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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Thanks Nickt, I'll try to fix the detail of the jacket. As for the shoulder pad, it is supposed to look like that (the right one), so I'll see the left one to fix it.
  2. I haven't used her in my playthroughs of FE 6. Mmm, maybe Leonardo?
  3. Well, this is the best I could do with this set. I still think something's wrong with it.
  4. Stefan: Get laguz blood in your veins to become a Branded. Heath: Dye a mark in your hair for everyone to notice you're a deserter. Hartmut, are you proud of your family's lineage up to Zephiel?
  5. Katua: Because I'm so beautiful? Or maybe because your my fan? Ike, I meant The Game, yet you lost it and your own game. Marth, ever thought of reclassing?
  6. [spoiler=Hurt Morty, Heal Sabrina] Brock-54 May-75 Officer Jenny-63 Nurse Joy-44 Silver-60 Erika-54 Koga-30 Sabrina-84 Whitney-49 Morty-25 Jasmine-87 Roxanne-39 Brawly-25 Wattson-15 Flannery-54 Winona-81 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-73 Steven-52 Ronan-30 Cheryl-71 Gardenia-66 Fantina-62 Candice-63 Shirona-30 Marley-29
  7. Elice: Gharnef only acted when Marth wasn't around. Also, he steals Falchion to ensure Marth won't be able to oppose him. He only acts when he has everything in his favor. Ike, did you lose the game?
  8. Happy Birthday ERL!

    Hope you enjoy it and a little something for you.

    *hands over a Mist plushie*

  9. Somehow missed that one. Thanks Sirius and sorry guys for any troubles regarding IPs. @Kaoz: Of course, no problem (we still needed an entry). I guess the log will suffice for deck use, won't it? As for your request IntegerZero, I'm normally around 6 through 10 on wednesday.
  10. Well, we're just us by the look of things. Tournament is up and ready. Seeing we have only three duelists in the tourney, it would seem wise to decide who will rest while the other two duel (that is, if you want to run this already or we could wait for some people more if you want). Or we could simply duel between us. The one that gets the more victories wins. As simple as that. Also, I think I'll change the timeline to three days for duelists to agree on a date. -As soon as the duel register is set, the next duel can take place.
  11. Garrett is cool, but a bit hard to train in my experience. Mmmm, maybe Camus?
  12. My Wii needs repairs, quite a lot.

    1. Midnight Nightmare

      Midnight Nightmare

      what happened to it? :O

    2. Light Lord

      Light Lord

      It suddenly stopped reading games, all of them.

  13. [spoiler=Hurt Lucas, Heal Sabrina]Brock-48 May-75 Lucas-10 Officer Jenny-63 Nurse Joy-44 Silver-48 Erika-54 Koga-30 Sabrina-81 Whitney-49 Morty-30 Chuck-18 Jasmine-84 Roxanne-39 Brawly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-51 Winona-74 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-67 Steven-52 Ronan-30 Cheryl-71 Roark-28 Gardenia-54 Maylene-29 Fantina-56 Candice-54 Shirona-30 Marley-29
  14. He's a good archer and ends quite amazing when I use him. Mmmm, Cecil?
  15. Stefan: Hmmm, nice question. Mia is quite passionate and strong willed, she has the makings of an extraordinary swordswoman. Zihark on the other hand keeps a cool head at all times and is quite skilled. I feel tempted to say Zihark is the best of both. Tough there is also this kid Edward, you know? Roland, how in the name of sense could you lift Durandal?
  16. Happy Birthday!

    Hope you enjoy it the most.

    A little something

    *leaves a Lucia's plushie*

  17. Happy birthday!

    Hope you enjoy it the most.

    A little something *Lucia's doll*

  18. [spoiler=Hurt Lucas, Heal Sabrina] Brock-48 May-75 Lucas-15 Officer Jenny-63 Nurse Joy-44 Silver-45 Erika-54 Koga-30 Sabrina-78 Whitney-49 Morty-30 Chuck-33 Jasmine-84 Roxanne-39 Brawly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-51 Winona-68 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-67 Steven-52 Ronan-30 Cheryl-71 Roark-28 Gardenia-54 Maylene-29 Fantina-56 Candice-54 Shirona-30 Marley-29
  19. ...I'm dead now, I guess. *is forced to watch Pokémon's newest seasons over and over and over...*
  20. Prepromote sniper, yet he's not useful as other snipers I've seen in combat. Well, I'll guess Lloyd?
  21. He's not quite bad. Actually, he has been a powerful mage in my teams. Mmmmm, Astram?
  22. *falls for Lucius trap...until Lucius tells him he's a guy*
  23. [spoiler=KO Giovanni, Hurt Roark, Heal Sabrina] Brock-48 May-69 Ethan-20 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-63 Nurse Joy-41 Giovanni-0 Silver-30 Erika-54 Koga-30 Sabrina-75 Whitney-49 Morty-30 Chuck-33 Jasmine-84 Roxanne-39 Brawly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-51 Winona-68 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-67 Steven-52 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-68 Roark-28 Gardenia-54 Maylene-29 Fantina-47 Candice-54 Shirona-30 Marley-29
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