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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. This is a good thread! I won't even go into the hype thread because I want to experience the story firsthand as I play the game, yet I already got spoiled on a few things from thread titles alone anyways. >_<
  2. Just because there is fanservice doesn't mean that the narrative isn't taken seriously. There are plenty of deep and complex stories that are loaded with fanservice as well. Game of Thrones and certain KEY visual novels are some great examples. I think that it's great that Fire Emblem is becoming more versatile with features that can appeal to all different sorts of crowds.
  3. Marx is pretty cool. I would like to have my avatar marry him after I marry Leon and Inigo (again). He is truly how a prideful royal character should be.
  4. You don't have to "like" something for it not to bother you, so I would say that the observation is pretty meaningful. People who don't care are obviously not "bothered" by the features.
  5. I'm really glad that the "no" option has more votes by far.
  6. Sansa's rape scene wasn't even a nude scene. It was something the TV show did to freak people out. The countless whore house scenes, added TV only gay sex scenes and additional character nude scenes (like Melisandre letting Jon Snow touch her boob just because) are the fanservice. You should probably watch Game of Thrones before posting about it.
  7. Um,,,most of Game of Thrones sex scenes are intended to be fanservice. There is a reason why sex appears in the TV series much more than in the book series.
  8. I find Hoshido's adult characters very unappealing. The only one that I like is Hana. I actually had no idea who the heck I was going to pair my avatar up with until Ryouma's son popped up because none of the adult men felt worthy of my avatar's love. As for children, I have some that I like from Nohr and some that I like from Hoshido.
  9. I don't like sadists very much, so I don't expect to like Zero... Egotistical bastards, yes. Sadists, no. >_<
  10. I really dislike half animal characters (with the exception of Naesala because he's cool and Holo from Spice and Wolf), but a fox spirit doesn't sound too bad.
  11. I'm glad that my precious Inigo doesn't have a cheap copy of him, and is actually himself.
  12. Everyone's own moral views aside on the matter, the main issue people have with incest is the problem with genetics. Perhaps the Nohr harem is afraid that they will have a baby like Gheb if they are attracted to each other, so they only feel attraction towards the person who can give them good babies. Now Hoshido on the other hand....
  13. It seems more like the usage of the wrong word. An "otaku" is a person who is unhealthy obsessed with moe and waifus and things of that nature, which seems to be what the message is hinting at.
  14. That image doesn't make sense. A "weeaboo" is a person who is so obsessed with Japanese culture that they value it more than their own culture.
  15. Zombie shooter games with an attractive female sidekick in denim shorts.
  16. Looks like the girls on campus during sunny weather, except with armor and no flip flops.
  17. If it does become an option, I will have some very urgent business to handle with Leon in my chambers LOL
  18. I must have missed that bit of news. That's hilarious! Well, I'm willing to bet money that won't make it in the English version of the game. Then I wish crotch rubbing was an option, or is it?
  19. I wish chest rubbing was an option. It would be even funnier, and truth be told the reception it would receive would be just as equally amusing.
  20. I have actually heard of people who weren't related but grew up under the same roof entering a romantic relationship together when they got older.
  21. Are you sure about that? Charlotte is practically wearing a bra with shoulder armor, Nyx too has on minimum clothing. Then let's not forget about Rinkah and Orochi over in Hoshido. There are plenty of female characters who don't completely cover up, and there is nothing wrong with it. It's hypocritical because a good portion of the time, people are whining about simply not liking their outfit for what it is or the assets the character has, yet when you bring up a character that has even less clothing on in comparison, the argument of classes usually because a grasping at straws argument. Not to mention there are other wyvern riders with "questionable" attire for their class. Her armor is almost the same as Cherche's, except Cherche shows skin on her back upper half instead of wearing a v-neck. The bottom halves are quite similar in terms of length and leg exposure.
  22. Rubbing is optional, and the odds of it being removed in the American/European version of the game seems pretty likely imo anyways. Japan is more open to fanservice than Western fans. In fact, the Japanese make quite a profit off of otaku thanks to fanservice and moe. A good businessman is going to do what sells, even if it isn't always the most desirable thing for everyone. Nohr's side isn't incest, so perhaps you should just stick to that game if the mere existing option bothers you so much. I never heard about this, but I'm assuming it's not quite as bad as you're making it sound.. As I said in the lower half of my comment, I see girls wear shorts as short as panties on a regular basis during the Summer. While I may not particularly approve of wearing clothing that short myself, I don't think that it's something people should freak out over.
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