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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. I had no choice but to give it a chance when I was in my early teens because a lot of people went around playing it, and I didn't like it one bit. Not everyone is going to be into that kind of music. I just happen to like different types of metal and alternative rock. Along with jrock That is my taste in music.
  2. I have always found her music crappy. I personally don't like pop or top 40 music at all. Along with rap, hip hop, country, etc
  3. If I'm not being forced to wake up (which doesn't manage to wake me up around half of the time), 10-16 hours in the amount of sleep I need to not feel extremely tired.
  4. I like the Muse songs because I like Muse, but the majority of the music is pretty meh.
  5. Not exactly. I mean, Bella wasn't supposed to be emotionless and flat. She wasn't like that in the books. I read all of them For example, when Bella was supposed to be trying to seduce Jacob into telling her about the werewolf and vampire legend she was actually supposed to come off as charming, but instead she came off as a blank toned man voice thing in the movie that didn't even seem flirtatious in the least bit. I can probably list about ten examples per movie at least if I tried. I honestly agree with this popular meme about her:
  6. Because of the whole homecoming queen drama in it. More specifically the part where Damian rigged the nominations to nominate Janis Ian as a joke.
  7. I'd love to win that Chespin plushie.
  8. The thing that I hate most about the Twilight movies is Kristen Stewart and her acting (if you could even call it that). I don't want to even imagine the amount of money she made from just sitting through five movies with a blank expression while reciting her lines in the most robotic and bored tone possible.
  9. Volug is also pretty lousy because he can't transform until around turn 3, I think? Most laguz kinda suck. Volug is no exception.
  10. Severa reminds me of Kirino from Ore no Imouto and every other annoying tsundere in anime (Haruhi, Louise, Taiga, Shana, etc) =__= Gaius reminds me of Mello from Death Note because Mello loves chocolate (which is a sweet). Stahl reminds me of the user Celes because messy brown medium length hair that he takes care of and love for food/eating often
  11. Camilla


    It figures something creepy looking/bad tasting would be the key to immortality. :<
  12. Well, it's good that your parents aren't the typical kind of parents that would force their children into things they don't want/feel would help. Perhaps they can be spoken to, but I will still suggest holding off on it for a while. She came to you as the person she trusts to vent to, so I think it would be a good idea to keep trying on your own for a bit more first and only bring your parents in if the problem gets any worse. Out of personal experience, I think Crizix is giving really good advice. Having fun with a hobby you really enjoy can work wonders when you're trying to get over your depression. When I was coming out of my depression, my hobbies actually helped distract me and cheered me up quite a bit. I watched a lot of anime, wrote stories, and ordered some art supplies that I drew a lot of random anime characters with. In the end, I ended up feeling really happy when I was doing anything that had to do with my hobbies. I still felt down sometimes, but it was a major improvement. I also suggest talking to her about your problems. If you want her to be open with you about her problems, it may make her feel more comfortable to do so if you try to talk to her about your own everyday problems. It could help build a comfort zone between you two.
  13. My main implication is that therapists are bound to fail if you force an adolescent girl into seeing one. They don't want to be there, they don't want their help, and any method/medicine the therapist tries to force onto them will just make them even more unhappy. Little do people realize that a young girl already unhappy with her life will just walk away from therapy with a response like "My life sucks even more now because I have to go through this. I can't believe my family is making me do this, they must hate me too now. Nobody understands me" if you force her into something she doesn't want to do. If she's actually willing to see the therapist and truly wants their help, then she may be able to get something out of it, but there is also still a decent chance of therapy failing (especially if their solution is to drug her up on the joke known as antidepressants). It's more than likely to be the ridiculous cycle of: Step One: Girl is unhappy and is saying she wants to kill herself and is depressed. Step Two: Girl goes to therapist. Therapist asks young girl to tell them how she feels and why. Step Three: Therapist puts girl on antidepressants and/or tells her that she has to come to terms with her feelings and suggests dumb methods like listening to soothing music or screaming into a pillow to help. Step Four: Girl might feel better for a short time, but then she doesn't anymore because antidepressants failing as they tend to do or a half-assed method not working anymore/she can't come to terms with herself. Step Five: Rinse and repeat. She will see his reaction as an overreaction, and that is really all that matters in this case if he really wants her to let him help. As I said in my first post, it's understandable because he cares and what she is threatening is serious, but he also has to consider her point of view if he wishes to get anywhere with her. If you try to force her into help, try to get other people involved when she trusted you enough to come to you at all, or stress out too badly it's going to push her away. The best option is to give her the space she needs and let her know you're there if she needs someone she can trust to vent to. Which is why I added it's okay to step in forcefully if she actually seriously starts attempting to kill herself or resorts to any bad methods of dealing with it. If her threats become more than just the empty threats of an angry/unhappy teenager and she tries to act on them, then there isn't much of a choice left other than being forceful to prevent her from doing it. You shouldn't be forceful before that step, though, because if you are, it could actually help lead them to that step from making them even more unhappy.
  14. Sounds a quite a bit like me in my early/mid teenage years. In my experience, therapists are full of hogwash and a waste of time and money. I tried that route multiple times with multiple different therapists. I honestly wish I never saw a therapist in the first place, so I'd personally suggest against seeking professional help. I'll never get over my therapist resentment for how much worse they all made things, so I'd hate to see another person end up in the same boat that I was in. Honestly, listening to people tell you things will get better or having strangers listen to your problems will do little to nothing for someone who is really unhappy. When I was in that stage, what would have made me feel better would have been having someone close I could talk to that would keep what I said strictly between us and also not try to force me into anything or overreact. She might be pushing you away because, no offense, but you have overreaction written all over you. I know that it's serious to harm yourself, and I also know it's because you care, but you have to try to understand how she feels and not get so stressy or you'll just push her away even more. I'd also suggest having her get rid of the fake friends. I too had fake friends when I was around her age, that stole from my house and used me quite often, and I felt a bit better when I finally cut my ties with them. She probably only puts up with them because she thinks it's better than being alone, but it really isn't. Sadly, it probably won't stop until she matures and comes to terms with things on her own. That's what happened with me, anyways. I got over it on my own when I was ready and not with the help of forced help. You can be supportive and helpful, though, by just letting her know you're there if she needs you and make it clear that whatever she tells you will stay strictly between you two (so I suggest not going to your parents about it). You can't force her to come to you right away, though, so you have to be patient with it. I'd only suggest stepping in forcefully if she actually was trying to make a serious suicide attempt or resorting to something bad like drugs.
  15. If I were a beginner who needed a lot help with hard mode, I'd be taking this thread's advice for sure.
  16. I just did a Frederick and Sumia pair-up run from chapters 3-7 including the two paralogues. By the end of chapter 7 they have an A.5 and will be S by the end of the paralogue right after 7. Sumia is also ready to be promoted by 7 and her stats are pretty good.
  17. There's a difference between assuming every player will pair Sumia up with Frederick and assuming perfect play for a tier list.
  18. I have two dream homes (one of which I like more than the other, but both are good). Dream home 1: An old traditional Japanese farmhouse (Minka I believe they are called). The interior is just amazing. Example: I honestly can't picture a more comfortable home. Dream home 2: An old Victorian house with a gothic touch. Best example I could find in a quick google search: It's so beautiful.
  19. I said I was going to wait two days, but the results already seem pretty obvious (and have since yesterday). This thread also gets 40-60 votes on average, so I can't see much more traffic happening today except for maybe a couple extra votes... Chrom x Sumia is our winner!
  20. I was actually planning to do a friendship support poll right after this one finished, and then follow that one up with a parent support poll. I like doing polls.
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