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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. HP-34 Str-31 Skl-33 Spd-21 Lck-4 Def-19 Res-26 If I'm right...all stats went up! Cool.
  2. That would be Raven's Hero Battle sprite from FE 7. The hero sprite with a coat, rather than armor. From your avatar, I suppose you like Scott Pilgrim. Did you like the movie?
  3. Enjoying reunions, parties, some T.V. shows, traveling, vacations, concerts, thinks like those. Favorite FE unit?
  4. Arthur: I'm really disappointed and concerned for you and my little sister. Hey Zak, don't you think you two would be better taking some vacations away while things get okay? Well Jill, I'll be saving most of it in that case. Sir Shirharam, what's in store this summer for Talrega that I should know before moving around with jobs?
  5. Well, first a cousin lend me PoR a few years ago (a few months after it was released I believe) and I began playing it. I got so hooked that I wanted to play the other games, I began looking on internet to see how many were and so I began saving to get them (only owning those that were released internationally). Then I wanted to give a try to the ones that never made it here. From where did you get the idea for your username?
  6. Ever since Duel Monsters was aired in here. Well, right now I don't play too much thanks to college rule's that supposedly say no games involving luck are allowed in its grounds. How long have you been in video making?
  7. Tinny: Because that's when we didn't know each other yet, you give me courage now...and when Sety wasn't like now. So Jill, I've earned some money with the mercenary and delivery works...do you think we should make some modifications to the house?
  8. Never played on a tournament. My deck is really average, not too powerful, not too weak, just average. It could make a few beatings if readied with the new cards I found useful, but I can't afford most of them (not to mention my parents are a bit concerned of me spending money in cards). Favorite archetype in Fire Emblem?
  9. Hi there, welcome back in that case. Hope you enjoy your stay in the forest once again.
  10. Lakche: This producer came in and asked us to help him with a vid...I never realized until now. Patty: Why us? It's not fair. So Leaf, did Nanna forgive you already or is she still mad with you?
  11. Definitely Stardust Dragon (which is a bit expected), but I don't like its evolutions. I mean, they are cool and useful, but they are just hard to pull in the field (one is a bit harder to) while the other one just stays for a single turn. Talking about his Synchro Warriors, Junk will always stay my favorite. Favorite Peg. Knight?
  12. Only the canonic Red Gyarados. Outside of it...none other. Favorite/signature Pokémon?
  13. That would be anima, wind specifically. Favorite physical weapon type?
  14. Pancakes/Hotcakes, they are my favorite ever since I was a little kid. Favorite music genre?
  15. If you mean my username, there's this song by Iron maiden called Lord of Light, I liked it quite a lot and then the idea for my username came. It was that right? Or did you meant my real name? Favorite music genre?
  16. Mostly the fact that whenever I train either of them, they end up with crazy amazing stats without the need of stat boosters. For example, Jill in my first PoR playthrough got Str, Def, Skl, and Spd at maximum, while HP almost reached the cap. Sigrun was even better than Marcia when I trained her in RD, there were slight differences in stats, yet Sigrun had the upperhand. Mostly that. Well, and both are cute too (Jill more). Favorite music genre?
  17. Happy birthday Astra!

    Enjoy it the most.

  18. Tacos while spaghetti is right after it, or almost any meat-related dish. Favorite archer in FE?
  19. Mmmm, that would be Eternal bond in FE, while Darkness of Fear and Dracula's Castle in general. Favorite Brawler in SSBB?
  20. Tinny: No I haven't yet. Don't worry about it honey. Archers, are those bows really heavy or light? Supposedly bows are a bit heavy.
  21. Levin:...Why do you suppose I can tell the gender of the baby? Sety: Because you told me you could and I told him. Levin:...I think it will be a girl. Valter, what made you go insane? I mean, you went to a far extreme of the bar.
  22. I must say the first official battle with the Black Knight in PoR. I mean, you need a lot of luck and the Black Knight incredibly surpasses Ike's stats in the fight. It is quite challenging, but just when I got an Aether that almost finished him, he activates Luna, finishing Ike! Favorite Pokémon series?
  23. From my region, tacos , talking worlwide or internationally, I think I prefer spaghetti. What do you like when talking about anime: fandub, subbed, or dubbed?
  24. Camus/Sirius: Just amnesiac problems. That's all, but I'm fine right now. So Seth, ready to begin beating a few servants of the Dark Lord (Dracula)?
  25. Sety: Wait, I never did that! I have it scheduled for next week, why would I do it now? Nergal, how would you classify Sety's quintessence in your plans?
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