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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. If a bee flies within a few yards of me I scream, freak out and cry.
  2. Chespin is cuter. That's all that matters.
  3. I didn't know what a hashtag was until a couple weeks ago.
  4. Anti-hero. I hate heroes and villains tend to be lame the majority of the time.
  5. You put the lime in the coconut and drink it all up.

  6. Mondays. The end of weekend fun and start of a new boring week. ;--;
  7. Come, children of the night. Let us drink a donkey's blood in my backyard at midnight as a toast to darker evenings. i'll even provide chips, but bring your own dip. I'm cheap.
  8. Surveys are fun to do when you're bored, so what the heck. ^_^ The blank version of the survey is under the spoiler tag at the bottom 1. What is your eye color? I have central heterochromia. The inside of my eye is a light green color and the outside of my eye is sapphire blue. 2. What is your natural hair color? Reddish brown >_< 3. What is your blood type? AB I think 4. What is your race? White 5. What is your zodiac sign? Virgo 6. What is your chinese zodiac sign? Cock So essentially my signs mean virgin penis combined :/ 7. How much do you weigh? It's rude to ask a lady her weight. 8. How tall are you? Roughly 5 ft 7 in (I'm tall :/) 9. Are you single or in a relationship? In a relationship 10. What do you want to do as your career? A pastry chef. I absolutely adore baking and it's one of the few things that I'm confident about. 11. What is your favorite color? Dark purple 12. What is your favorite book? Through The Looking-Glass (I've always been really into Alice in Wonderland) and Interview with the Vampire. 13. What is your favorite film? Japanese (aka animu): Spirited Away English: Hocus Pocus due to childhood memories. 14. What is your favorite TV show? Japanese (aka animu): Mahou Shoujo Madoka Magica English: I honestly don't watch TV often. The only TV show I regularly follow is Game of Thrones, so I guess I'll go with that. 15. What is your favorite song? Japanese: Adore by Kalafina English: The Haunting by Kamelot ft. Simone Simons 16. Who is your favorite artist/band? Japanese: Kalafina and Aural Vampire. English: Marilyn Manson 17. What is your favorite food? Chinese food, my love's homemade pasta sauce and mint ice cream. 18. What is your least favorite food? Mexican food and oranges. 19. What is your fashion sense? Hmm, I suppose "gothy" would be the most fitting word for it, but I don't think it's right on the mark. I only wear black and white, but I dress very feminine. I like dresses, lace, ruffles, skirts, etc. I don't like to wear pants, I'm too girly. The majority of my accessories have skulls and bats on them, and I like to wear big bows in my hair. 20. What kind of personality do you have? I have a very shy/quiet/nervous personality. I get really scared around people, especially people I don't know. I like to cling to my love's arm and side, and I try to make him do most of the talking. I can barely even handle calling take-out services on my own. If I get separated from his side in public I start to panic and tear up (sometimes I properly cry if it takes more than five minutes to find him). I like to keep my eyes on the ground and I get really tense if I notice anyone looking at me. I'm also very loyal and protective of my love because he means the world to me, so I think that has some influence over my personality in certain situations as well. (For example, I usually shy away from confrontation as much as I can, but if it involves him I'll come out of my shell to defend him). 21. What is your favorite sport? I don't like sports. 22. What are your hobbies? Baking, graphic designing (but I have very low confidence in my work), watching anime, reading manga, drawing, writing, and occasionally playing video games. 23. What is your favorite video game? Pokemon SoulSilver and Fire Emblem: Awakening 24. What electronic devices do you own? Hmm.. DS Lite, 3DS, TV, laptop, Hello Kitty rice cooker and toaster (^^), and an ipod. 25. What is your religion? Atheist 26. What are your fears? - Bugs - The dark - Crowds - Needles - Reptiles and amphibians - Mice/rats - Most dogs - Pain - Weapons - Zombies - Werewolves 27. Where would you like to travel to? - London, England - Bucharest, Romania - Venice, Italy - Tokyo, Japan 28. Who is your favorite fictional character? I have a top three. Mio Akiyama, Itachi Uchiha and Sumia. 29. What kind of weather do you like? Chilly, rainy, cloudy, snowy weather. 30. Do you have any tattoos? No. I don't like tattoos >_< 31. Do you have any piercings? One hole per ear. 32. Do you drink? Very rarely. 33. Do you smoke? No. 34. What is your favorite supernatural/mythological creature? Vampires. I ADORE vampires. ^_^ 35. Do you prefer sweet or bitter things? Sweet. 36. What is your gender? Female 37. What is your sexual orientation? Straight 38. Do you have any children? Not yet. 39. How many languages do you speak fluently in? One. 40. What is your most valuable possession? Every gift my love has given me.
  9. Do dream journals really help you remember your dreams well? I have messed up/illogical dreams all the time, but when I wake up I can only ever remember bits and pieces of them once I get out of my sleepy/half awake mode. I sometimes forget them right after opening my eyes, but I can tell I dreamed and just can't remember. It drives me crazy trying to remember full dreams sometimes.
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