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Le Communard

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Everything posted by Le Communard

  1. ...oh. I thought you were suggesting that we do that, not that that's what you had to do. There goes my veneer of sophistication. Apologies for haranguing you, then. =[
  2. Vash the Stampede? Needs moar Clint Eastwood.
  3. So your saying we should invent additional difficulty in order to make the game fun? Ye... no. I know I have better things to do--like Hearts of Iron. If anyone but the most pro player has to play any game with one arm tied behind their back, just to make it fun, that speaks very poorly for it's balance.
  4. I too had Lego Island 2. I was actually able to get past that part, but I always got stuck up on the fishing game in the desert. It seemed impossible to figure out at the time, but that was seven or eight years ago and it probably would be pathetically simple now. Other than that I had Legoland and Lego Rock Raiders. Legoland I remember as being pretty fun, but in the end it sort of amounted to little more than a run-of-the-mill theme park management game. Unlike Iceland, Rock Raiders was the apple of my eye. I used to love that game. I'm not sure I ever beat it, but it used to be so much fun. I actually downloaded it again about a year ago just for the hell of it, and it stood up very well against what I remembered. Although the controls were a little clunky, the concept was really neat and, at least I thought, played out very well.
  5. I actually enjoyed his comments about the tacky stuff more. "I wouldn't exactly call that art..." Good times. Good times. Am I the only one, though, who loves whistling the theme from this? It's so contagious--just like Bridge on the River Kwai. The only problem is that so few people know it.
  6. A good point, however, I would say in response, that you don't need to fix what isn't broken--the graphics for Chrono Trigger for the SNES are already very nice, and there's really no need, in this case, to fuck them up by screwing around with 'em. Take Tales of Phantasia, for example--that was ported from the SNES to both the PSX and the GBA, however, both times it looked significantly worse. Innovation is good, but you have to be judicious in its use or things just become a mess.Just sayin'.
  7. It means you want to off you pap and hit up your mum. True story.
  8. Le Communard


    Correction: Don't do it and, and act like your serious. Don't try and spin that yarn to me, non-person. Your permanent revolution nonsense will not be tolerated here. To the Joycamp!
  9. Le Communard


    That was a compromise, nobody actually believed anything so academic. Aha! So you admit to sullying the Revolution with your weak-minded "ideals". It's time for your reeducation. This isn't the Landover Baptist forum, you know? Poking fun at that sort of Religious drivel gets old real fast.
  10. Le Communard


    Well, I'm glad to see your mind is in the right place, Comrade. Truly you are shining paragon of Socialist Brotherhood. Why, I think this revolutionary spirit warrants an Order of Lenin! We can only hope that your example of revolutionary devotion will light the way so others with less perceptive minds will be able to follow you into egalitarian union.
  11. Le Communard


    Just saying, but, "2+2=5" is only a "fact" because mathematics is a closed system. In a real world situation, even fact is a lot stretcher than you give it credit for. For example, if my definition of the concept of "two" were different, it could be possible to argue that, even within the bounds of math, 2+2=5. It all boils down to the underlining assumptions of a society as a collective. Why, even mathematics itself only "fact" because we all agree on it and, to the best of our knowledge, it seems to work. It may not even really be "true" at all. In fact, in the real universe, there may not even be such a thing as "truth" and "fact". All I'm really saying is that it's important not to make sweeping generalizations about fact and truth, especially in an augment about something so deeply philosophical as God. And, anyways, who said 2+2=5 wasn't a fact, Comrade? When the Soviet people work with the might of the Revolution, a five year plan can easily be completed in four! MARCH IN STEP WITH FROWARD PROGRESS! LONG LIVE THE PARTY OF THE WORKER!
  12. Damn, I've been found out--and I would've gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for you and your stupid knowledge of French. Foux is so much more snappy though.
  13. Assuming that this poll refers to which group would win in a Texan-style-free-for-all-steel-cage-judo-death-match, I'd have to go with the Spice Girls, just by default--you really can't get much lower than the Backstreet Boys. Of course, the preferable outcome would be mutual annihilation--a simultaneous ridding of the world of two of its heinous scourges--but I'm not sure that ones about to happen.
  14. Le Communard


    Just to but in: Good and evil are a fiction, an elaborate lie invented by humanity to rationalize the universe and squeeze it into there tiny little boxes. In fact, everything in society is a lie--that what we consider “truth” is merely lies less egregiously wrong. Mainstream humanity attempts to paint things in terms of black and while, some more forward thinking ones in shades of gray, when in fact life is a great rainbow of color, and one must only just open their eyes to witness it’s glory. What we consider to be important is merely what our society dictates is “important”. Of course, society itself is just a refection of the communal imagination of a group of humanity, shaped by there ruling elite. We like to pretend like we have “conquered” our base instincts, our anamalian nature, when in fact we live by it every day; our veneer of civilization is a foolish product of our egotistical self importance, a pathetic attempt by humanity to pit themselves in a contest of wills against the infinitely sprawling universe that they are destined to loose.
  15. Sick bastard. To which devil did you sell your morals?
  16. What are talking about? Editing my post to make me seem foolish will get you nowhere. Talk about shameful.
  17. ...these aren't the droids you're looking for.
  18. My sensibilities have been offended by this shameless quotation of the movie. The line is: YOU CANNOT PASS! I hope you're happy.
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