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Status Updates posted by Chalis

  1. it's me right, tell me it's me

    oh god tell me it wasn't me

  2. No, it's alright. I see how it is. q_q

  3. Just luck.


  4. Death, you asshole, how am I supposed to die without you now! This forum isn't worth dying anymore! What happened to the skeleton I idolized!

  5. I've been sucking at splicing since forever, so you won't see any progress in that area. <:S

  6. Oh no, don't worry. It's just that RF1 and RF2 become a little unplayable/slow/HOLYSHITWHATISTHIS after playing RF3 because of how much the series has progressed. None of the games are direct sequels of each other and you can play them as a standalone easily enough.

  7. Yup, you should be telling him. :>

    My wha- oh that thread, I forgot I had one now. I might as well do that right now, thanks for reminding me.

  8. ...sniff. E, enjoy it!

  9. Astra made it as my christmas present, actually. :D

  10. I'm sorry. If it helps, /everyone/ is embarrassed.

  11. oh god I'm so sorry for ever recommending TnC to you, for the love of god don't watch it if you haven't yet and if you have shit shit shit

  12. Stop being so damn ah or I'll have to make you my role model.

  13. Rune Factory: Frontier (Play Log)

    1. Show previous comments  19 more
    2. Chalis


      "She's just being subjected to a little pain for the spirits to come to her in droves."

      "A little unbearable! HaHA!"

      ba-dum tis

      He sounds legit, Iris. I think we should trust him.

    3. Chalis


      Eunice went on a diet. Did I mention that before? I don't think I did. No wait, yes I did. Well. That happened because I don't plan on marrying anyone any time soon and if she was going to stay fluffy then I would lock myself into a guilt conscious trap.

      Because a tomboy tsundere exists, that's why.

    4. Chalis


      Aww Yeah this playthrough is still going so don't count me out just yet! It's summer again, planting shitloads of pumpkin and leveling my crafting skill to not die so much in Snow Ruins. I made it to the boss but I don't know, I think I'll just get my ass handed to me again by that ice snake.


  15. So you can marry an oracle and a nun, but you can't marry a priest huh?

  16. Get used to her localized name if you want to read fanfictionnn.

  17. Never played Touhou, but always thought I would eventually look into it. Maybe after I'm done marathoning 8D

  18. It's a lot of fun on cartridge, I hope you have a happy birthday when it comes!

  19. Comments don't have color options! :(

    but I'm glad you're playing 8D

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