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Light Lord

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Posts posted by Light Lord

  1. Gatrie: I asked him nicely to lend it to me to impress girls! He's a good guy.

    Thany, how is your husband containing Loputouso and all that dark power? I mean, he has used at least half of the most powerful dark spells in the world.

  2. Spy, who are you trying to deceive? You're there like I do :P .

    Anyways, welcome to the forest and hope you enjoy your stay. As for FFtF, you may not find your way back to the forest...joking. See you later! XD

  3. Kieran: Cool, I need to endure a lot!

    Thany: Thanks for the help darling.

    Grl Stealers: NEVER!*escape from Frost's summoned spirits*

    FE5 characters, what happened to you guys while Leaf, Nanna and Fin fought alongside Celice against the Grandbell Empire?

  4. Regarding a few issues I have:

    I want to see the remake since that would possibly bring more people to become fans, but the censroship in America will surely damage what made this game (for the ones of us that have played it) and modifying a great story to fit the standards.

    Outside of it, FE needs to bring new artworks (it helped me get better at drawing :lol: ) and it may give time for a real new game to come from the shadows. I hope things stay as close as possible as the original.

  5. Dieck: Boy, I was in the wedding, remember? I'm proud of her, since she was a member of my squad.

    Lot: Wait, is she already married?!

    Ward:...Surprise with that.

    So Jill, should we plan something for Christmas with our friends? We can call Tinny, Zak, Frost, Thany, Spy and the others.

  6. Seth: You're the master of kills in YOUR field.

    Lakche: Heh, so you finally got the level of Overkill? Let's place that to test!*readies Hero Sword*

    Thany: Congratulations darling!*hugs Frost*

    Kieran: Yeah man, time to practice with you my new axe techniques!

    Thanks Jill, I feel better now, the elixir and a night of rest did the job.

    Hey Tauroneo, are there any posts for the Daein military or the Four Riders?

  7. Ilyana: If he'll give me tons of foods, of course.

    Alright, I'll have to take care of Jill*uses brand's sacrifice cure to heal Jill, giving up three quarters of my HP*

    Jill...feeling...any better...now? Darn it...I won't be...able to fight...for hours

  8. Levin: Well, as far as I know, you're ready. But are you sure you...

    Stey: Dad, just do it!

    Levin: Fine. *Zak has prmoted to Trueblade*

    Sety: Good job Zak, now guess who wants to test your new skills?

    Zelgius: It's about time I find a new rival, let's see if you're up to the task Zak.

    Aww, sorry Jill, I thought it was serious. I promise to repay you somehow :facepalm:

    Zelgius, how did you met Sety?

  9. Sety: And who says I'm Sety?

    Xane: Hello there, once again it worked.

    Sety: Darn it Xane!

    Me:Whoever is possessing Jill, you better stop it or you'll enter a world of pain and sorrow...

    Tinny, do you know someone that can help me with this?

  10. Ralph understood the risk of losing said minerals, but also the chance of having a lot of casualties, fighting in the cave. A bit unease about it, Ralph decided to ambush them within the cave; he ordered his men to help get everything ready to strike down Bolder and his troops. HE then turned to Zeke and told him to wait for his signal for the final assault within the cave.

    Bolder finally arrived with his troops to the cave's entrance, he then saw the heads of his comrades recruited some time ago. Most of his troops began to termble in fear, while the others were angered as they could be. "Soldiers, for our fallen comrades, we MUST defeat the squad sent by Celice! That way they'll understand the Lopt Empire still lives on!" he then lifted his axe and pointed to the cave "CHAAAAAARGEEEEEEEE!" Bolder and his troops began riding to the cave, looking in the darkness for any enemy around there. Most of them were unaware of their surroundings, just looking for any movement in the dark cave.

    Ralph began moving a bit and finally unsheathed his sword and then shouted "It's time to attack them now!" as his group began striking down a few of the axe knights in their way, while Ralph was readying to fight Bolder himself.

    "Long time no see Bolder, how you doin'?" asked Ralph as he was moving against Bolder, while Boilder's squad was fighting with the enemies in front of them.

    "So you're still alive Ralph, eh?" he then took his axe preparing to fight "It's about time I teach you who's the best around here."

    Ralph turned to the cave, noticing Bolder took him out of it and the fight inside was still raging on "Do your worst then!"

    Bolder placed on his helmet and rushed to face Ralph; in the conditions they were it appeared as if Ralph had the advantage with his sword. However, Bolder blocked easily his attacks, having trained under none other than Lord Burian himself. Ralph could only defend himself as the knight was striking him down with his axe, until Bolder threw him to the ground. "Well Ralph, it seems you're still number two." he then readied his axe for the final blow "Let's put an end to this!"

    Ralph avoided the attack, rolling in the sand and readying his sword once again "I'm sorry Bolder, but I must fulfill my duty." he then rushed towards Bolder, only the sound of metal crashing was heard.

  11. As the group began approaching the cave, they spotted an enemy unit reaching them from behind. Ralph didn't cared in the beginning, since he realized most of them were riders and the sand already began delaying their progress completely, not to mention he was sure his group could take care of them easily if a battle was to take place there. However, moments later he managed to see who was leading the group, he thought his eyes were deceiving him, that he was dreaming.

    Leading the riders, was none other than one of Ralph's old friends, Bolder once known as the Great Axe of the Grauen Ritter when Dannan was in charge of Dozel. He was one of Ralph's best friends in the years before Emperor Alvis, but as soon as he fled Chalphy most of his ties with friends had to be broken abruptly. Ralph commande his group to reach the cave as soon as possible, if they were to put a fight against the Graun Ritter's last hope a place where sand was in their advantage could prove to be useful for them.

    Ralph and his squad finally reached the cave, noticing there was a slide in the cave, blocking its entrance.

    "Cool work captain, a dead end." said a mercenary "How are we going to get out of this mess?"

    Ralph began looking into the cave's blocked entrance and noticed an open in it "Maybe if we stick this in here..." said Ralph, as he took his sheathed sword and used it as a lever, breaking down the rocks and opening the cave once again.

    Inside of it, he noticed a few soldiers, apparently waiting for someone to find them. He looked at them and noticed they were sent from the capital, when and for what he ignored, yet he needed some help for the upcoming battle.

    "Hello there soldiers; well, we need some volunteers to fight the Graun Ritter's remnants that are in pursuit of us." said Rafael pointing to his back, where the riders where "Anyone that is in the mood for a fight, take a step forward and get ready, we'll set them a trap to finish the enemy once and for all."

  12. After resting in Velthomer, Ralh began moving the squad to the Yied Dessert, heading towards the Yied Shrine. With a new resolution in mind, he couldn't wait any longer to uncover what the Lopt Sect was planning if there were any remnants of the sect. Not only that, but with the menace of soldiers that were still loyal to the 12 Dark Warlords and Yurius' reign, the road ahead proved to be a risk to the group.

    As the day kept going and the volunteer squad kept pushing forward, they noticed some commotion in a hidden cave in the desert. Doubtful of what to do, Ralph resolved to move onwards to the shrine, feeling regrets and remembering once again his father.

    Son, sooner or later you'll understand the code of knighthood is a rough one. You must begin to understand that our job is to defend our lords and the kingdom.

    But, what if I must choose between how I am or my knight code?

    You'll understand when you face such a situation. Just trust your heart and you'll make no mistake.

    Ralph suddenly stopped, turning around towards the cave's direction. The other volunteers suddenly stopped, wondering what the captain was going to do. He turned and readied his sword "Comrades, I understand that our mission is to find any leads on those who still follow Yurius, but as knight or volunteers we must help those in need." he then pointed to the cave and continued "Something's going on there, possibly it has to do with the remnants or the loptians, I don't know. But I can't move without lifting a finger when somebody else is in troubles."

  13. Tinny: Well, maybe we left them in home Zak. Sorry :(

    *on another place*

    Sety: Frost, you're problably hearing another dark entity.

    Saleh: Possibly the Demon King, he's the only one I can think of right now.

    Yurius, if we could break loptian influence in you, would you be a good guy like Yuria rememberes you?

  14. Sety: Ummm, Frost, Loputouso can only enter in you if you can be his human vessel and you have casted at least once the spell Loputouso. No chance you have donde both things so far, right?

    Thanks Jill, I will apply for any of them.

    So Manfroy, how does it feel to be beaten by the Black Knight (that is Aless)?

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