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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. The problem is my computer never allowed me to install the program. I downloaded the one for my system and it never worked. I'm still checking what could have probably caused it. Sorry for tardiness with that tournament. As for the game, well, I find it worth since its only dueling and buying cards to improve your deck as always. Duels got replaced by racing. You could only race in it.
  2. Thanks, you too. Happy New Year!

  3. Kieran: Heh, that would be cool Frost, but can I keep my axe? I must have my axe with me at all times. Me: How did you get it? Can I get one too ? Titania, can I create a Greil Mercenaries division in Daein, please :) ?
  4. Yeah, bought it and I regret ever doing so. This game is worth the money, at least I think so.
  5. Well, you can say so in a way. Major spoilers, sorry. Thinking of getting it?
  6. ^I thought someone would say that. Duel Transer is the latest game of the Yugioh Series for Wii AND for our luck, there are no Turbo Duels in this one. Basically, we return to the classic game style, the card database contains up to the Starstrike Blast. As fas as I've played it, it's worth the time since Turbo Duels disappears. New storyline for the game, by the way.
  7. I have it and I wanted to know if anyone had it around. Maybe to set up a match in the future or to exchange experiences or tips on how to deal with the game, get cards, stuff like that.
  8. wishes a Happy New Year to everyone in SF!

    1. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      Hope this new year holds happiness, brightness and health for everyone here.

      May evryone succeed in everything they set ahead!

  9. Thanks Frost, hope you enjoy it too with Thany.

    Happy New Year!

  10. Abel: Hey, another green knight! It's cool to meet another one like me. Oscar: Sure, it's cool. Kieran: Hah! Another red knight. Time to test my real skill again! Cain: Heh, it looks funny. Titania, I want a chance to test it. Any jobs for me at the moment?
  11. Sety: Haha, the Zak I know....Wait...Why me?! Mist or Titania, do the Greil Mercenaries need a division or branch in Daein? I need a job and being a mercenary is a bit of what I am.
  12. Arthur: Of course I will Zak, hope you can still visit us at least. Tinny: *sobs* Fine Zak...I understand what you mean...at least, can we be friends? Hey Jill, are there any mercenary jobs around Talrega?
  13. Wendy: I don't care what they think of me, it's their problem not mine. Hey Ashnard, meet Dracula, someone so hungry of power like you. Who's the one that will live to see tomorrow?
  14. Don't worry Spy, all of us had a lot of things to do in Christmas.

  15. Now the birthday wishes! =)

    Happy birthday and enjoy it yo your heart's content!

  16. Kieran: Of course! You just need to be reckless and brave as me! Marcia: Until you get knocked off for being SO reckless. Jill, here's my gift for you *handsover a paint of Jill and me, along with one of her and Shiharam*. I know it may bring bad memories, but you've got family. Do you like your gift?
  17. Merry Christmas there!

  18. Merry Christmas! *hope I'm still in time*

  19. Hi Spy, hope you enjoy FE 10 and Merry Christmas to you!

  20. Sorry for tardiness crash.

    Hope you're enjoying it with Tinny too, Merry Christmas!

  21. Sorry for tardiness and thanks for the wishes.

    Hope you're having a good Christmas in Ilia with Thany Forst!

  22. Merry Christmas Lumi!

    Hope you enjoy it the best with your family (and your men army too). Oh look, you're under a mistletoe with Seth.

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