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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Delmud: Umm, if you mean simply convince them to stop trying to steal Tinny from you then yes. But if you mean to harm them, I can't. They are my comrades after all. Hey Narshen, why so lame?
  2. [spoiler=Hurt Giovanni, Heal Sabrina] Brock-48 Lyra-31 May-69 Ethan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-57 Nurse Joy-29 Giovanni-17 Silver-30 Erika-54 Koga-30 Sabrina-69 Whitney-46 Morty-30 Chuck-33 Jasmine-81 Roxanne-39 Brawly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-51 Winona-65 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-67 Steven-49 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-65 Roark-30 Gardenia-54 Maylene-29 Fantina-44 Wake-20 Candice-54 Shirona-30 Marley-29
  3. Sirius: If you were in my shoes, you would know. ...I'm looking for the future of my homeland, as well as looking for Lady Nyna. Sable Order Knights, how were you capable of evade Dolhr's punishment for protecting Nyna along with Camus?
  4. Between Nino and Est, Nino. She got awesome stats in my first playthrough and managed to give a good challenge to other of my units. Est is also a pretty good unit and has pretty good stats when trained properly.
  5. [spoiler=Hurt Giovanni, Heal Sabrina] Brock-48 Lyra-31 May-69 Ethan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-57 Nurse Joy-29 Giovanni-22 Silver-30 Erika-54 Koga-30 Sabrina-66 Whitney-46 Morty-30 Chuck-33 Jasmine-81 Roxanne-39 Brawly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-51 Winona-65 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-67 Steven-49 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-65 Roark-30 Gardenia-54 Maylene-29 Fantina-41 Wake-25 Candice-54 Shirona-30 Marley-29
  6. Wallace: That would mean leaving my armor behind, lances and axes too. Bring it on! I will still be a giant among the soldiers! Sothe, why do some people pair you with Astrid?
  7. Elincia: I always thought of joining Sir Greil and Ike in the battlefield, I know I could have helped a lot. Karel, what made you change your attitude and nickname?
  8. Sorry Kaoz (I knew I was missing something) here's what you asked for: -For formats, I think it would be better to keep the advanced format. -One deck per duelist. No deck change, allowing changes of cards within deck and sidedeck only. I will open a new thread here in the Other Games section for the tournament sign-ups. Also, I will think of giving stating a general timeline for the duels to take place and think of some minor rules (not affecting decks or duels).
  9. Orson: What do you mean revived?! She's alive impudent fool! You're trying to separate us?! I won't allow it! Orson, do you have any regrets on betraying your country, friends and losing sanity?
  10. Okay, thanks guys. 4 people signed already and I hope more people join the tournament (at least a few more). Aside from that, I guess we could start trying to place some possible dates for the tourney to take place. Maybe around September the 20 (obviously taking into account timezones)?
  11. [spoiler=Hurt Team Rocket, KO Team Magma, Heal Sabrina] Brock - 48 Lyra-33 May-63 Ethan-30 Brendan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-48 Nurse Joy-23 Meowth-30 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Team Rocket-18 Team Magma-0 Erika-54 Koga-30 Sabrina-63 Blaine-25 Falkner-5 Whitney-34 Morty-30 Chuck-33 Jasmine-69 Roxanne-39 Brawly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-51 Winona-65 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-64 Steven-43 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-62 Roark-30 Gardenia-54 Maylene-29 Fantina-30 Wake-30 Candice-48 Shirona-30 Marley-30
  12. Hey, that one's really cool! The Demon Sword in a business man outfit. It's really cool, awesome job TheReaper.
  13. I'll try to get something better than last time. Practice is the key, so I'll see what I can do with this set. May enter by Sunday.
  14. Arthur: I'm not sure if I understood you well, but if she was bullied I'll help you get the culprit. Amelia, how was it to work with Renais knights, Franz and mighty Seth?
  15. Largo: Hahahaha, no blade or being can withstand my strenght! *crack* ...NOOOOOOOO! I broke my arm! Kieran, are you already training to best Oscar now that he returned to the Royal knights?
  16. Heather: You trying to trick me, man? You're one of them! Let's go Nephenee. Nephenee:... Izuka, is it true you can annoy and test the patience of a stone?
  17. Shinon: Remember the time we annoyed that kitty, Lyre? I don't know why I stick around with him. Ranulf, who's the best pupil/subordinate you ever had?
  18. [spoiler=Hurt Blue, Heal Sabrina] Brock - 39 Pikachu-26 Lyra-33 May-57 Ethan-30 Brendan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-48 Nurse Joy-39 Jessie-24 Meowth-30 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Team Rocket-30 Team Magma-23 Erika-51 Koga-30 Sabrina-60 Blaine-25 Blue-10 Falkner-30 Whitney-31 Morty-30 Chuck-30 Jasmine-51 Roxanne-39 Brawly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-48 Winona-65 Liza/Tate-33 Lance-52 Steven-31 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-56 Roark-30 Gardenia-54 Maylene-29 Fantina-30 Wake-30 Candice-39 Shirona-32 Marley-30
  19. Gheb: They stole my girls, what do you think? Tana: I'm not your girl! Eeeek, Ephraim help me! Amelia: I'm a soldier like Franz, not tied to you! Amelia, Franz, Ross or Ewan?
  20. Mmm, something is for sure: they would know a bit of the sword arts since their parents wield and know how to use said weapon. What if Ninian appeared in FE 6(either NPC or playable)?
  21. Nolan: I don't think I''l do it for a while. I like my beard. Reed Brothers, why if you knew what Sonia was scheming you did nothing to stop her?
  22. Cool, you guys really have nice schedules and some nice experiences in your first day back to school. Here' mine (even if it happened at least, five weeks ago): -Arrived at 10 am (my timezone of Mexico City) and looked for my new schedule, thanks to problems made by administration while I was signing up in college. -Left at 11 am and headed home to get ready for first day. -Returned by 12:30 and looked for the new clasroom in the second floor, until I found it by 12:50 (chatting with old friends does this). -Entered at first class at 13 pm, the teacher appears to be special in a sense she's pretty easy to get annoyed and freaking out possibly. Had to introduce myself to the group by saying my name (teacher didn't allowed anything else), the subject is Multimedia Tecnologies. -Second class, Digital Circuits, starts. Teacher is easier to freak out and started saying the typical speechÇ: the career is way to hard, some of you will leave by the end of the semester. Left as soon as her class ended. -Third class Aplication of Informatic Tecnologies, teacher just enters, shows a bit of what we're going to learn in the class and left 20 minutes before her class finished. -Fourth class, this one seemes better, since the teacher is nice and I like the subject quite a lot: Social-cultural Artistical Expressions. Like history and arts combined, cool. -Fifth period: Communicative Competency. At last, the day is nearly over! Teacher seems fun and she wants to make the class a bit lighter than usual. I get the chance to formally introduce myself to the group. -Day ends and I couldn't make a single friend in the first day (I made them when the first week almost ended), I return home and rest some time.
  23. Ardan: Yeah, I finally have a girlfriends! I won't be alone anymore! *sniff* So Nino, are you a boy stealer since Canas is already married?
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