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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Tinny: Well, I have them in my Casual play deck, since it's not illegal. But for actual tournaments I use Lightning Vortex which is that good.

    Very well Jill, I finally finished building your Warriors deck, I'll let you know if it can beat Yusei's and you'll have it.

    Hey Ike and Mist, what if your parents could return from the otherworld?

  2. You guys. . .

    I've got two drafts, a play log, and a short story to finish, and you are tempting me with this. . .ah, screw it, I'll pick this up when it's convenient.

    Sorry, I'll try to keep this as low as possible until you finish your projects.

    Late indeed, I'm playing the 11th level or something at the moment. I suspected the pack gamesave, but didn't actually do it as the opponents weren't really challenging so far (though I feel the AI is a bit better than in some of the other games).

    As for the story (I think I wanted to comment on it at least..), I think it's decent for a YGO game, though I never played the later DS games, so I maybe I missed something there. Sure it isn't great, but if someone wants a game with a good story, YGO was never the way to go as far as I'm aware.

    Lastly, I can recommend the Hidden Arsenal booster packs in case anyone is interested.

    (What decks?)

    -Yeah, I thought so.

    -Say that to the ones saying it isn't good or try to make them understand that.

    -Well, for the deck type I run I had a lot of troubles against both Surtr and Odin. I'm trying to build a Lightsworn Deck that I have tested in the last World Championship game and it proves quite useful.

  3. I got the game today and it looks decent so far. The cards are placed slower than in the TF series and from what I've seen so far, the animations could have been done better. Apart from that though, the amount of cards included is nice, as is the online ranking. Won't comment on the story as I didn't finish it yet.

    Maybe a bit late to advice this, but you can buy packs and if you don't get the cards you need or want, you can reset the game to have another chance with the cards. Unlike other games, the gamesaves once you LEAVE the store, which allows you to get better cards if lucky enough.

    Also, the best deck I found to train, get some DP is Larry's(first level) and if you look for experience, get the recipe of a duelist at least 2/3 levels ahead of yours or Lv 20 Transcender's if you're below Lv 20.

    Good luck with the duels ahead (I've found 4 annoying decks).

  4. Well.. ain't that lovely!

    I dig the concept!

    A post, finally I broke the other forum record :awesome: !

    Thanks Frost, but I kind of...didn't get it. You meant the idea of having all my works in a single topic or something in specifiC?

  5. Truth be told, you're already doing something, so that's a start. Trying to talk it out with him will be quite impossible and if she is doubtful of getting outside help it's even worse.

    What doesn't fit right for me, from reading this, is why she won't looke for help with authorities?

    A. What Randoman said.

    B. I don't really want to make you worry even more, but she could have been threatened by him. That could also explain why the stepmother and sister don't do a thing.

    Anyways, as I said you're already doing something by hearing her out. If worse gets to worse, something MUST be done.

  6. More work on the first prologue trial map chapter, not too many spoilers. This chapter has gone through quite allot of stages, as can be seen in the set of screenshots below...

    Ah, nothing quite beats an epic fight sequence with 'In the name of Bern' playing unless you’re a Rath fan.


    Aww, I thought Zephiel was playable for that one.

    Cool work, is there a new patch available or will it be released in the future?

  7. Friend zones are kinda bullshit. If somebody knows that you like them and

    are like "I just wanna be friends" I say just forget about them.

    If only it was that easy.

    It depends on how we act, it was hard for me.

  8. Double post, sorry for it.

    Anyway, I thought about buying this one, but wasn't really sure about it (the other one was... yeah), if you can recommend it though, I suppose I'll consider it.

    Well, I've been liking the game so far ( I think I'm around the middle of it), yet some people have not liked the story.

    However, it makes up with the WC system: online duels using Wi-Fi. I recommend it if you like dueling and the series.

  9. Well, second-half of he first year of college.

    Cool for me, but bad too since even if I sound like a grown-up I still look like a kid.

    But anyways, I'm studying what I want to work for the rest of my life, my dream as a programmer/animator!

  10. Hello there guys, finally setting this up and hoping it draws a bit of attention (unlike other places I've posted this).

    Well, as the topic implies, I'll post my works in here, be it sprites, drawings (which are a bit bad for the moment), story I'm writting, stuff like that.

    Well, let's go first to the project that has taken too much time to work in, my story.

    It serves as a new story for Fire Emblem, focusing in a new continent and the appearance of other FE characters from previous games, for the moment being Tellius and Elibe. Here comes Fire Emblem Darkness Dusk here's the link.

    Also, I'm still learning how to sprite, I left one of the most recent works and one I think ended up a bit good.


    And another version, from how she really looks in the anime (I expect someone already guessed who she is):


    As for an actual sprite I'm working in, here's an advance on it:

    post-736-036356200 1294088150_thumb.png

    Hope everyone likes what is/will be posted here.

    PS: About the story, it is completely checked from the beginning to Chapter 9, from Chapter 14 onwards everything is fine already.

  11. First love...I had, didn't work out well.

    First crush...I remember her, a friend of school. We were in 1st grade of secondary school and we had like concern-hate relation in grades and how we were.

    First kiss...not yet.

  12. Well, when you have time again, we could finally finish the YVD tournament... actually I didn't see your edit before today...

    Anyway, I thought about buying this one, but wasn't really sure about it (the other one was... yeah), if you can recommend it though, I suppose I'll consider it.

    The problem is my computer never allowed me to install the program. I downloaded the one for my system and it never worked. I'm still checking what could have probably caused it. Sorry for tardiness with that tournament.

    As for the game, well, I find it worth since its only dueling and buying cards to improve your deck as always.

    What was so bad about it?

    Duels got replaced by racing. You could only race in it.

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