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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Merry Christmas Kari! Hope you enjoy it with everyone dear to you.

    And a little advance of your birthday too.

  2. wishes a merry merry crhistmas to everyone in the world!

  3. She's between a Pegasus Rider or a Myrmidon. Both fit her anyways. Dracula, from Castlevania.
  4. We're almost there, so no regrets. We wish you a merry christmas Serenes Forest!
  5. Mmmm, maybe as a myrmidon, even if he has no sword skill. Yusei Fudo from Yugioh 5Ds.
  6. Tinny Clone: Darling, let's go out for a walk. Sety: Of course Tinny. *turns to Zak* Well, she may not be the real one, but she definitely acts like her. Your #1 Zak, I guess that's the end of our rivalship. Hey Jill, I've got everything set for tomorrow: snacks, candies, presents, the tree is already set and decorated; but are we missing something? Other than our friends of course.
  7. Then Fox becomes a cavalier (just because of that lance), Falco would be a knight , Wolf would be a mercenary and the others I can't think of one for them. However, each of them would be like "How did we got here? Wait a minute. WHERE'S OUR HIGH TECH DEVICES?!" What if Castlevania Judgement characters and FE 10 were joined in a new FE game?
  8. Mmm, he would be a good Warrior/Hero. Alucard from Castlevania.
  9. Cath: Because thieves like me come in handy when you have many doors to open, just that. Gotta go now! *runsaway with your money* Hey Ashnard and Nergal, would you guys dare to challenge death?
  10. Tinny: No, not really. Why do you ask dear? Hey Nailah, what do you think of werewolves?
  11. Feeling tempted to brand him as a Thunder Mage (not to creative, I know). Captain Rex from Star Wars
  12. Simple, the above poster says the name of a character from any anime/videogame/movie/tv series/book and the next poster should provide a possible Fire Emblem class to said character. Well, I'll begin with this, Akiza Izinski from Yugioh 5Ds.
  13. Abel: *notices the killing edge* Umm, maybe I'll pass this time, I have some business to take care of so...see ya! *runs away* Any FE Axe User, why would a scythe (specifically referring to the Death's Scythe) be considered an axe weapon?
  14. Mmmm, maybe you could fill in with thigns regarding hurricanes as famous movies where they are used. Also, the a list of the most famous hurricanes and things of that nature. In french? Cool, hope it ends looking really good.
  15. Sheeda - 22 Katua - 25 Paola - 14 Thany - 33 Farina - 22 Marcia - 27 Elincia - 22
  16. Tinny: It is amazing Zak! *hugs* You're doing really great so far! Hey FE Big Bad Bosses (Zephiel, Ashnard, Nergal, Gharnef, Yurius), what if Dracula was around the FE series to haunt every one of you?
  17. Gatrie: I asked him nicely to lend it to me to impress girls! He's a good guy. Thany, how is your husband containing Loputouso and all that dark power? I mean, he has used at least half of the most powerful dark spells in the world.
  18. Tinny: Well, it looks cool and apparently befriended you pretty fast, congrats Zak! But, isn't it better to be a swordsman? Anna, how about you and Jake appear as playable characters in a FE game with automatic A-Support?
  19. Spy, who are you trying to deceive? You're there like I do :P . Anyways, welcome to the forest and hope you enjoy your stay. As for FFtF, you may not find your way back to the forest...joking. See you later! XD
  20. Sety: I don't really know. By the way, have you seen Xane around? He has a lot to pay for. So Franz, how are things going for you and Amelia?
  21. Kieran: Very well boy, here's my best strike! *Urvan Sol with Nihil activated and Adept* Hey Thany and Tinny, do you want to come to Talrega for Christmas Eve? Frost and Zak are also invited.
  22. Kieran: Cool, I need to endure a lot! Thany: Thanks for the help darling. Grl Stealers: NEVER!*escape from Frost's summoned spirits* FE5 characters, what happened to you guys while Leaf, Nanna and Fin fought alongside Celice against the Grandbell Empire?
  23. Regarding a few issues I have: I want to see the remake since that would possibly bring more people to become fans, but the censroship in America will surely damage what made this game (for the ones of us that have played it) and modifying a great story to fit the standards. Outside of it, FE needs to bring new artworks (it helped me get better at drawing ) and it may give time for a real new game to come from the shadows. I hope things stay as close as possible as the original.
  24. If money made it possible I would too, maybe a bit to the north of New York. Enjoy your vacations Midnight, I told you surprises were cool.
  25. Mmm, that would be one of two Pikachus dancing caramelldansen...epic. Which has been the best game you've played?
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