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Status Updates posted by dondon151

  1. I think I added you MSN. But just in case, mine is dyang151@gmail.com.

  2. My MSN is dyang151@gmail.com.

    I have questions about how to use MEncoder.

  3. Yeah, I was a frequent player back in the ADV era. Even though I don't play now (save for a couple of months ago when I started playing with a couple of friends), I still follow new developments because it's an interesting game, to say the least.

  4. 32/35 mc isn't bad. on the physics b ap test i probably answered a number of questions equal to that ratio. i'm not sure how good/bad 4 frq is though.

  5. o that's nice. for most colleges though a 4 is miles better than a 3...

  6. my old pastor told me that as well

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