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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. I honestly don't really like people all that much. I find them scary and difficult to deal with. I much prefer to let my partner handle social situations (like talking to cashiers or people or anything) and just hide behind him or cling to his side until it's over. I suppose I could handle quiet people, because they wouldn't overwhelm me. Shy people are good too because they can understand how I feel.
  2. Oh look, a loser. Hi loser!

  3. No galeforce = goddess? Does not compute. Sumia-sama on the other hand...
  4. Sumia for all, obviously. Tharja is equivalent to the gum on the bottom of Sumia's shoes tbph.
  5. All dubs are atrocious except MAYBE FMA:B. Maybe. I HATE HATE HATE Madoka Magica dubs the most. It sounds like ear poison to me, though, that may be because I rewatched the Japanese version way too many times, but I REFUSE to believe nobody else thinks this dub is as atrocious as I do.
  6. Nowi for all. She's super adorable in both looks and personality, plus she is good in gameplay. Tharja is hideous and has a horrible personality. Her outfit reminds me of a slutty egyptian as well. She's basically the hentai version of Cleopatra
  7. Cream cheese, apricot, and green onion? That sounds really gross imo. Then again, I only eat mushroom pizza, so everything that isn't mushroom pizza is gross to me.
  8. Even when the universe ends you can't die. You'd just float forever through nothingness. Let's assume the tallest skyscraper in the world. As for speed, you can fly up to 65 mile per hour. As for wings, no wings. You just lift yourself up and that's that. Now to answer my own question.. I'd personally pick mind reading. I could really put that ability to use. I'd enter poker and chess games with cash prizes and put my ability to use to accumulate a lot of money. I could also use it to read my peer's minds to help me get ahead. I could blackmail the competition with their weakness, or perhaps just simply outdo what they have planned to do as a less ugly method. Being able to read my partner's mind would also be very useful. I could probably make a grocery list of things to do with it, really. So mind reading it is!
  9. On a fine mid-autumn afternoon, you're walking down a path on your way home from the market when you spot an old man on the side of the road. You can tell that the old man is homeless by his raggy torn clothes and dirt covered body. It's safe to assume he hasn't had anything to eat in a while judging by how thin he is, so in a moment of kindness you give the old man three red apples and a loaf of bread from your shopping bag. It turns old that the old man is a wizard and he wants to pay you back for your kindness. He offers to give you one of the following powers: 1.Immortality - You're now alive forever! NOTHING can kill you and you will not age. The con is if you ever get bored of living you can't die. 2.Telekinesis - You can now lift things with your mind! The con is you can't lift anything that weighs more than double your weight. 3.Flying- You can now fly through the skies! You can fly up to 65 miles per hour and you don't have wings. The con is you can't fly higher than the tallest skyscraper. 4.Reading Minds- You can now invade everyone's privacy! The cons are you can only read one mind at a time and the person must be within three yards of you. 5.Super Strength - You can now lift elephants! The con is you can't lift things for more than 30 seconds. 6.Time Travel - You can now travel through time! The con is that you can't travel more than 5 years into the past and/or future. Which power do you pick?
  10. Slip into my chuunibyou personality because I'm really a vampire ninja but it's a secret Watch anime.
  11. Sumia for personality, but it's not like she has much to compete with for this anyways. Cordelia's personality is just a girl obsessively in love with a boy (hence why they named her "Tiamo" in the Japanese version). She's boring. Sumia is a cute girl that is shy and clumbsy and wants to improve herself overall. Extra props for cooking too. Sumia again for gameplay. Cordelia is a pretty good unit and all, but I personally think Sumia is better. Sumia for overall too obviously.
  12. 1. Lapras 2. Lugia 3. Blastoise 4. Froslass 5. Rapidash 6. Glaceon 7. Lilligant 8. Jirachi 9. Altaria 10. Absol My top two are tied for my ultimate favorite.
  13. Discovering a toilet full of period blood is the worst, and I've had the pleasure of discovering that on a couple occasions.
  14. I'll have to go with a top ten or so. My top choice: Two of my favorite bands doing a song together is always good. Now the rest in no specific order: 2. Amaranth by Nightwish 3. Undisclosed Desires by Muse 4. Heart Shaped Glasses by Marilyn Manson 5. Our Destiny by Epica 6. Frozen by Celldweller 7. Hope Vol.2 by Apocalyptica 8. Shot In The Dark by Within Temptation 9. Moonlight by Kamelot 10. Sonne by Rammstein 11. Our Time Is Running Out by Muse 12. Our Truth by Lacuna Coil
  15. I don't think Olwen was initially wrong, but he did take it a bit too far. I can see how he isn't an innocent victim entirely, however, he was not the instigator either. I honestly can't even comprehend why anyone would feel offended by someone trying to guess what they were thinking, it's one of the most basic things to happen in social situations. When you read a book you try to vision what the author was thinking to understand their work. When you read an essay written by someone you try to figure out what they were thinking to make their points. When you interact with people you try to figure out what they are thinking so you can understand them. When someone guesses what another is thinking they can be wrong, and there is an appropriate way for it to be handled. The person can easily tell them they are incorrect and then follow it up by what they meant/were thinking. If they aren't comfortable with someone guessing what they meant, then they can easily ask the person to please refrain from doing that any further. That kind of response would naturally have a better receptive. Honestly, it just gives Olwen reasons to lash out. If you don't want him to behave badly, it would help to not provoke or instigate him. He isn't going to be able to improve if people are always out to get him, because anyone is naturally going to think "well everyone is going to always be against me so what's the point" in situations like such. If people were civil enough to try to make it through a few threads without jumping on him his behavior would probably naturally start to change all across the forum. In short, you aren't helping what you're complaining about. I could see Olwen maybe apologizing that she took it wrong and explaining why he assumed what he did, but I don't think he should outright apologize for saying it. The action itself wasn't wrong. And I have to agree that calling someone names and losing your cool isn't helping or in someone's best interest.
  16. Bake a mountain of chocolate chip cookies. Gorge myself. Gain five pounds. Share the rest.
  17. I find both long and short hair unattractive. Medium length for the win.
  18. Because I think that even if something is unlikely it's still at the very least worth a try. Everyone and everything deserves some benefit of the doubt, and I also find it better to think optimistically until the end. That's just the kind of person I am.
  19. Well, I tried. I'm not very surprised that attempting to talk about the situation didn't get me anywhere. It was already predicted that it wouldn't, but it was at the very least worth a shot. It doesn't even matter if this is the FFTF section, because it honestly wouldn't have worked anywhere else either. So obviously a different approach is the only answer. With that I take my leave.
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