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Status Updates posted by Chalis

  1. But so does Naoya's route in a MUCH more satisfying end!

  2. Yuzu/Honda's ending wasn't so bad... The rest of their lives were spent surviving! 8D

  3. Gin is cool. So is Haru<3

    Their ending is boring though. :<

  4. NAOYA<33333

    Roxas leveled up! Respect +5!

  5. Shit, they didn't even let Fox retort to your posts.

  6. Happy birthday, Masaa~

  7. :whore: = Arthur, :litewhore: = Teeny.

  8. I am here to lay a partial claim share for :whore: and :litewhore: .

  9. Here's a game: Time Hollow.

    DO NOT LOOK INTO IT. Seriously, just dive in, it makes it for a much better watch if you knew nothing about the anime before hand like I did.

  10. You WILL watch Toward The Terra. D8<


  12. He's a stud after all. Counting RFF, he attracts how many in total? :>

  13. Hahaha, Ragu-chan is so pretty~

  14. Nope, only one file. Well, I can always go over my second when I married Alicia. I felt sorry for her after all of her events. Too bad she doesn't give me free predictions when she's my mom. :<

  15. I'm thinking about going Rosalind's route this time. If I don't accidentally go for Dorothy. (Hey, BarrettxYue!)

  16. She's kind of like a Tsundere but not really and she's so sweet and weird too. And she's usually always alone all the time ;;

  17. Yes~ I love Yue!

  18. Welcome! I hope you enjoy it here. : )

  19. I love my RF badge~ 8D

  20. Possibly English.

  21. Chalis

    Thanks for droppin' by~ : D

  22. Fine, fine. I'm going to drop a class, never better. 8D

  23. wry hallo thar, and how are we this time of day/night/noon/whatever?

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