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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. Same. I think it's a good sign that the FE theme was literally the first piece of music we heard from 3H in the first trailer, and with the game seemingly drawing so much inspiration from classic entries, I have hope they'll feature it on the title screen. Maybe mixed with the 3H main theme, like in the first trailer.
  2. I don't really get Camus vibes from her, and I'm starting to doubt Rhea being an enemy even if the church becomes one tbh. At least, not in all paths. I get more Sanaki/Tanith/Sigrun vibes from Rhea's faction. I'm thinking Rhea will try to save the church from the corruption within, with Catherine and Seteth helping her to do it, more loyal to her than to the church itself. Not sure if all 3 of them will be playable, but I could see them at least being allies to Edelgard and Claude, and assuming Dimitri is fighting against the abuses of the church, maybe even him (unless his goal is total anarchy).
  3. I was torn between Edelgard and Claude for the longest time, started leaning more towards the Golden Deer recently, but post time skip Edelgard is amazing and I need to see how that path goes down for my first run. Hoping I can recruit Hilda over, but if not I'll try getting Marianne, Ingrid, and/or Felix.
  4. Yeah, it was specifically for them. They mentioned part of recruiting students from other houses is to access paralogues you normally wouldn't be able to.
  5. That was very nice. No offense to the Treehouse crew because they also showed quite a bit, but they played the battles really fast and it was hard to keep up with everything. This slower gameplay gives a better feel of the flow of battle which looks great.
  6. Noticed dismounting is an option for cavalry, at least indoors? Didn't catch if it appeared on the outdoor map. Was hoping for at least an hour, ah well, maybe they'll show a bit more later. Liked what was shown though.
  7. Can recruit multiple students from other houses to access certain paralogues. Nice! The battle gameplay is looking beautiful. Very quick in general and nice animations.
  8. Have a feeling we weren't supposed to see Sothis there, lol. Some supports are locked to pre or post time skip. Nice. The tutoring seems pretty interesting, glad to see it detailed like this.
  9. No kids is a good thing if only in that it confirms they're finally willing to stray from the Awakening formula for new titles. I mean, this game already looked very unique, but I'm glad the focus will be on the students themselves instead of matchmaking. Something that I'm a bit worried about just based on how it's been discussed is how long the second part of the game will be compared to the school part, which seems really lengthy. Assuming tutoring and most of the other academy stuff isn't available after the time skip, I wonder what they'll replace it with? I just hope the parts are pretty close in length, as I would be bummed if the school setting took, say, 30 hours to get through in an average first playthrough and the war part was done in half the time. Maybe there's larger maps in the second part or a bigger focus on sidequests, something to pad it out.
  10. Ah gotcha. That might be more digestible. Like forging alliances to help you in the present by going back and planting the seeds in the past. Excellent points, I agree, which is why I hope the story doesn't shy away from showing exactly how cruel the world can be no matter how good characters' intentions might be.
  11. I'm really hoping the story isn't time travel to prevent the war. Sothis' line does seem to suggest there will be some important time shenanigans involved though. At the very least I hope that if they go that route, they'll avoid a super happy ending and choose to show that no matter your choices, not everything has an easy fix.
  12. I'm good with this trailer being all we see of the time skip before release tbh. Hopefully Treehouse just shows the monastery and some early chapters. Looking forward to it either way!
  13. Post time skip designs look great. Edelgard stays winning looking amazing, Dimitri is most improved, and Claude loses some of his charm but still looks great. Can't wait to see how the other characters look after 5 years.
  14. Yeah after this I'm totally going Black Eagles first. Give me ruthless empress, I'm all about that Targaryen route.
  15. Shit, it's all true. I'm excited now. The post time skip lords look amazing.
  16. There it is. That's definitely her. It's too similar not to be.
  17. I'm more and more convinced. That definitely could be Edelgard post time skip. I wonder if they're going to officially keep the time skip secret until after release or if it'll be part of the E3 blowout.
  18. S tier: Claude, Edelgard, Ingrid, Petra, Dedue A tier: Mercedes, Hilda (only because she's a Serra copy, if Serra didn't already exist she'd be S), Ashe, Marianne, Felix B tier: Dimitri, Caspar, Lysithea, Leonie, Hubert, Linhardt F tier: everyone else
  19. Maybe I'm weird but I'd actually love that. I don't think it will be that extreme but it would be a super interesting way to get players to question their principles and beliefs. You've built these bonds and attachment to your house's characters over the first third of the game, so just how far are you willing to overlook things you might disagree with to justify your favourite character's actions in wartime? The whole avatar/player choice system would then make sense as a way to reinforce your support or express disagreement over your Lord's actions (even being able to switch allegiances in the third and final part?). Again, I really don't think it'll be that extreme but I would love if it were. It would be so shocking for those who haven't kept up with leaks and speculation haha, but damn if it doesn't have potential for an amazing story.
  20. I was thinking pre-hispanic Latin American cultures, to be precise. I think they could fit in well with the typical FE worlds.
  21. Yeah, it was weird seeing that all the other students in Claude's house are inexplicably white, but if he's mixed race it makes sense. I'm still happy to see more race diversity in general in this cast (Petra and Dedue also have dark skin), but I'd love if Almyra had a significant part in the story. I think FE could do really cool things with African, Latin American, and Middle Eastern inspired countries being the focus of a game like Hoshido was, and hope they try in the future.
  22. Hoping Setes gets introduced, he has a cool design and I'm curious about his role. I also wonder if Anna will have a significant enough role to get an introduction. I'm hoping she's just a shopkeeper/helper this time around, but it'd still be nice for her to get a bio.
  23. Japanese Lysithea: "I'm 2-3 years younger than everyone else" Localized Lysithea: "I'm technically an adult, teacher"
  24. I expect one of them to be a woman, it's one of the first things that occurred to me. Although the Flame Emperor being Edelgard's older brother makes sense.
  25. I'm still not sure who to pick! ? Edelgard is an amazing design and seems to be the "main" lord, but only has a few students I'm interested in. Dimitri is my least favourite of the lords but has the most students I like. Claude is also an amazing design and has a couple of my favourite students and a couple that are extremely forgettable. Honestly I'm leaning towards Golden Deer for the first run unless we learn that Edelgard is the "canon" route or there's a major story reason for picking her first.
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