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Light Lord

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Everything posted by Light Lord

  1. Zeiss is pretty cool and the only playable male wyvern/dragon rider in FE 6. Mmmm, I'll guess Camus?
  2. FE6 characters: Of course we are! At least most of us. Why is Roy the only one allowed to have one IS? Ashnard, if you were to meet Gharnef and Zephiel would you join forces with them?
  3. Thanks eclpise, it helped a lot. Okay guys, I have seen the card database for YVD and definitely I'll be using it (if college doesn't get in the way of course). I've been reading the manual and maybe we shoudl define which is the easiest and comfortable way to duel using the YVD. I think maybe server would do, but you need an account on Xerocreative. I also read you can get IPs to duel that player. Any ideas on which way is comfotable, easy and safe YVD duelists?
  4. Shanan and Lakche telling you they need you for the ultimate triangle attack?
  5. Skasaher: That's pretty cool. That way I'll endure a lot of damage and still keep going onwards. Anna, why do you like so much to make characters suffer from the RNG?
  6. Is a swordmaster fan (specially when they are from Isaac)
  7. Tip/Warning for you my friend. If you have updated the Wii system you have, there is a high chance the save file won't be recognized and therefore it won't be usable. There's a page filled with saves pretty cools, but I haven't checked if they have copies for recent Wii System updates, since it detects whether a save file is corrupt and it won't run when playing the game.
  8. L'Arachel: Well, they say you fall inlove with those that complement you, teehee. As for someone else, I always heard a voice telling me not to do dangerous stuff, but I can't recall it. Rennac: It was me Princess! Duessel, Amelia or Cormag, what will happen to Grado now that both Lyon and Vigarde are gone?
  9. Well, I always put him in the back lines. Never used. I have no reason but that I don't like him. Sue is better in my opinion. @LB: But the fact Est left Abel means you can get him to join your army. That's a point isn't it? Who knows, maybe you can heal Abel's wound. Zelgius?
  10. [spoiler=Hurt Ash and Bugsy, Heal Sabrina] Ash-5 Brock-36 Pikachu-30 Oak-30 Misty-28 Lyra-30 May-30 Dawn-32 Piplup-13 Ethan-30 Brendan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-33 Nurse Joy-30 Jessie-30 James-28 Meowth-30 Wobuffet-30 Cassidy-31 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Team Rocket-30 Team Aqua-30 Team Magma-30 Team Galactic-22 Erika-30 Koga-30 Sabrina-45 Blaine-30 Blue-30 Falkner-30 Bugsy-10 Whitney-31 Morty-30 Chuck-30 Jasmine-30 Pryce-30 Clair-39 Roxanne-30 Broly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-30 Norman-30 Winona-37 Liza/Tate-30 Juan-25 Lance-31 Steven-31 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-63 Roark-30 Gardenia-36 Maylene-29 Fantina-30 Wake-30 Byron-30 Candice-30 Volkner-28 Shirona-30 Marley-30
  11. Is an alien that came to conquer the world.
  12. She's pretty cool when trained properly. She's also the best footlance unit in PoR and RD. Mmmm, maybe Carrion?
  13. Haha, cool. Even Hitler is not sparred by the RNG when playing. Honestly, it may be a blessing sometimes, but other times it gets annoying. Proof: Criticalling with 5% Getting criticalled after failing a 90% hit, with a 1% crit.
  14. Difficult choice, all of them are pretty cool. The ones I liked the most are LB's, TR's and MK's. I guess I'll go for TR's.
  15. ^That's surely hard. Mmmm, I already remember of a time I was asked my number by a friend I just met a day ago. I was like I barely know you! And he did that same thing with most students in the school. Until he left the school.
  16. -Soren never knew who his parents were, just what the Brand meant. He just remembers the woman that sold him and the sage that tought him magic. -He supposedly trusts his comrades in the company, but not as much as Ike. I really don't know which could be another reason for that trust: Ike gave him a hand when nobody did and he didn't care Soren was a Branded, showing him what a tru friend is. -Just his nature I guess. On a side note, I'm not sure if his fear of being a Branded may be linked to this. -Ike's always around with both of them. Also, note that Skrimir "apologized" and was grateful Soren was around developing the Laguz Alliance strategies. -I assume the same answer for #2.
  17. FE 5: -Eyvel -Tanya/Tania -Selfina FE 6: -Clarine -Lilina -Echidna -Percival -Cecilia -Sophia FE 7: -Serra -Priscilla -Rath -Nino FE 8: -Seth (some friends that introduced me to the game said he was trash, but he's actually pretty good and awesome!) -Neimi -Amelia FE 9: -Rolf -Mist -Mia -Elincia FE 10: -Leonardo -Meg -Laura -Astrid -Lyre -Sigrun FE 11: -Gordin -Norne -Roshea -Maria -Minerva -Samson -Midia
  18. [spoiler=Hurt Butch and Ash, Heal Sabrina and Whitney] Ash-13 Brock-36 Pikachu-30 Oak-30 Misty-28 Lyra-30 May-30 Dawn-32 Piplup-13 Ethan-30 Brendan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-33 Nurse Joy-30 Jessie-30 James-28 Meowth-30 Wobuffet-30 Butch-3 Cassidy-30 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Team Rocket-30 Team Aqua-30 Team Magma-30 Team Galactic-22 Erika-30 Koga-30 Sabrina-42 Blaine-30 Blue-30 Falkner-30 Bugsy-29 Whitney-31 Morty-30 Chuck-30 Jasmine-30 Pryce-30 Clair-36 Roxanne-30 Broly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-30 Norman-30 Winona-37 Liza/Tate-30 Juan-25 Lance-31 Steven-31 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-57 Roark-30 Gardenia-31 Maylene-29 Fantina-30 Wake-30 Byron-30 Candice-30 Volkner-28 Shirona-30 Marley-30
  19. I once had a dream I lived in Tellius, while Ike was away, the Black Knight returned and I had to face him (don't ask me why, I don't remember the details). I fought him, but got beaten and kicked, barely alive. Curiously, the day before I faced the Black Knight in PoR and Ike failed to beat him (which means I got Ena).
  20. Think of a false number, or simply say that I don't remember it and I left my phone in home. The problem is that they will persist for some time with this. You can always ignore the person.
  21. [spoiler=Hurt Ash, Heal Lance, Sabrina and Steven] Ash-15 Brock-36 Pikachu-30 Oak-30 Misty-28 Lyra-30 May-30 Dawn-32 Piplup-13 Ethan-30 Brendan-30 Lucas-30 Officer Jenny-31 Nurse Joy-30 Jessie-30 James-28 Meowth-30 Wobuffet-30 Butch-10 Cassidy-30 Giovanni-27 Silver-30 Team Rocket-30 Team Aqua-30 Team Magma-30 Team Galactic-22 Erika-30 Koga-30 Sabrina-40 Blaine-30 Blue-30 Falkner-30 Bugsy-30 Whitney-30 Morty-30 Chuck-30 Jasmine-30 Pryce-30 Clair-36 Roxanne-30 Broly-30 Watson-30 Flannery-30 Norman-30 Winona-37 Liza/Tate-30 Juan-25 Lance-31 Steven-31 Ronan-30 Miran-30 Cheryl-57 Roark-30 Gardenia-30 Maylene-29 Fantina-30 Wake-30 Byron-30 Candice-30 Volkner-28 Shirona-30 Marley-30
  22. I don't know if that's bravery, because most of the time I get hit when enemies have around 30 and 10% of hit. It's alll luck, I've been hit 9s or 5s and criticaled with 1. Forgot to mention this other habits: -Try to charge supports as soon as possible. Mostly when the epilogue has paired endings, or just to raise some stats from my units. -Support characters at maximum (level A, and maybe two Cs, or one B ). -A bad habit of mine, the arena abuse. Whenever an arena is near, I start fighting in it like crazy. Getting mor money to use it in secret shops.
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