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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. FFTF happens to be where this conversation is taking place. Be it a spam section or not, there is no excuse for ignoring someone making a point. I would have done this in any other thread in any other section, but this is where the chance happened to pop up. In other subforums there are actual subjects going on and I could get in trouble for derailing also. I'm talking to Constable, not you. It's kind of hard when he has people actually following him around and trying to argue with him everywhere he posts. That would be offputting to any normal person.
  2. See? This is exactly why Olwen doesn't even bother trying to talk to you about settling differences. All you're capable of is stupid remarks, word twisting, and childish behavior. That's it. I'm sorry, but I really hope you end up banned one of these days. I don't get why some of you even encourage this guy.
  3. Yes, I am going to be "serious" and I'm also going to "mopey dopey" This is serious. This is basically cyber bullying and also harassment on your end Constable. It's ridiculous Olwen can't even enjoy being on this forum much anymore because of this childish bullshit. He doesn't even want to fight with you and has never done anything personally against you. I have no idea what your problem is, but it isn't cute or funny.
  4. That wasn't directed at you, actually. I saw you try to talk to him about drafting in his comments, so I know you're not one of the people behaving like that. I'm directing that mainly at Bearclaw and Constable.
  5. I honestly think the majority of you are a bunch of immature hypocrites. You all whine that you dislike the way he presents himself or dislike his views that aren't considered to be very popular, but so what? You all present yourselves just as poorly as Olwen does if not even more poorly at that. You all have viiews that others dislike or are viewed unpopular generally by a majoriry. Everybody does. Olwen is not perfect, and neither are any of you. Yes, Olwen isn't the best at wording things, but he doesn't do it on purpose and is trying to work on it and even improving. Some other members even noticed his improvements and mentioned them in threads. And even if he doesn't word things the best way, big deal. It's a lot better to be too opinionated than it is to spend your online time acting like a bunch of catty middle school girls. You're all a bunch of hypocrites for calling him out on his flaws when you have your own, and you're not very good people for ganging up against him when he never personally does anything to you.
  6. I honestly pity the wagon runner. It doesn't look very good when you have hours of your day to waste on following someone around to argue with them at any given chance. You're not the wagon. Olwen doesn't even notice you're there most of the time. You're just one of the riders.
  7. Don't you have anything better to do than follow Olwen around to argue with him at any given chance you get? As for the topic discussion, I'll be going with the obvious answer of Donnel.
  8. Anyone who dislikes Olwen is most likely a bandwagon idiot anyways.
  9. Pros: - Becomes tank with some training - Good pair up partner - Good defense - 1-2 space attack range - Decent growth - Manakete class for the win Cons: - Rocky start 7.5/10 without bias 8.5/10 with bias for having the most adorable personality and being a dragon.
  10. I'd be a pegasus knight. I'm cute and I'd much rather swoop down from the sky and attack with a lance or javelin rather than be on the ground with a sword or a tome. It would also be fun and magical to be able to ride a flying horse.
  11. Why are you so dumb?

  12. Casual is the most enjoyable imo. ^_^
  13. Ultra Kawaii Desu Tier Lucina Super Kawaii Tier Nah Morgan (M) Kawaii Tier Inigo Morgan (F) Not Very Kawaii Tier Kjelle Cynthia Owain Gerome Not Kawaii At All Tier Severa Yarne Noire Brady Laurent
  14. I am your overlord. Your queen. Your goddess. Submit to my will.

    1. Chiki


      I'll do as I please.

  15. 9.4/10 for the exact reasons Chiki already said. 10/10 bias (this should be painfully obvious. She's my favorite unit to use in all of Fire Emblem.)
  16. I really don't get why Micaiah has so many votes. Out of that entire list she probably is the least mary sue. She makes tons of mistakes and is imperfect, unlike a lot of other characters on the poll.
  17. Glad I'm not the only one that laughed at her death. It was so melodramatic.
  18. Crying over a video game? I think not. It's hard for entertainment to make me cry, and a video game is probably the least likely of all. I did laugh when Emmeryn died, though, if that counts as an emotional reaction. >_>
  19. So which character designs do you find to be the most attractive and least attractive? Most attractive female: Sumia (how surprising!) Honorable mentions: Louise, Leanne, Lucina, Tiki, and Say'ri Least attractive female: Sully Honorable mentions: Tanith, Ena, Meg, Jill, Titania, and Cordelia (I find red heads the least attractive of all. To me, they are hideous.) Most attractive male: Stahl (because he looks the most like my love) Honorable mentions: Reyson, Libra, Gaius, Lucius, and Chrom Least attractive male: Izuka (lol) Honorable mentions: Ike, Eliwood, Makalov, Brom, and Gregor
  20. She is a reilable unit with high move, but she lacks galeforce. She would have been the second best in the game if she had it, but is third behind galeforce Sumia and Avatar instead imo. 8.5/10 7/10 with bias (she looks like a sheman dressed in a toilet and has an annoying personality. I'm also biased against red hair because it's gross)
  21. He starts off great, but his growth is very slow, so by the time you reach the later chapters he's kind of crappy compared to a handful of your other units imo. 7/10
  22. So let's like, actually talk about Galeforce now, and not Olwen and his way of wording things. Why does everyone either like or dislike Galeforce personally?
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