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Book Bro

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Everything posted by Book Bro

  1. Those are all things only people who played Three Houses would know about her, and wouldn't influence Heroes only players to "waifu" her over any Heroes original characters who are featured prominently in the story mode. To Heroes only players, Edelgard is just a random axe unit on one banner, so it doesn't make sense that they would massively vote for her for superficial reasons over characters they're more familiar with. Not to mention the version that had more votes according to the interim results was the War Arc version which isn't even in Heroes, so they'd have to be voting for a version of her they didn't even know existed for the claim to make any sense.
  2. Or let's not reduce all female characters to "only popular bc waifus". What would make Edelgard particularly attractive to the Heroes only/waifu audience who presumably are only familiar with her Academy version in that game that isn't really notable or fanservicey in the slightest?
  3. Dedue!Dimitri, Hubert!Edelgard, and pigtailsHilda!Claude. That's what I want.
  4. Friendly reminder to not underestimate the competition, fellow Edelgard voters. Keep our Emperor in first place!
  5. At this point I know it's either give all your votes to one character or risk your favourite being pushed out of the top 4. So I'm going all in for Edelgard. Hoping to see Marth finally get something but I have a feeling Dimitri and Claude aren't letting him. Poor guy. For the women's side, obviously hoping for Edelgard, Eirika would be interesting to see, but I fear she might not be able to compete with Byleth. This has a high chance of being the first time we get all four CYL champions from the same game.
  6. Crimson Flower clearly wants you to S rank Edelgard, the ending cutscene between them feels like it's meant to be seen, but honestly Byleth is awful and I don't like forcing them onto any of these characters. I like Ferdinand, Hubert, or Dorothea more as romantic partners for Edelgard.
  7. I've used Marianne and Caspar in my 3 runs so far, the former because I heard she doesn't show up in part 2 if you don't recruit her and it's probably because she kills herself and I can't let that happen, and the latter I just have a soft spot for, didn't plan to recruit him to BL but did so I can do Mercedes' paralogue. I forced myself to not recruit Lysithea, Dorothea, and Petra to BL after using them in BE and GD and I can tell I'm going to suffer when I have to fight them. I also forced myself to not recruit Linhardt to GD, but ended up boss rushing the chapter he appears in so he wouldn't get killed by green units.
  8. There's a very good reason why Linhardt is there: https://twitter.com/lytiic/status/1217847964141359105?s=20
  9. No dark skinned characters? But what about Claude, Petra, Dedue, and now Hapi? Or am I misunderstanding you?
  10. Should have been Edelgard, would have also been hyped for Dimitri or Claude. As I watched the trailer I desperately even hoped it was Sothis, who I never considered but would have been cool. Byleth is such a boring choice. Brings nothing new and has to steal weapons from better characters. Edit: on the positive side, I like the stage, the character cameos (gatekeeper is officially in Smash), and the music. Sothis memeing too many swordsmen was great too.
  11. I really need to know if this is a full house route or if it's like a couple chapters in the middle of part 1?? The purple borders and all the lords being together suggest the former, but people seem to think it's the latter. I need to know if I should put a hold on my current BL run before reaching the timeskip. Hope there will be more information soon. Famitsu haven't teased anything have they?
  12. Thiiiiis! Please add them for free in the last DLC update, IS, I know you're listening. I'm not far in BL yet but from what I know it does seem like it was the first route they worked on, and that's why Edelgard and Claude get less backstory shown and cutscenes.
  13. Three Houses has characters of varying prominence with variants of my dad's, my two sisters', and my own name. The only one who isn't represented in some way is my mom (not just in Three Houses, but in the whole series, afaik, hope that gets rectified soon). I'm one of the Elites. Edit: I stand corrected. After a quick search I found out there's a very obscure character in the lore of Archanea with a variant of my mom's name. All is well.
  14. Three Houses won two awards, made the whole thing worth it. Totally deserved, hope the series continues to improve. The rest was mostly disappointing/boring.
  15. What is this fairy nonsense? Not a fan of book 4 at all. More Thracia is cool. But... Vouge?
  16. For newer additions, my favourites are: Normal units: L'Arachel, Hardin, Gerome, Dimitri Special units: Valentine's Hector, Roy, and Ike, Legendary Marth and Eliwood, Dancing Berkut and Rinea, and the most recent Brave units (the best overall art for Braves imo)
  17. Finally! She looks and sounds amazing, her swords look a bit awkward on her sprite but her attack animation is really cool. Fucking YES at getting Kita Senri to draw her.
  18. I jumped back into a save I had right before the time skip, recruited Anna and Mercedes, and now have Jeritza in part 2 as well. Gotta echo the people saying the DLC is nice but underwhelming. Anna having no supports is really odd, but Jeritza not having a support with at least Edelgard, ideally also with several others like Lysithea, is pretty disappointing. The outfits aren't that great but at least it gives male Byleth something to run around in that doesnt look bad and adds more freedom in battle. And the sauna is pretty confusing, it's neither fanservicey nor that useful as far as I can tell, so I'm not really sure why they made it a thing. Well, at least I'll have fun going through a quick redo of my previous CF file with Anna, Jeritza, and Mercedes this time.
  19. I feel like if IS decided to do a remake on their own they'd be doing FE4 specifically on the Switch. If Nintendo came to them and asked for a new remake on 3DS, and not the Switch, I could see IS holding off on FE4 and skipping to FE6, because it's a simpler game, it was already on a handheld, and Roy would boost sales on a dying system. So if this rumour is true then I'm confident they were working on FE6 and not 4. I do wonder if they were far enough into development where shifting it onto the Switch was viable. If they had to scrap it entirely, I could see them deciding to do 4 first after all.
  20. Now Hanneman is a character that really surprised me. He's great in supports.
  21. I like Cyril well enough when he isn't rambling about Rhea. His sassiness can be pretty entertaining and he has a good heart. I like his supports with Lysithea and Ashe. I get that he's a kid and given his background it makes sense he looks up to Rhea as a mother figure, but it got really grating on GD where everything was constantly "Are we getting Rhea yet? Do you think Rhea will be back soon? When's Rhea coming back? I'm getting ready in case Rhea comes soon. I sure miss Rhea. I hope Rhea is ok. Do you think they're hurting Rhea?" Like damn kid, yeah be grateful but move on, live your life.
  22. Yeah exactly. I definitely would want to avoid framing the conquerors as the good guys/saviours, but it could also be interesting having two perspectives of the story. One that more closely mirrors actual history with the conquerors claiming the land, and the other as I described with them being pushed out.
  23. Now I'm thinking of a game with Hilda's brother as the main lord. Make this game, IS.
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