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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. Alright, the final round of voting has begun. It all comes down to which girl gets Chrom's love. GO CHROM X SUMIA *ahem* I'll leave this open for two days.
  2. Of course something with Sumia on the cover would sell so much. If this is only counting America's and Japan's sales, then wouldn't it be more than likely that the sales in Europe would have it past the one million mark?
  3. Chrom x Sumia is honestly the only pairing I REALLY like from Awakening
  4. Round 5 poll is ready for voting! Tomorrow we move onto the finals finally. GO OTP YOU'RE STILL IN THE GAME *pom-poms*
  5. I like Sumia and Olivia the most because shy and clumsy personalities are my favorite for female characters. I like female characters to have a personality I can relate to, because I'm a shy/quiet and clumsy person myself. I like Nowi simply for being insanely adorable. Her personality and pouty face is just the cutest to me. I like Say'ri for both her design and how she presents herself. She's serious, well-mannered, and good at taking charge when she has to. I like Gaius for both his design and his sweets obsession personality. I honestly find him to be just hilarious. I like Inigo for being a shy male with a flirty personality to try to overcome his shyness. I normally hate flirty characters, but I think Inigo is a bit of a special case. He's like that to cover up how shy he is, and to me, that's really cute. I dislike Severa because I HATE tsunderes with a burning passion. To me, they are the worst type of character. I dislike Cordelia because I find her Chrom obsession even after she is married/supporting to just be flat out terrible. I also find it quite boring that all her character really has to offer is a perfectionist that is obsessed with a guy. I dislike Tharja mainly for her design, but her personality bothers me too. I'm very picky about creepy characters, I either end up adoring them or loathing them depending on how they are presented. Tharja is an example of how not to do a creepy character in my opinion.
  6. Round 4 poll is ready for voting! GO MY OTP GO You really should finish the game, though. It's a bit weird not to.
  7. Top Red Delicious Apples Cataloupe High Grapes Watermelon Medium Bananas Low Everything else Absolutely Vile Pineapples
  8. It's time to start narrowing down the best pairings. I had to do two polls for today because the options wouldn't all fit on one poll, but the results for both polls will count as one (meaning the top seven from both polls combined will go onto the next round). Happy voting!
  9. Time for the last day of round 1. The poll is now open for voting! Go Inigo x Lucina. Pretty people should make pretty babies together
  10. As I just said, the Avatar is treated as a self insert character when other characters are not. More than half of the time people would vote for Avatar x their favorite character/s for the self insert purposes. As for Morgan, it kept the organization of parent/child and also gender. Organization is an important thing to have. Also as Celes added, the same pairing could win twice because we'd either have to have Avatar day with all of the pairings for it to be organized well or simply not count the Avatar only pairings so there wouldn't have to be an Avatar day (which is the worse option of the two). We get that you dislike the set-up and no matter how much I stress the organization thought behind it you probably won't budge on disliking it, but I'd appreciate it if you could stop coming in the thread to complain about it every other day. It derails the thread and it's also kind of rude because it's obvious I put a lot of thought into the set-up and didn't just put it as it is for no good reason.
  11. A character being in two pairings doesn't make "logic fail" whatsoever. It just means that the character has multiple really good/popular supports and doesn't take away from the objective of the contest at all. As for the Avatar days (since it gets complained about every few pages or so), it seemed like the common sense thing to do for two reasons. Reason one is that Avatar x anyone would win most of the time (not just a couple) since Avatar is used as a self insert character. The pairings between characters would have a low chance because of this. Reason two is because Avatar had to have his/her own day even if he/she was added to every poll due to the fact that there are characters that can only marry the Avatar. It would be kind of dumb not to save all of the Avatar pairings for Avatar day when it had to happen anyways.
  12. I too find red hair hideous. I've known of people who liked Cordelia before even playing the game simply because they thought she was a hot red head. It's not the only reason why she is liked, but red hair popularity certainly is one of them.
  13. I like Frederick x Lissa. I thought they had good chemistry in the start of the game, so they ended up being my first decided pairing in my first play through. Their supports were okay, but I generally find Frederick supports to be dull. I still think they are a good pairing, though, because the whole young princess and her guardian knight thing has an appeal to it (along with the good chemistry mentioned above).
  14. The polls for day 8 are now open for voting! Not sure if I should vote Chrom x Olivia or Henry x Olivia. URGHH
  15. Day 7 poll is now open for voting! I wish I could skip over Sully day and move onto Olivia and Cherche
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