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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. His second thread was improving on Chiki's 112 turn FE9 HM playthrough by paying his little brother money to improve Chapter 2 by restarting constantly to get multiple 2% critical hits with Ike. Everyone already knew about how that chapter could be improved though. We had a good laugh.
  2. No progress on that yet, maybe ever. It's harder than any other chapter in the game to figure out. Do you guys have any ideas on 3-turning 1-3? On turn 3, someone (maybe Ilyana) should kill the armor knight, while Sothe should kill the archer so Micaiah can arrive. Sothe needs 2 shoves to drop Micaiah at a point where she can arrive on turn 2. Ilyana needs to be quite far to be able to kill the armor knight, which is an issue, since she's also the best candidate to kill the 2 archers on turn 1. Btw, how is 1-6-1 going to be 2-turned without Aran? The 1-6-1 2 turn strategy requires Aran. http://imgur.com/a/ht25l Edward needs 4 shoves at level 8 to kill the general with 2 Steel Sword crits but can only get shoved 3 times (Laura can't reach, so Ilyana, Leonardo and Nolan will shove him). It's literally one shove away from a 3-turn.
  3. Chiki confirmed that this strategy works. He doesn't really think it's worth the effort to restart the playthrough, though. An underleveled Adept Jill in 3-6 and 3-12 would be more RNG abuse than he can bare, and maybe even impossible if the laguz have 100 hit on Jill.
  4. The archer doesn't move if the Javelin knight is left alive, like in his picture. But he 100% moves if killed.
  5. Also, even if 1-6-1 is 2-turned you can't get the Arms Scroll which is needed for 1-turning 3-13 (you completely run out of money by 1-E). If Chiki, dondon and 56282508 can't figure out what else can be improved, there's something fishy going on here. Judging from the fact that he has Jill pick up hidden treasure, he hasn't 2-turned 1-6-1 (since the only time she needs to is the 1-6-1 Arms Scroll and she can't kill an archer at base with an Hand Axe at turn 2 EP, the archer has 10 def and 26 hp while she has 21 might). The room for improvement is marginal now, since 131 turns has already been done. Also notice how he changed his thread title right after Chiki finished his. It starts to make sense once you notice that he's trying to be as obnoxious as possible. Ok then, he told me he replaced the Hammer with Paragon. You really like to point out minor nitpicks it seems.
  6. Paragon was originally with Jill but the chapter was redone to give it to Ilyana instead. Notice that there are 7 items that have to be left in the inventory (Blue Gem, Discipline, Statue Frag, Hammer, Ashera Icon, Pass, Resolve) since Ilyana has the capacity for Celerity + Savior meaning there is 1 slot left for Paragon. People aren't robots; they forget things sometimes. Sorry ruadath, but the only liar here is you. You shouldn't call people "blatant liars" while lying yourself. You know this is just a video game in the end, right? We would have been happy to see you try and improve on Chiki's run if not for your attitude (lying about expecting 38 turns and ripping off Chiki's strategies in every video game he has records just to improve them ever-so-slightly with RNG abuse). Mistakes happen in every playthrough, and you can always slightly improve on someone else's LTC run, maybe by cutting a turn, maybe by using less resources, maybe by not using a character like Shinon for 4-E-5, etc. It is not impressive to steal all of someone else's strategies and then do a small improvement. In fact, it is a trivial accomplishment and no one cares: it would be enough to just tell the person who did the run that it can be slightly improved. No one on this forum cares about it but you. Even if you did improve Chiki's run by a turn or two, I am sure that he would not care because you know, humans aren't robots and it's normal to make mistakes, especially in a large playthrough such as this. The way you play does not make you a good FE player; it just makes you an unoriginal tryhard.
  7. PMed. Seems like a 2-turn of 1-6-1 is impossible but for a different reason. Two enemy units block the path to the priest:
  8. He is lying (he has been known to lie before). 1-6-1 is impossible to 2-turn: Sothe needs 10 shoves on Turn 1 to be able to kill the priest on Turn 2, which is impossible since you only have 8 shoves (Aran, Nolan, Edward, Leonardo, Volug, Meg, Tauroneo, Zihark), and the path is blocked by an Armor Knight which makes it even more impossible. Promoted Jill with 9 move cannot reach, either. Alternatively, you can shove 3 times on Turn 2, but the thickets in the path to shoving Sothe prevent you from being able to reach him. This is the best you can do: If Zihark shoves first, Volug cannot reach Sothe. If Volug shoves first, Zihark cannot reach Sothe. Details coming soon!
  9. If you're so excited to share them, then why don't you share them, instead of keeping the strategies to yourself? 1-P: Impossible, Edward doesn't have the speed to double the boss (he needs 2 levels to do so). 1-1: Impossible for obvious reasons. 1-2: Impossible for obvious reasons. 1-3: Probably the most possible since it's like one shove away, but still likely impossible. 1-4: Impossible for obvious reasons. 1-5: Defend chapter. 1-6-1: Impossible since 3 is the first turn your units can reach the enemies in the northwest corner. 1-6-2: Impossible since 2 is the first turn your units can reach the boss. 1-7: Impossible for reasons dondon already told you. 1-8: Impossible for obvious reasons. 1-9: Impossible, Micaiah goes as far as she can and it takes too long for Jared to appear. 1-E: Impossible for obvious reasons.
  10. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  11. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  12. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  13. Yes, Chiki is redoing 4-P so there is enough bonus experience for Sigrun, Mia, Lucia, Calill and Tanith to all promote. Sigrun is very important for 4-3.
  14. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  15. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  16. 1. Chiki came up with many of the strategies that 56282508 is using (in case you don't remember, Chiki was the first to post LTC videos of FE10). He also discovered many of the lowest turncounts on HM and EM. 2. Chiki didn't even know that he had videos up, you'll see this if you read the thread. 3. The playthroughs have major differences, such as whether or not Heather is recruited, whether or not Boyd or Nephenee is used, whether or not third tier Ilyana is used, whether or not the Energy Drop in 2-E was taken, whether or not Shinon is trained, whether or not the Part 1 Spirit Dust was bought, whether or not Meteor was left with Part 2 people.. and there is a major turncount difference between them (like 15 or so?). 4. Chiki doesn't even like to look at other people's strategies since it's more fun to come up with things by himself. 5. Chiki is already a few chapters ahead of him and he came up with 3-E and 4-P before 56282508 even attempted them on HM.
  17. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  18. Those units were based on Chiki's easy mode LTC, in which he got 2 + 3 + 2 + 3 + 1 for 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4, 4-5. But it might be different for hard mode, we'll see in the next week or two. Part 4 is annoying.
  19. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  20. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  21. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  22. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  23. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
  24. Edit: Strategies removed due to plagiarism.
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