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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. How can the knight that is trusted to look after Chrom and Lissa be compared to a lusting fangirl for doing his job?
  2. Severa's entire introduction is about her being mad at her mother for her Chrom obsession. If that isn't blatant proof that Cordelia lusts after Chrom even after marrying and having a child, I don't know what is. Olwen said emotiionally cheating, not physically cheating. Emotional cheating is lusting for/being in love with someone else while you're with someone.
  3. 1. Chrom is always married, even if he doesn't marry one of the playable characters he is made to marry a random village girl in the game. 2. The point Olwen is trying to make is that she can flirt with a married man that has a child with his wife. That is low, extremely low. Also, how is someone pointing out what knowledge is presented to us in canon making up crap? If you're going to call Severa deluded, provide soild proof and not just your assumption.
  4. I simply don't care for him at all.
  5. It's perfectly fine with me if they don't like straight pairings. Everyone has their own preferences.
  6. Of course I have a reason for this. I don't like gay pairings. Why? They make me feel uncomfortable and nauseated. I don't like to read or see that stuff in my entertainment, because it's not very "entertaining" for me. And just to specify so people don't absurdly assume that I'm some hate nut that chases gay rights activists around with pitchforks (because in most cases people are so sensitive about my opinion that they make unfounded assumptions about it and somehow become offended by my personal preferences), I can care less if someone else likes gay pairings or is gay themselves. I don't "hate" gays, but I'm not going to pretend I have a preference for same sex on same sex relations. People have just as much right to be into it as I do to dislike having to see it in my entertainment.
  7. Chrom x anyone who isn't Sumia. Sumia x anyone who isn't Chrom Tharja x Avatar Gregor x Nowi Sully x anyone
  8. If you could be any Fire Emblem character for 24 hours, which character would you like to be? How would you spend that 24 hours? For me it is a tie between Sumia and Ilyana. I'd pick Sumia because pegasus knights happen to be my favorite class, and Sumia happens to be my favorite pegasus knight/character in general. If I had the chance to be her for a day I'd spend it flying around in the sky on a pegasus. Perhaps I'd throw a few javelins at practice dummies just for the experience as well. I'd pick Ilyana because I like the thunder tomes the best, and I honestly would feel pretty bad ass if I could go around zapping things for a day.
  9. You're cheating on me with a man then.
  10. I'd honestly like to cosplay Sumia some day. I already have the long brown hair naturally, so I wouldn't have to worry about a wig. Making her outfit seems like it could be a pain, though, because I'm a bit of a perfectionist about such things. It could probably end up being pretty pricey in the end. I also don't thnk I'd be able to convince my partner to dress up as Chrom alongside me, so the pretty picture in my head of them together wouldn't come true. :<
  11. Chrom x Sumia (absolute favorite) Henry x Olivia (they look so cute together :<) Gaius x Nowi Lon'qu x Cordelia Virion x Female Avatar Libra x Tharja Inigo x Severa
  12. As cliche as it sounds, when I met the love of my life and entered a relationship with him.
  13. Hector Jill Iiyana Soren Sumia Florina Nowi Reyson Mia Say'ri Sain Titania Tharja
  14. I'd honestly prefer a Lugia background, but Olwen likes Reshiram so no Lugia for me. :<
  15. Well, do you? I personally think that prancing around my home barefoot is the most comfortable, unless perhaps it's very cold.
  16. I agree with Cinnamon Toast Crunch being in the top tier, but I disagree with Fruity Pebbles being lower than Cocoa Pebbles. Cocoa Pebbles don't even taste chocolately, so naturally Fruity Pebbles > Cocoa Pebbles.
  17. In the few times Sumia has her klutz moments, she's always embarrassed and sad about it. She doesn't go "omigawd" like a moron who thinks it's cute. In fact, she wishes she didn't have that trait and expresses her grief about it.
  18. I can say with quite certainty that Brom's bare ass is cuter than Jar Jar.
  19. Which character/s do you love the most in the entire FE series? My number one choice is definitely Sumia (hence my username). She bakes, she's clumsy, she's cute, she's kindhearted, and she's a good wife/mother. Other characters I adore are Nowi, Sain, Florina, Soren, Reyson, and Ilyana.
  20. No. I couldn't find a decent Sumia fanart to use for an avatar, so I just picked something that kind of looked like her a bit.

    1. Junkhead


      It's funny. x)

  21. Why aren't you on Skype? .__. You just vanished.

  22. God Tier - Chocolate muffins Demigod Tier - Chocolate chip muffins - Blueberry muffins - Cinnamon rolls Top Tier - Pancakes Mid Tier - French toast - Coffee cake - Danishes - Waffles Low Tier - Bran muffins (those are just nasty)
  23. Muffins (particularly chocolate) > pancakes > waffles > french toast.
  24. I just realized I forgot a character. I also dislike Cordelia a lot. She's a terrible wife to have. Even after marrying someone else and having a child with them she continues to obsess over Chrom and lust for him. I find it sickening.
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