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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Rutger: You know already the answer...In the case I need to repeat myself, that's just how I am. Jill...it ease me to hear that. Thanks. Jill, what do you think its worse, being a Branded and hated by some people? Or be half vampire and keep it from the townsfolk before they want to kill you?
  2. Sety: Can you make me another clone of her? Or maybe teach me how to defeat Light Lord in a duel. Jill, just some concern, are you happy up to this moment for both of us?
  3. Is the disk clean or is it damaged somehow? I had the same trouble with it, but I could promote her for some reason in Part 1 to second class. If you mean the third class, I never really cared to do so seeing how bad she ended up in stats for me. Sorry I wasn't of too much help.
  4. Light Lord


    Welcome aboard! Hope you like the place and enjoy your stay.
  5. Kieran: Me first! I'm more worthy of that kind of weapon than Oscar! Oscar: You don't need to, I'm fine with common weaponry. Kent: A weapon like that could help me serve Lady Lyndis better...If you don't mind I could use one. Forde: Heh, Kyle and I would like one too. We need to help our lords restore order. Alan: No way Kieran! I'm better than you I want it first! Hey Jill, would you like to time travel through ages and maybe dimmensions for a few weeks?
  6. Tinny: Yeah, that would be nice. Thanks! So Nergal, would you want to be reborn serving a new dreadful enemy, that will be bossing you around?
  7. Lethe: She's quite annoying, not as much as the orange but she IS annoying. Then how about setting the score like in old school? A fight between a magician and a mercenary!
  8. Alan:*o_O*What will that thing do Alan? Thanks Aideen, now I can use that vampire power at will with your help. Hey Sety, what do you think about setting the score with a duel?*shows an Earthbound Immortal's card and places it in deck*
  9. Kieran: All that I can think of for the moment, yes. Aideen, do you think you can help me with this vamp problem Sety put me in? At least returning me to my half condition I had.
  10. Aideen: Of course, I just need a new Restore staff. Me:*evil glare at Sety* You're lucky I'm not a Twilight vampire, I'll forgive you if you can return me at least to my 50 % condition. Saleh, is my condition really irreversible?
  11. Kieran: Well, maybe looking for your weak spots or anything like that. Are you afraid of spiders? Sety, you're so dead now!!!! You better wear some garlic or keep holy water nearby! Jill, maybe I should have started with you but I didn't want you to worry, do you know any way of curing my vampiric condition?
  12. Kieran: Why don't we talk with Aideen? She may help us. You don't want to scare Forstbite, believe me. We could scare Zak a bit tough. Sety, can you be helpful with my half vampiric condition? *don't you dare use your Restore staff like you helped Kieran and Darros*
  13. Sety: I do, here.*restores both with some minor side effects* Oops, I didn't do anything!*runsaway* Kieran:...Dude, why do I still have this strange shell? Corple, I think the Holy Water didn't work out completely...it seems I'm stuck at a Blade's kind of state, that hero of Marvel. Tinny, do you know of any way to completely cure vampirism?
  14. Minerva: I don't really know, why do you ask? Est:*explains her whatt it meant* Minerva: You boy...are you mocking me?! The original vampire type Jill...darn it, I don't feel well. Corple, do you know of any way to cure vampirism without me dying in the process?
  15. Cain: Cool enough for me Frost. Alan: Hey, that's because you know what awesome is. Forde: Thanks boy. Kieran: The point is I was the first one, that's all that matters. Jill, what would you do if I suddenly turned into a...vampire?
  16. Skasaher: Quite a lot. I want to kill them, but they put me to sleep way to early. Jill, don't worry, they may be way too strong but they are cool, just give them time. Lance, have you heard of Lance, the Master of Dragons?
  17. Abel:*looks terrified at Shade*Can we be friends Forst? Jill, why do you said that perhaps you're getting along with my duelist friends? Is something happening witht them?
  18. Kieran: Maybe I need some glasses already...but they are not fit for the mighty Kieran!*crashes with a tree next to him* Marcia: Frost, can you give him some glasses? He will need them or else he'll regret it later. Jill, how are you doing with the other duelists?*points at Yusei and his crew, as well as Jaden and his friends*
  19. Danved: Like Danved told Largo and Geoffrey, Danved is not Devdan. Danved is only Danved and is the strongest of all soldiers around here! Hey Jill, should I use deviantart to post my drawings and that stuff around here?*insert explanation of the matter* By the way, as soon as I get things going around, I hope you like the first drawing I made.
  20. Kieran: Maybe you're a bit unlucky dude. Better luck next time, I'll be sure to make it worth the time! Hey Ashnard, do you want a second chance to beat Ike, serving a new dark entity?
  21. You could search for it and claim her if she's available. If not, you could try asking for a share.
  22. Jaffar:...You've a problem with the Angel of Death being like that? Nino: Jaffar, don't be so cold, please! Jaffar:...Fine, sorry for that boy. Hey Raven, what did you do after helping Eliwood and the others?
  23. Rutger: ... Shiva:...Are you looking for something boy? Rutger: ...You and me, one-on-one to test our swordplay. Shiva:...Very well. Jill, I got a pretty red dress for you, I'm still working on another surprise for you. What do you think?
  24. Tiki: Because I'm quite pretty! Mar-Mar said so once before marrying Caeda. Thanks for the compliment Pika-Pika. Sorry Anna, I was thinking of something else. I'll look somewhere else. Hey Aimee, is there anything interesting that I could buy as a gift to Jill? Please, no weapons.
  25. Hello and welcome to Serenes Forest! We hope you enjoy your stay here and stick around for a long time.
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