. I would say that Selkie is the cutest child by far.
  16. 1.) Leo 2.) Say'ri 3.) Camilla 4.) Zelgius 5.) Soren 6.) Elise 7.) Xander 8.) Hector 9.) Tiki 10.) Mia My 1-5 are solid, 6-10 is slightly lose (meaning the order may be incorrect and I may consider swapping one of them out for someone else).
  17. I suppose that I like Corrin the most. None of the avatars really impress me, but I think that Corrin manages to fit into the story the best.
  18. Blazing Sword. My partner is really into the Fire Emblem series, and I had never played before, so soon after we got together he had me try Blazing Sword as my introduction to the series.
  19. I wouldn't have used the bikinis anyways, so I don't really care that they were removed. Cute hair accessories are the best accessories.
  20. I prefer that it's a different time every time you go in and out. I would hate it if my castle was usually stuck on nighttime because I tend to have the most time to play late at night.
  21. Oh god. Ranking the Nohr siblings is so hard for me because I love them all an insane amount. Hmm... Leo > Camilla > Elise > Xander >>>>>> Sakura > Ryoma > Hinoka >>>>> Takumi. I don't really care for the Hoshido siblings. I'm neutral towards three of them and I dislike one of them.
  22. I didn't like any of the children in Conquest very much. Forrest was alright I guess. As for Birthright, Selkie and Hisame seem like they might be likable, so hopefully I'll like at least one of them.
  23. I don't really have an opinion on them because they don't concern me, but I do think it is a bit odd that they didn't pick Soleil as the female option.
  24. *sigh* Xander and Camilla get way too much crap on this forum.
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