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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. The leaks being pretty much confirmed has made my hype go way up. I was lukewarm on 3H up to now but those leaks sound great and even if not everything is true, I'm feeling positive about this game now. Not sure if I'll be reading any future leaks, though. On the one hand I want to know if how much of the leak is true, but on the other if this really is Tellius/Jugdral inspired I'm sure a lot of the story will be better to experience once the game is out.
  2. I can't believe the site underwent 24 hour maintenance right as we got the biggest 3H info dump so far, haha, I was dying to see speculation and translations. Thankfully Vincent's analyses were still available during the downtime. Anyway, the game is looking a lot better. Not such a huge fan of all the "extra" activities like fishing and gardening, but sidequests are nice to have. Interesting to see Ashe have a pretty important connection to the story, hope other non-lord characters will too.
  3. So... does Setes confirm the leak? The other two weren't named by the leaker, I think? But Setes is a pretty unique name to get right.
  4. I get what it means, I've consumed tons of fiction and I can assure you I've liked and bonded with characters on every occasion. Sometimes characters I really liked have died or had bad things happen to them. If it makes sense in the narrative and adds something of value to the story, I'm fine with it. Just because someone might develop a crush on a character in fiction doesn't mean the story shouldn't let anything bad happen to them. Especially in a story about war like Fire Emblem.
  5. They could sub in a sibling or someone related to her if the leak is true. I'd be fine with it. Story deaths can make a powerful impact if done right. Focusing on waifus over story is no good.
  6. Please don't reduce those villains to "extremely bad evil guys". They're leagues better than Validar and the Fates crew, as well as Surtr and so far the Hel team. Dark mages and a dragon king look inherently evil, yes, but come on, it's a horned skull helmet. There's zero room for subtlety or nuance there. Apparently he's some god of death, so if we're going around fighting the gods of Fodlan then I can see potential, but for a normal person that armour is ridiculous. (You also forgot about Jedah, who's pretty cartoonish).
  7. Uh. That guy literally has a skull helmet. Wonder if he's recruitable? Smh I really hope they aren't continuing with the 3DS tradition of having extremely bad evil guys for villains.
  8. True, it's moreso on the Western front, which is really odd that they've stopped keeping up with the Japanese information.
  9. Well, with the Pokemon Direct next week it looks like 3H isn't getting one and is going to need a really great E3 showing to generate buzz. Though I guess an FE Direct makes more sense for early July. It's so weird how quiet they're being with details on the game aside from character profiles (and even then, NoA stopped doing those).
  10. Still holding out hope for a Three Houses mini Direct this week, this game needs advertising before E3.
  11. I don't get why Raphael is already a meme but that kind of turns me off him, and his description makes him sound like a one-note character that people will claim is actually deep because his gimmick is due to a traumatic event. The weakest link in the Golden Deer if you ask me.
  12. I'm now getting more excited since we've been getting more information, but it's still the least excited I've felt about a new FE game. I blame the second Direct showing for that. Still want to know more details about the story and exactly how much it revolves around the school stuff.
  13. Haven't played Thracia 776 or New Mystery so their placement is just based on my impressions from let's plays.
  14. Mercedes has a nice design. Reminds me of Ellen mixed with Sigrun. She also gives off that motherly retainer vibe, even if as far as I'm aware she's not a retainer but I'm sure she'll take on a caring role in the group. The backstories are encouraging, as is the lore, I just hope they aren't just superficial details. I want the world to actually feel alive.
  15. Love her, she's literally Serra. Hope you like using magic because I'm making you a magic tank. I imagine with so many characters being important nobles that their families will be involved in the plot, not just the "main" three houses. I mean, I would expect that, given that world building seems to be a priority.
  16. I really feel a Three Houses Direct makes sense like, right now. I mean we here on Serenes Forest have been getting tons of new info and hype is beginning to take off. But for the wider Western audience, what have they shown? A few tweets. That's literally all the information NoA have put out, and if they wait until E3 to show off the game I think it'll be a wasted opportunity to build the hype for longer. FE has grown as a franchise but it still needs advertising. I don't think it's a good idea for them to wait until a month before release to talk about the game. They need to get casual fans and people new to FE on board before E3 potentially drowns out the game with other announcements.
  17. Most of this sounds like something I would absolutely love, which makes me sceptical of its authenticity haha. Really craving more information on the game. The Famitsu stuff has stirred my hype for it.
  18. Every time I think I'm going over to the Black Eagles, Hilda just pulls me back again.
  19. I'd been leaning toward Golden Deer recently but dang Lorenz is such a bad design. If these retainers have a sizeable role in the story it might be enough to push me to go with Black Eagles for my first run.
  20. Ah yes, adding dialogue options that basically mean the same thing adds so much to my experience. Hopefully that's just because this is early in the story, and later on we'll have actually meaningful choices.
  21. I'm detecting two complaints in the OP. One, the art style being too generic. Two, the cutscenes being 2D (it's the only way I can make sense of the claim that Awakening and Fates were less anime than Three Houses). And yeah, I agree with both. While I've been getting more used to the art style for this game, it's still my least favourite of the post-NES games. It feels a bit soulless tbh. And it's a shame that for the first HD FE they went with 2D cutscenes instead of building on what they'd accomplished from PoR-RD to Awakening and Fates.
  22. So is this over? Did nothing get announced? :(
  23. This is honestly a great point bc Hilda is one of the characters that most intrigues me mainly because she's literally Serra and I really want her on my team as an ultra mage.
  24. Black Eagles or Golden Deer. Could still go either way depending on what other info we get before release.
  25. -Jeralt isn't Byleth's real dad, Byleth is actually somehow related to the goddess -Jeralt will die but not early on, he isn't playable though -Sothis will be playable at some point -Edelgard's family will be antagonists at some point in every route, she promotes to Empress before the end of the game -Anna works at the monastery and later leaves with Byleth's group to serve as information gatherer/travelling merchant -Aside from the monastery, there will be at least a couple of other explorable hubs as the story changes locations -There will be at least one giant Genealogy-type chapter with several armies and objectives (obviously they had to practice for the FE4 remake coming next year right?) -No children -There is marriage, but it's not weird because it can only be achieved after leaving the school setting and/or enough time has passed in the story to the point where most S supports will go "It's funny that you were my teacher/student once, we've become such good friends that I've seen you as an equal for a while now... and I'd like to be more than friends" -All 3 lords have same-sex romance options including Byleth (wouldn't be a new FE game without shipping controversy)
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