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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. Yes. I'm waking up at 6am just so I can go pick my preordered copy up the moment the doors open. ^_^
  2. Lord: Hector Cavalier: Sain Archer: Louise Pegasus Knight: Sumia (obviously) Myrmidon: Say'ri (but I like Mia a lot too) Mage: Ilyana and Soren are tied for my favorite Wyvern Rider: Gerome Mercenary: Inigo Preist/Cleric: Serra Thief: Gaius Dancer/Bard: Ninian (but I like Olivia a lot too) Laguz/Taguel/Manakete: Nowi I didn't bother putting the classes that my answer would have been "none of them" for.
  3. Yes, my partner and I intend to have two children. Fingers crossed for one boy and one girl (or at least two girls. I really want a daughter :<).
  4. That's really scary. .__. Just having one pet tiger would be terrifying enough, but having eleven?! They must be insane. >__>
  5. I wish I was still in my teen years. I just turned 20 and I feel like a hag
  6. Is there any way to reset your game in Gecko OS quicker? I'm playing a PAL game on a U.S. Wii and it's too tedious to reset.
  7. lolyes The phrase "turning Japanese" means masturbating. The song sings about some guy masturbating to a picture of his girl.
  8. Songs about guys masturbating to girls pictures are always nice.
  9. I didn't know it was a crime to post an opinion for someone while they're doing homework because they can't do so themselves, and I didn't know that doing so makes me a worshipper. I'm so sorry.
  10. There's a difference between rejecting all intuitions (people here) and rejecting most (Celes).
  11. Posting for Celes since he's busy: Intuitions are obviously what make tier lists possible. Tier lists are all about using subjective axioms (i.e. intuitions). Tier lists are by definition subjective rankings, so if you discard intuitions you also discard the very reasoning this tier list is based on. We pick efficiency because of our subjective preference for it--because of our intuitions. So it's honestly nonsense to just say things like this: Because they make tier lists possible? But obviously you guys are right when RFoF is just making up a bunch of things that he claims are intuitive. For any intuition you need to reach a consensus on it. Pretty much anyone will agree that pleasure is an intuitively good thing, for example, and the reason why pleasure is so commonly accepted as a good thing is because of majority rule. Reach a consensus on what is intuitive and what isn't--this is harder than it sounds though. But it has been done before: almost everyone accepts efficiency.
  12. He's busy with school. One graduate level logic class in particular takes him around 30 hours of work per week. But he's buying a new Wii this week so he should start this playthrough again eventually.
  13. I take around ten minutes to shower. I for the life of me could never understand how people could take around 25 minutes or so to shower. I have hair past my rib cage and I manage to wash it thoroughly and condition it within roughly 7 minutes. Maybe I'm just fast.
  14. Every single day. I find it absolutely repulsive to not shower everyday.
  15. I don't have a plan yet at all. I don't even have my starter planned because this is the first generation I'm not using the water starter ever (I hate the design too much >_>). I'll probably go with Chespin, but taking the fire one is possible too.. I do know I'll be using Sylveon though
  16. I personally find short hair unattractive on males, but I also find really long hair unattractive too. I think that chin-neck length is the perfect length, with layers and bangs.
  17. I don't have Netflix, so I'm not sure which anime series they have, but I would like to recommend Mushishi. http://myanimelist.net/anime/457/Mushishi I personally think it's a really good anime. If Netflix doesn't have it and you would like to give it a try, you can buy it on Amazon for 20 bucks, stream it on Funimation, stream it on any anime site, download it, etc.
  18. Hmm, "more often" as in it has to be something that I actually did at least occasionally and still do? Watch anime. I didn't get to watch anime regularly until I got my first laptop when I was 12, so I was at the mercy of the video store and whatever they decided to air on TV from 5-12. That's really the only thing I still do besides play Pokemon.
  19. Dr. Pepper is the only soda I really like.
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