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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. Louise and Ninian. Louise makes Ninian look like poop though
  2. Mint chocolate chip is my ultimate favorite, but I'm also very fond of green tea ice cream too.
  3. I just hope anyone besides Lon'qu wins. I find both his appearance and personality to be unattractive.
  4. I forgot to update this to round three. Facepalm.jpg The poll for round three is finally now open for voting!
  5. 1. Celes was post banned for a week. All posts he tries to make have to be approved by the mods, and quite frankly Celes isn't the kind of person to have patience for such nonsense. So he isn't posting at all and I'm acting as his spokesperson for him whenever he wants a post made. I was actually supposed to come in here and officially announce Lucina to be the winner a couple days ago, but since I can't close the poll for him we just decided not to bother. 2. As Redwall already mentioned, he also isn't posting for reasons mentioned elsewhere. 3. Celes finds Cherche to be plain at best and finds Lucina to be the third prettiest girl behind Sumia and Tiki; he isn't rigging the poll or acting out of bias. So with that said, I crown Lucina the winner on Celes's behalf. Any further votes will just not be counted.
  6. Studio Ghibli movies are also Disney movies, so Spirited Away.
  7. I'm very happy. This is the lowest possible turn count so no one can ever beat this record. Note: You might see changes in weapon use between the two videos. I had some recording issues so the two parts are different 6 turn playthroughs, but you should be able to tell that it is indeed possible at least. I had a lot of trouble with 6 turning this whereas 7 turning was relatively easy. This was because I had to carry out several tests to figure out how Anna positioned my units at the beginning of turn 5--it turns out that it depends on the position of your units in the "switch units" page. This is the most important thing that makes the 6 turn possible, because otherwise the best would be a 7 turn. It's something like this: 15 16 17 18 19 = 1 = 2 = 3 = 4 = 5 8 = 6 C 7 = 9 10 11 12 13 14 C represents Chrom. = represents empty spaces. The first unit you pick in your "switch units" page will be at position 1, and so on. I had some occasions in which 2 went into 18 for whatever reason, so it might not be 100% consistent. But it works. What Anna does is she makes your units go back into these positions. For example, I put Morgan in position 4, and she went back there on turn 5. The Team: Great Knight Chrom (Aggressor, All Stats +2, Luna, Limit Breaker, Dual Strike+) Boots Falcon Knight Ursula (Movement +1, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Luna) Boots Falcon Knight DLC Micaiah (Movement +1, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Luna) Boots Falcon Knight Mio (an Avatar) (Movement +1, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Luna) Boots Falcon Knight L'Arachel (Movement +1, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Galeforce, Luna) Boots Falcon Knight Julia (Limit Breaker, Rally Movement, Heart, Spectrum, Speed)) Boots Dark Flier Sumia!Lucina (All Stats +2, Galeforce, Limit Breaker, Luna, Rightful King) Boots Dark Flier Gaius!Noire (Movement +1, All Stats +2, Luna, Limit Breaker, Galeforce) Dark Flier Chrom!Cynthia (Limit Breaker, Luna, Galeforce, All Stats +2, Tomefaire) Dark Flier Donnel!Kjelle (Luna, Limit Breaker, All Stats +2, Galeforce, Deliverer) Dark Flier Nowi!Morgan (Movement +1, Limit Breaker, Luna, Galeforce, Deliverer) Dark Flier Avatar!Nah (Deliverer, All Stats +2, Luna, Limit Breaker, Galeforce) Dark Flier Stahl!Severa (Luna, Galeforce, Armsthrift, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker) Dark Flier Sumia (All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Luna, Tomefaire, Galeforce) Dark Flier Cordelia (Vengeance, Limit Breaker, All Stats +2, Armsthrift, Galeforce) Dark Flier Maribelle (Rally Magic, All Stats +2, Tomefaire, Limit Breaker, Galeforce) Dark Flier Lissa (All Stats +2, Rally Speed, Tomefaire, Galeforce, Limit Breaker) Dark Knight Ricken!Owain (Aggressor, Limit Breaker, All Stats +2, Galeforce, Luna) Dark Knight Henry!Brady (Galeforce, All Stats +2, Limit Breaker, Luna, Aggressor) Dark Knight Libra!Inigo (Aggressor, Galeforce, Limit Breaker, All Stats +2, TomefaireNote: This was done by Celes. He asked me to post it for him.
  8. Um, excuse me. Celes asked me to post something in here on is behalf for him, so I'm just here to copy and paste this and then leave... So, with that said...bye now!
  9. Celestia's pigtails are too divine to be compared to such vermin.
  10. I didn't even know people actually did that. What if they missed the toilet..... .________________.
  11. I never understood why Severa is so liked on this forum when she's probably the most annoying character in the entire Fire Emblem series. There is nothing good about her whatsoever. She's ugly, manipulative, greedy, slutty, selfish, bratty, and a pathetic excuse for a tsundere. Pigtails are wasted on Severa. Pigtails are supposed to be moe and cute, but the hot-head they are sitting on is anything but. Japan might as well put some pigtails on a chimpanzee while they are at it. Actually, a chimpanzee would still even be a better candidate than Severa is. Her generic hair color is atrocious. The texture looks a lot like a certain liquid I find on a certain lady product during a certain time of the month, Everybody knows that the best pigtails are black pigtails, but even with black pigtails she'd still have that ugly man face. Example of pigtails done right: Example of pigtails done wrong: "Mother, since you have so many suitors, want to see which of us gets more men?" : "How about a handsome man I can wrap around my little finger? Know anyone?" What kind of insecure manipulative slut would say stuff like that? It's terrible, She's terrible. "I want this, that, and everything!" "The future? It was awful, obviously. The men had pouty doomsday faces. And the accessory shops? Empty! What? Oh, well yes, the world was on the brink of annihilation, but the MEN? Gods!" She's selfish and greedy. All she ever does is manipulate people into buying her a bunch of things (examples: her dad and Brady) or go on and on about how she loves to spend money on accessories because she's insecure and needs them to feel better about herself. Men, money, and outdoing her mother is all that goes through that sickening little mind of hers. "I love you too. And if you cheat on me, I'll rip your eyebrows off with pliers. She's violent and abusive. If she isn't threatening to hurt them because of her insecurities then she's talking down to them and mentally abusing them. Severa's character in a nutshell is this horrible little girl who lashes out at others all because her mother didn't hug her enough and tell her she was talented enough. She talks down to others and drags them through the mud to feel better about herself. She buys accessories and regards to herself as pretty to feel better about herself, She tries to wrap men around her finger to feel better about herself. She constantly tries to outshine her mother to feel better about herself. She does all of this awful stuff just so she can feel good. She is the most insecure and mentally unstable character in the whole game. Please go get killed by a Risen, Severa. Your existence in the game is nothing but a pathetic annoyance.
  12. Round two is now open for voting! I'll leave this round open for about ten hours or so, then onto round three.
  13. Alright, the top two advancing to round two are Inigo and Brady. Time to close down the current poll and set up round two.
  14. I'm not sure what timezone you're in, but if it's not past around 10pm or so you could try to invite her out to see a movie with you to cheer her up if you're willing to head out tonight (or just invite her out for sometime soon when you do feel like going out). Movie theaters tend to stay open pretty late~
  15. Parties are lame anyways. But if you feel bad why don't you just get up and go now?
  16. It's FireRed actually. FireRed and LeafGreen after the two main rivals. Poor Blue gets no love.
  17. Why do people call it "flame red?" Flames are orangey-yellow. Just like natural "red heads" are really orange heads. Methinks the world is color blind.
  18. Kirino disagrees. Not that it matters what dirty rotten tsunderes have to say
  19. It was roughly the same amount of time Chiki allowed with his poll as well. Children poll is now ready for voting. The top two children will advance with the top five first gen to round 2.
  20. So here are our top five: Gaius Libra Stahl Lon'qu Chrom I'm going to close the poll for the first gen now and set up the children poll.
  21. This is pretty much intended to be the male version of Chiki/Celes's "Most Beautiful Girl" poll. The purpose is to vote for the absolute most attractive male in Awakening. It'll be broken down into a few rounds like the female poll with a top five (not including children), top three, and then the top two to decide the winner. Anyways...onto round one. Round 1 First Gen Results: 1. Gaius 2. Stahl 3. Libra 4. Lon'qu 5. Chrom Round 1 Children Results: 1. Inigo 2. Brady Round 2 Results: 1. Gaius 2. Lon'qu 3. Inigo Round 3 Results: 1. Inigo 2. Lon'qu Winner: Inigo
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