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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. I've never tried the lemon kind, but I remember I was obsessed with a hot pink one when I was a little girl (I can't remember what flavor it was). It was my "barbie ice cream." Perhaps I should try lemon eventually.
  2. I wish I had a hoodie like that. :<
  3. Maybe means "a mere possibility" whereas probably means "almost certainly." To say they mean the same thing is basically like saying peanut butter is the same as jelly.
  4. It has to have the right kind of atmosphere. For example, being out on a date only to have an unexpected storm come and get stuck outside in the middle of it.
  5. I do have a bucket list, but it's honestly full of random silly things that would make me happy. - Go on a shopping spree in Akihabara - Travel to Bucharest, Romania (I'd also like to see Bran Castle in Romania too) - Eat pizza by the water ledge in Venice, Italy - Go to London - Go ice skating with my love at night under the stars (but teach him how to ice skate first :<) - Watch 1k anime titles (half way there) - Go to a ball in a beautiful fancy dress - Get a book published - Have a long kiss in the rain with my love - Have children with my love - Open my own bakery But even if I couldn't do most of these things, just having him by my side for the rest of my life would make it more than fulfilling enough
  6. Hmm, I remember making a joke thread about hating Severa, but I guess she really is one of my least favorite personalities when I really think about it. I'm not very fond of tsundere personalities (all my least favorite anime characters are tsunderes too).
  7. I haven't the slightest idea what igoogle is. *googles it*
  8. I'd like to participate in this. Would making avatars and signatures be considered a valid gift? I like doing graphic design work in photoshop (avatars, signatures, layouts, banners, gifs, etc). Things I like:
  9. Eirika and Ephraim naked together as one. Why do I like incest so much
  10. Begone, caramel apples. You're nasty.
  11. I always sleep with a fan on. Even if it's insanely cold out I'll still sleep with the fan on.
  12. I'm going to be baking for around five hours once I'm more awake. Then at night I'm watching a vampire movie with my love while eating pizza and the stuff I baked. It's a shame that I'm a bit sick for this Halloween, though. :< Stupid throat/dizziness
  13. Why is there only low quality candy and not the good stuff like Lindt, Cadbury, Godiva, etc? /candy snob GO TIKI
  14. But Celes is a guy. A Gary Oak look-a-like girly guy, but a guy nonetheless.
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