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Robert Stewart

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Posts posted by Robert Stewart

  1. 2 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:

    How necessary are those items? Is this a Binding Blade situation?

    There are only 3 knight crests in book 1 otherwise.

    Since FE3 has universal caps, it's really just a matter of "3 of my units will have 9 move instead of 10 on some maps." And they'll miss some extra level up opportunities.

    Note that I mean the shop with promotion items. The shop with statboosters is still accessible. (I think)

  2. 3 hours ago, Shrimperor said:


    FWIW I don't see any direct references to passwords being leaked on other news reports. Just source code and creator payout info.

    Still, probably better safe than sorry.

    Edit: also, don't forget to enable 2FA!

  3. 1 minute ago, Armagon said:

    That seems unnecessarily complicated.

    Everyone being able to do their own thing with Linux is kind of the appeal. Want the latest version of everything? Use Arch. Want that, but not the hassle of having to manually install almost every component of your system? Use Manjaro. Want more stable versions of libraries/apps that won't crash as often, but may be out of date? Use Ubuntu/Debian/one of their derivatives. Want to set up literally everything yourself so that there's no software you didn't pick/approve of on your system? Use Arch or Gentoo.

    And it's not like Linux exists only to play games. There's plenty of other appealing things, from most distros being free, or having less or no telemetry built in, to being able to (in theory) audit any part of your OS since it's all open source.

  4. 14 minutes ago, Armagon said:

    I've always wondered why PC devs develop exclusively for Windows so often. I get not working with Mac because Apple can go fuck itself but what's so wrong with Linux?

    Several reasons. There's the market share problem obviously. You also have the issue that you can't really make one port for Linux- you have to decide which distributions(Ubuntu, Fedora, Manjaro, etc) to support. Though I think that's more an issue for "apps" than games.

    There's also the issue of some technologies being windows only. DirectX is an obvious one (though Vulkan exists as an alternative), but some things like Ray tracing and DLSS have been slow to come to Linux.

    And more recently, the success of Wine/Proton often leads devs to ask "why bother making a Linux version?"

  5. 20 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    Wine used to work but new versions of Mac phased out 32 bit apps. Nice going Apple. :')

    Ah, drat.

    Well, if nothing else works, I would guess your current solution is the better option. Or try a VM, if the performance loss there is acceptable.

    And if you don't want to use Windows as your main OS, but aren't tethered to any specific MacOS app, there's always Linu-*shot*

  6. 10 minutes ago, twilitfalchion said:

    honestly, I wish the PSP version had gotten a translation so I wouldn't need to switch to a Windows partition to play it

    but it be like that


    Are you on MacOS? Can you use Wine?


    I've never used Wine on a Mac, but I've used it to play most of the "2D" trails and Ys games on Linux, and everything runs basically perfectly with a few minor tweaks.

  7. 3 minutes ago, Dayni said:

    Also wait that would explain why Jake never shows up after Archanea! Shit are you right?

    He does show up in FE4....but only if you use subs. Which probably adds to the theory.

    And in FE7 too, in a certain circumstance.

  8. Just now, Saint Rubenio said:

    They're talking about his New Mystery self there. Tomas arrives in Sheema's map, in a house near Marth's starting location, and he has worse stats than Jeorge who joined way back in map 8. It's fucking hilarious, I love him. Though to his credit, he is... ever so slightly better than Sheema. If only because he's there the entire map, and the map is full of fliers, so he can shoot a couple of things with his silver bow. It's more than a lot of latejoiners in New Mystery can claim.

    New Mystery is non-canon, so I didn't consider it.


  9. 8 minutes ago, Saint Rubenio said:


    Okay, completely random, but this is what the Good Wiki has to say about Tomas.

    "Tomas is a very impressive unit, not because of his usefulness, but because of the fact that he joins fairly late into the game he smoehow comes with a worse bow rank and worse bases than Jeorge who joined far earlier."

    It looks like something I would write lol. And the typo just adds to the magic.

    Doesn't he join like 3 chapters earlier in FE1/11? That's not that much earlier.

    And in FE3 he joins only 1 chapter after Jeorge.

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