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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. 1. Water (Lapras) 2. Ice (Glaceon) 3. Fairy (Sylveon) 4. Dragon (Dragonair) 5. Electric (Ampharos) 6. Ghost (Froslass She's an ice ghost, but should still count) 7. Grass (Lilligant) 8. Flying (Altaria) 9. Psychic (Gothorita) 10. Fire (Rapidash) 11. Normal (Skitty) 12. Steel (Mawile) 13. Dark (Absol) 14. Poison (Roselia, I guess) 15. Fighting (Lucario) 16. Ground (I don't really like any ground Pokemon) 17. Rock (I don't like any rock Pokemon) 18. Bug (I don't like any bug Pokemon)
  2. I like kissing my partner, but I prefer hugs more. I find being held nicer than kissing.
  3. Hmm, I could probably put together a list for this one. - Sunny weather - Warm weather - Orange juice - Mexican food - Seafood - Tsunderes - Sci-fi - Sports - Zombies - Red hair - Tattoos - Flip flops - Facial hair - Jeans
  4. http://www.serebii.net/xy/lumiosestyle.shtml
  5. Put a love letter in his shoe locker asking him to meet you after school at sunset on the school roof. Too lazy to find anime gif of said scene
  6. Snow/cold weather. I always hear people complain about how much they hate cold weather and snow, but I absolutely love it. I wish it could snow and stay cold all year round.
  7. Valerie by far. The fairy gym is amazing.
  8. Does anyone know how to talk to the "boss" in the lost hotel? They always make fun of my clothes and then turn me away. I tried changing a few times and it didn't work. .__.
  9. "Happiness is being with him" is the first thing that came to my mind tbph.
  10. My team ended up being: Chesnaught - I only picked it because the water starter wasn't kawaii enough for me to use, honestly. I also didn't want to use the fire witch Blaziken - One of the only Mega Pokemon I liked, plus I was able to get him right away, so I figured why not? I also needed a fire type. Lapras - It's hard to not use my favorite Pokemon ever, so I put Blastoise in the box as soon as I received Lapras. Sylveon - Of course I'd try out the ultra kawaii new eeveelution. Sylveon is probably my favorite new Pokemon. Ampharos - Another favorite Pokemon bias. I love my electric sheep. Altaria - I needed a flier that wasn't ugly and/or didn't suck. I'm also quite fond of Altaria too I caught a lot of the new Pokemon, but I didn't end up wanting to use them because I'm not too fond of this gen. I would have used Pumpkaboo if it didn't evolve into a melted penis EDIT: Typo fix.
  11. I have a black long haired female with gray contacts in. I switch in between two different outfits for her. Outfit 1: Outfit 2: The name I won't share because I named her my real name.
  12. The design for Luigi's isn't very good and I hate the color gold. Both look ugly to me. I also don't like XL, so..
  13. I'm only going to get about four hours of sleep tonight because of Pokemon. :<
  14. So apparently Squirtle is herpes, Psyduck is Gonorrhea, Bulbasaur is Syphilis, Charmander is HIV, Pikachu is Chlamydia, Snorlax is Hepatitis, and Mew is HPV.
  15. Lapras and Lugia are tied for my ultimate favorite. I'm also very fond of Glaceon, Blastoise, Froslass, Ampharos, and Lilligant.
  16. Well, look at it this way, at least it's only a week. It could have been two weeks, a month, etc.
  17. I was supposed to see Romeo and Juliet in theaters with my love today, but our date got postponed until tomorrow due to inconvenient show times. I wish I had the great day luck. :<<<
  18. Shy, well-mannered, artistic. I asked my partner for some help
  19. I like Angel Beats, I rated it an 8/10 and care enough to have it on DVD, but I like Air and Kanon (2006) more. The only thing by Key that I don't like is Clannad, but I'm generally a big Key fan
  20. I rarely ever get zits, and when I do they are really tiny and heal within a couple days. I do have a tiny scar on my cheek, though, that you can see if you look at my face really closely. T_T I don't even know how it got there.
  21. I'm usually really hungry at night, but barely hungry during the day.
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