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Everything posted by Camilla

  1. Time to start day three! I couldn't fit all of the Avatar choices, so if your couple isn't up there just select other and post who in the thread. I'll count up other votes on notepad. Morgan has a none option as requested. GOOD LUCK HUBBYS
  2. Not a single one of my picks made it :< Lucina and Sheeda. Sheeda is prettier than Lucina, but Lucina is pretty too so I'll give her a vote.
  3. FE13 voting was the thread he did in the Awakening section.
  4. Chrom or Henry could pull ahead because there are still over 12 hours left until I close voting. I can't see Gaius winning, though, which is sad because the pairing is kind of cute.
  5. I always pronounce it as WAY-VERN, but I could be incorrect.
  6. 1. Ishtar. I personally find Jill to be one of the more homely girls for her game/s. 2. Eirika. Lucina is very cute, but Eirika is much prettier. 3. Ninian. Sheeda is pretty, but I have a Ninian bias.
  7. I personally think Frederick isn't good looking enough for Sumia, as shallow as that seems. I mean, they don't look or seem cute together at all to me, so it's my absolute least favorite pairing in the game (I'm also not fond of Frederick generally so that doesn't help either).
  8. Yes, only pairings that have supports will be recognized.
  9. Yes, I can put a none option for Morgan. That should solve any problems there might be.
  10. I could switch the Morgans perhaps, but it seems more orderly to me to have one special guy day since the contest is set up to have the girls as the main focus every other day.
  11. Time for the final round! I'll leave voting open for 48 hours and then crown our winner. GO INIGO
  12. To have girls one day and boys the other for those two since they are a special case in the poll.
  13. Since there have been plenty of diffrent contests for the characters of Awakening, I've decided to hold a contest for the best pairing. How this is going to work is I'm going to feature two characters per day and all of their possible pairings (I'll probably do mother and child each day). The pairing that gets the most votes for each character will be saved for the final rounds, and the final rounds will break it down to a top five, a top three, a top two, and then the winner. I'm only going to focus on the girls' pairings (except for male avatar and male Morgan) because all the guys still get all their pairing matches on the poll too, so it seems silly and like a waste of time to repeat things for the guys. Say'ri, Aversa, Tiki, Emmeryn, Gangrel, Anna, Walhart, Basilio, Flavia, and Priam will be excluded from this except on the Avatar days and Avatar and Morgan will be excluded until their days. It's going to take a couple weeks to get this contest all said and done, but I think it should be fun. You can check below to see which day to expect your waifus to get their poll. Round 1 Day 1 Cordelia: Stahl x Cordelia Severa: Inigo x Severa Round 1 Day 2 Sumia: Chrom x Sumia Cynthia: Owain x Cynthia Round 1 Day 3 Female Avatar: Chrom x Female Avatar Female Morgan: Owain x Female Morgan Round 1 Day 4 Male Avatar: Male Avatar x Sumia Male Morgan: Male Morgan x Nah Round 1 Day 5 Nowi: Ricken x Nowi Nah: Yarne x Nah Round 1 Day 6 Tharja: Libra x Tharja Noire: Brady x Noire Round 1 Day 7 Sully: Stahl x Sully Kjelle: Gerome x Kjelle Round 1 Day 8 Olivia: Chrom x Olivia Cherche: Virion x Cherche Round 1 Day 9 Lissa: Lon'qu x Lissa Maribelle: Lon'qu x Maribelle Round 1 Day 10 Miriel: Gregor x Miriel Panne: Gregor x Panne Round 1 Day 11 Lucina: Gerome x Lucina Round 2 1st Place: Owain x Cynthia 2nd Place: Male Morgan x Nah 3rd Place: Chrom x Sumia 4th Place: Chrom x Female Avatar 5th Place: Inigo x Severa 6th Place: Lon'qu x Lissa 7th Place: Chrom x Olivia Round 3 1st Place: Inigo x Severa 2nd Place: Chrom x Sumia 3rd Place: Chrom x Olivia 4th Place: Owain x Cynthia 5th Place: Lon'qu x Lissa Round 4 1st Place: Chrom x Sumia 2nd Place: Inigo x Severa 3rd Place: Chrom x Olivia Round 5 1st Place: Chrom x Sumia 2nd Place: Chrom x Olivia Final Round Winner: Chrom x Sumia
  14. The resemblance is uncanny.
  15. He always has all of his records posted on SF and gamefaqs, so it isn't a big deal.
  16. Cadbury and Lindt. Everything else is just bad and low quality compared to those two.
  17. This is a bit blunt, but if people are going to desperately grip at the fact that Cherche had nine votes less than Lucina before the cut-off, then they should probably refrain from taking part in contests like this because evidently they can't handle it all too well. Celes never intended this thread to be a debate or argument, but simply a contest to crown who the most beautiful girl is from the majoirty's vote. This thread was nothing more or nothing less but that. The poll spoke and named Lucina as the objectively most beautiful girl.
  18. It kind of is the fact of this contest. Lucina won the contest for who is the most beautiful girl by the majority's vote, which obviously makes her objectively the most beautiful girl. You don't have to subjectively agree, but it is what it is. "The majority wins."
  19. Because Lucina won the poll? It's only natural to put the winner's name on things, regardless of if not everyone agrees. The majority wins in situations like this (aka polls).
  20. Why would anyone do this? Don't they have any sense of shame? Gross. : [
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