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  1. I am planning to do an analysis of each lord's popularity in the CYL poll because I enjoyed your analysis of each game.

    I think combining both Marth's and both Ike's votes makes sense and compare them to the total vote count of both their games as opposed to just one. Combining Masked Marth and Lucina makes sense as well especially when they are in the same game. 

    I am going to ignore Eliwood and Hector in FE6 because their votes are negligible and because I don't want to compare them to the total votes cast for the two Elibe games, unlike Marth and Ike, because their overall presence is minimal in FE6 so it would be unfair to their percentage popularity. 

    The only problem is Leif because his votes are split more evenly than Eliwood and Hector so it seems like a disservice to ignore his FE4 votes. But if we do include them, it would be a disservice to his popularity percentage because it'd be compared with both FE4 and FE5 vote totals. Giving him the Ike and Marth treatment affects him negatively but so does giving him the Eliwood and Hector treatment. Alternatively, I'm planning to add all his votes and compare with just FE5 vote total but that seems like I'm giving him preferential treatment. Or I'll just leave him out of the analysis. 

    What do you think?

    1. Kirokan


      That makes sense about Eliwood and Hector, but at the same time if negligible it may not make too much of a difference to combine them either. Of course just making a note about it should solve that issue so it should be alright to exclude!

      Ike was the most complicated one since I would say his appearance (and some may argue personality) changed the most dramatically between FE9 and 10, but I think combining them for simply the lord itself should work fine.

      I think the Leif situation is unique, considering FE5's placement within FE4. No other game does that exactly (perhaps FE2 and 1 with the fliers...?), but even Ike's FE10 is at least a few years later, where as 5 may feel more like an expansion of sorts? It is a good question. What I would probably do is show how his votes/percentages would look in all three scenarios (Just FE4, just FE5, and hypothetical combined). You probably noticed me do that in my analysis a lot. It takes a lot more time and space on the page, but does give for a more informative outlook on the results, so may actually benefit the analysis more!

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