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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Gerik: Harken is quite experienced in combat. He would do a nice addition to our group. Kieran: Gerik, he may prove to be a worthy opponent in the battlefield. I'll train harder to face anyone like him! Harken: Kieran really takes his knighthood seriously, but he should calm down a bit. Nino, what happened to you (referring to FE 6)?
  2. I liked the Narshen x Valter x Izuka, creepy as they can be. Narshen probably wondering if he should hit on Eirika, while Valter threatens him and Izuka annoys everyone with his monologues, and any other creepy thing you can think of. What if Gharnef really betrayed Medeus?
  3. He's awesome. Mercenary, kicks ass, amazing stats. Mmmmm, Ike?
  4. Thanks Kaoz, yeah you're right, I think maybe I wanted to complicate things way too much. I'll get into the rules and anything useful for the tourney as soon as I can. For the meantime, anyone interested in entering could post at least her/his time zone.
  5. [spoiler=Hurt Blaine, Heal Sabrina] Brock - 39 Pikachu-26 Lyra-33 May-57 Dawn-7 Ethan-30 Brendan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-48 Nurse Joy-30 Jessie-39 Meowth-30 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Team Rocket-30 Team Magma-25 Erika-48 Koga-30 Sabrina-57 Blaine-25 Blue-30 Falkner-30 Whitney-31 Morty-30 Chuck-30 Jasmine-45 Roxanne-39 Brawly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-48 Winona-65 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-49 Steven-31 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-56 Roark-30 Gardenia-54 Maylene-29 Fantina-30 Wake-30 Candice-36 Shirona-32 Marley-30
  6. Glad things turned out well. Never mind overreacting, it's kind of natural in these situations.
  7. Hello and welcome to serenes Forest!

    Hope you enjoy your stay and you like the site.

    Sword Demon, like Karel right? Cool.

  8. Man, I know that feeling. Well, what most people have said already: stay calm and pray for her. I know it's a hard time for you and your family. You may thing you feel useless, but staying where you are and being calmed is just the best you can do right now. We're all here for you, I'll also pray for her. Be strong and hang in there.
  9. I would be grateful Kaoz. Basically I wanted to search for info regarding tournaments in YVD, if there are any rules or conditions. I'm starting to wonder if my connection has problems with the page. It's still freezing quite a lot. I need sometime to get this thing running, since I have exams this next two weeks at least.
  10. Play RD (FE10) or PoR (FE9) and you will find out who Zelgius is. As for the time it takes to complete a game, it depends on a few things, like difficulty, how mcuh you play a dya or week, if you want the characters to have amazing stats, stuff like that. In average, it took me a month and a half to finish RD and PoR, each one.
  11. Scorpions concert was the best! Long live Scorpions!

  12. Gheb: What's a bike in the first place? And seriously, who would steal from me. Volke, do you charge over 5000 gold pieces for most requests and/or questions made to you?
  13. ...Too many to make a conversation for each one. Stefan: Hmmm, I believe we haven't met milady. The names is Stefan, yours? Sophia: I'm Sophia, I come from Elibe. Stefan: Elibe, so over there people like us live too. Sophia: People like us? What do you mean? Stefan: The union between a laguz and beorc, we're called the Branded. We possess special skills others don't do. Your commader is one too. Sophia: You mean Lord Roy? But how... Stefan: I just know how to identify them. Anyways, a pleasure to meet you milady. Hope we meet again. Sophia: Wait! I would like to know a bit more of what you said. Stefan: You and your friends should come to the Grann Desert in Begnion. There I can answer any question you have. Seth and Geoffrey would be more like conversations of how both do anything to protect their lords, the knight's way and maybe their feelings for their princesses. Eirika and Elincia much like above, but the despair they felt when leaving their countries, their return to save their people, and maybe how they fall in love with a knight or citizen. Clarine and Kieran would be funny, since Kieran would be trying to prove he's better than Clarine's brother. What if M!U could be recruited by the Assassins, persuaded by Katarina?
  14. Thanks for the add.

    Cool photo and hope you enjoy your FE8 playthrough!

  15. Est: I don't know this C_A, so I0m not really sure. Also, why would I steal another girl's boy? *notices Tinny readying a thunder tome* Zelgius, do you think you deserved to be in SSBB like Ike and Marth?
  16. Hello there, welcome to Serenes forest! Hope you enjoy your stay and like the place.
  17. I've been thinking about it and maybe it would be cool to make a tournament. I'll try to search any info on this in YVD (hoping my computer stops freezing in the page). If it's possible, maybe I'll begin to post a date. I'm pretty sure the duels will be held in YVD. Just a few things, how many duelists do you guys think would be nice to have in the tourney? Also, let me know if you know of a way to avoid having troubles with time differences in our countries.
  18. I don't know most characters from FE12 that are enemies. Tiena appears in the FE6 manga, the annoying princess? Mmmm, maybe Laura?
  19. Dieck: It's pretty different than working with Thany and the others. Rutger is pretty serious, which is fine since he gets focused in the battle. Clarine on the other hand, she may heal us, but is a bit distracted. Izuka, who's the best: you, Gharnef or Nergal?
  20. Well, I haven't played the game yet, but I do have that part taken care of: M!U is a lord named Rafael, disguised as a mercenary hailing from the continent of Seliann (fanfic). He endured tough tasks in there after the war against Sedric, so he decided to travel to other lands to find peace. He lost his fathers in Seliann, when he was 2 years old. He cares for anyone and tries to lend a hand when he can, leading him to join the knights. He aimed for glory, but instead learned a little more of being a King, for the moment to return to Seliann and become king in his country. He is unsure regarding his feelings towards Katarina, since he met love in Seliann too and wishes to help Katarina as he can, when she joins the group.
  21. I don't recall that character. Care to tell me who's him? And how do you have a WiFi Assassins team? (note that I'm not pretty well informed on FE 12, unless I get to see a release date in the USA) Astrid?
  22. Sigrun. She comes with some decent stat and the Pegasus Triangle Attack is ready to be unleashed immediately.
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