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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. I don't think I'm being biased because I do agree, but I'll take your word for it. It was more of everything combined. "your ways of doing so are less-than-flattering," "everything you say reeks of bias," and the joke. I didn't know that was a joke, though, because I'm not good at detecting jokes when I'm being serious. It was basically just that all of that stacked up on top of each other in a small post came across as a bit rude to me. And the first time I talked to you the conversation wasn't very pleasant, so I kind of half expect you to be rude to me by default. I'm also quite aware Olwen can be rude/insensitive sometimes, and he has me on his case about it quite often. So basically he just has to post something like that to get the topic to move on?
  2. Forgive me, but I feel the need to point something out. It's a little ironic to hear you speak about bias, because as far as I can see you yourself have a slight bias against Olwen. I'm also not being bias. When Olwen is wrong I tell him when he is wrong and I have done exactly that before in the past. I personally think he is in the right, but perhaps a little too blunt about it, and that the gangbanging against him is unnecessary. I also don't understand why you have to resort to being rude to people. I haven't been rude to you once, so I honestly don't think I deserve it. As for ths actual topic: I don't see why this thread would have to be closed? That's exactly what he thinks, but he personally doesn't want it closed, he wants it to stay open as the official Galeforce thread. It has some slight off-topic posts, but that can easily be changed once the current conversation dies down or if a mod just posts for people to stay on the topic at hand.
  3. 1. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth. Even if you do, the fact remains that one does not have to take something offensively. Some people choose to take others opinions offensively and some do not. 2. Sorry, but I don't support that kind of argument, I'm actually against it. It's so easy to take any given logic and twist to around "Well what if a murderer-" or "what if an anti gay--" even though it's quite clear that they are morally different. There are different circumstances in which the same logic that works in one circumstance will not work in the other. 3. Then you really shouldn't be in this thread to begin with if you have nothing to contribute to the topic.
  4. 1. One doesn't have to take it offensively. I'm caucasian and I can careless if people hate my race or love it. 2. Racial slurs =/= Video game talk 3. I did say that people were free to disagree with him, ergo criticism, so yeah. I don't like to repeat myself, so I won't.
  5. This pretty much nails the pros and cons imo. 4.5/10
  6. That's just how you interrupt it. He started it with "I think" to make it clear it is his personal opinion. He isn't trying to insult anyone or force his ideals onto anyone, and if people didn't immediately pinpoint on the negative they would be able to see that. I don't have the same way of playing the game and he thinks I'm a great player, so I really don't see why people are trying so hard to latch onto anything they can to start a fight or feel insulted.
  7. Well, this topic was intended to be the official general Galeforce thread, so I don't see why it would be unnecessary. Just like there is an official Lunatic thread and a bunch of other threads about Lunatic mode. This thread is pretty much the same purpose as that.
  8. I'm sorry, but I strongly disagree. I don't think creating a thread is asking for people to follow him around because they don't like him. It is asking for a debate, but the invisible line is being crossed unjustly so. The magnitude of hate he is getting is that of Osama Bin Laden over an opinion that the best players like a game skill. It's okay to disagree with him, but things are being taken too far. Having unpopular opinions and views is not trolling. Fair enough, but that isn't what Olwen is referring to. He was talking about people who think that Galeforce is a bad skill, so I don't see what people who simply think it's overhyped but still good/decent are getting their "pantes in a twist" about, so to say. He made this thread to talk about Galeforce, naturally. And no, he wasn't expecting anyone to "stroke his ego," but he did expect to find other people who like Galeforce too so he could have someone to discuss it with. In most other topics people complain about Galeforce most of the time, so he was trying to create a place to discuss it in a more positive light. He also expected people to disagree with him, and he more than welcomed a debate or for someone to rationally challenge his opinions. There is a MAJOR difference in disagreeing with him and creating threads to mock him. Disagreeing with him is posting your opinion that conflicts with his in the thread, and most likely trying to start a debate of sorts or something along that line. Running off to create a thread mocking him on a different part of the forum is not disagreement, it is flamebait. Cold, hard, flamebait, and it is appalling. There definitely was a report of it. How do I know this? Because I was the one who reported it. I reported the original thread created for the sole purpose of mocking and making fun of Olwen and his views because that was definitely flamebait. What are you even talking about? Olwen beat Lunatic mode in 2 hours without using Galeforce at all, so obviously he must know ways to play well that don't involve using Galeforce. Fair enough. Yes, I am "absolutely positively sure" about this. He may be outspoken and blunt with his opinions, but he definitely isn't trying to insult anyone. As far as I'm aware, most of the good players do acknowledge Galeforce, Red Fox of Fire included. They may think it is overrated or might not put it to much use as others, but they still acknowledge it is a good skill. If there are any good players that disagree and think it is a bad skill for a logical reason, then they can easily challenge Olwen to a debate about it. What are you talking about? Olwen never said that only LTCers are the only people that are good at the game. For example, I'm not a LTCer and he thinks I'm good at it. Unlike others, Olwen and I don't feel insulted unless, you know, someone actually does directly insult one of us.
  9. What he was saying is that he personally thinks that all the better players can at the very least see/acknowledge the diversity of Galeforce, and that he personally thinks that the worse players don't. It's okay if people disagree with him, but they don't have to attack him or mock him over it. He isn't actually trying to insult anyone, but is merely just expressing his honest thoughts on the subject.
  10. Nearly half of the people in this thread just follow Olwen around simply to disagree with him because they "don't like him" or some other childish reason like that. If he said the grass was green I'm willing to bet money on a few certain people showing up to argue that's wrong too. Sure, he can be a bit of an elitist, but who cares. At least half the people on this fourm act like elitists in some way or another. I honestly don't even get it to begin with. He never trolls, he just posts his genuine opinions. So you may not agree with his tier lists, how he does things, or how good of a skill Galeforce is. Big deal. That doesn't justify following him around in threads just to mock him or argue again him. It's actually harassment and it's kind of alarming the mods haven't done anything about a couple users yet, despite the major flamebait from just a few days ago. And for the record, he doesn't think that LTCing is the only way to play. How do I know? Because I watch him play Fire Emblem all the time and that isn't the only way that he plays. He messes around and has fun on some playthroughs just like everyone else. He thinks that even in fun playthroughs Galeforce is useful too, and it is. You can use it to help train other units. Say you have a unit that can kill an enemy, but in return ends up with only a couple HP left and still has other enemy units within reach of them. A unit with Galeforce can take out one of the nearby units and rescue/pair up with the unit you're training to prevent them any damage in the next turn. It's also good for helping clear maps when you have those annoying chapters that have multiple new reinforcements show up pretty much every turn. Lastly, it's good for guerilla warfare, as Olwen already mentioned. Sure, the skill is more useful for LTCing, but it is also useful regular playthroughs too. I'm not an LTCer and I made great use out of Galeforce in my playthroughs. It didn't even take my fliers that long to get it because they are actually quite easy and quick to train. It's a fantastic skill, so I for the life of me will never comprehend why so many people complain it's "overrated" and things along the line. Perhaps you may not put it to much use personally, but it is definitely a skill worth having.
  11. When people play for fun they are usually just messing around, like when you do your first playthrough of a new game. Your main concern is seeing the characters and seeing the plot, caring about tiers and skills and best pairing matches usually don't come to mind. You're just trying to have some fun and enjoy the game. I don't see what the problem is in not counting "for fun" playthroughs. It seems obvious.
  12. Rainy weather > snowy weather > cloudy weather > sunny weather
  13. Female Avatar: 9.5/10 (Can only have one powerful child not counting Chrom support) Male Avatar: 8/10 (lack of galeforce unlike the female avatar)
  14. When are you going to add the children to the tier list? I'm curious to see a few of their rankings.
  15. Still spending your free time trying to mock someone for having different opinions than you? You must have a really unfulfilling life.
  16. "Wahhh I have nothing better to do than mock someone I don't agree with! How dare he not listen to me come into his thread just to argue with him! Wahhh" This is just sad.
  17. I think you should be thankful the bullying takes place at school at the very least, because trust me, it could be worse. A lot worse. I'll honestly say that I don't think school counselors will be of any real help to you, nor do I think professional ones will be either. Teachers can scold the kids, but they'll just face their punishment and do it again as kids do, so they can't do much for you either when it all comes down to it. My suggestion is to really consider which person you have in your life that you can trust, either an online friend or anyone IRL, and use them to vent to. It'll help a lot if you have someone you trust to vent to and support you through trying to deal with all the little brats.
  18. I'd read what was on my partner's mind 24/7. That would be very useful and he'd never get away with anything.
  19. seni seviyorum

  20. Amina koyim

  21. Blaming the game designers for something you don't like isn't an argument. The fact remains that it is canon, it was obviously ment to be canon, and it is a solid reason for people to dislike the character.
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