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Status Updates posted by Chalis

  1. Thank you very much. :>

  2. You now realize I am... *checks*

    Three years older than you. 8D

  3. Thank you very much. :>

  4. Thanks Mumu. 8D

  5. Thank you Lumi :D

  6. Masaa~ Thanks! ;A;

  7. And a happy new birth year it is~

  8. Thank you very much. :>

  9. 7:45AM 7:45AM 7:45AM 7:45AM 7:45AM 7:45AM 7:45AM 7:45AM

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Chalis


      AM, it's AM.

    3. Zanarkin


      No actually its FM


    4. Chalis



  10. Alejandro.

  11. :awesome:

    It's a bit of an inside joke.

  12. B, but I... I missed the actual day.

    *gives present*

  13. It's far too late for you to cancel it out.

  14. Oh wow.

    It took me this long to figure out what your avatar was. :<

  15. Region locked PS2 game. Also, no PS2. :(

  16. YOU.

    Got any recommendations for otome games? D:

  17. Humans finally unite together in harmony, demons are all under your control and the final war against GOD lurks just around the corner.

    Very satisfying + cape = <3

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