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Father Wood

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Posts posted by Father Wood

  1. Thought you meant best of the three dragon types, then I saw Demon King and was all WTF? So then I thought it was between the Demon King, The Fire Dragon, and Dheginsia. So I voted black dragon LULZ!

    But when taking into account that it's based on the GBA games, I'd have to go with Idoun anyway, she looks the best.

  2. Another one, I was playing an FE9 trial map (The one in the prison). I ordered Ike to attack a door from a distance, and I got a map animation that Aether activated, but it just repeatedly did that animation with nothing happening.

    Ya mean something like this? http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j4CFlGfnuIM

    One time while playing RD Ike was fighting against a swordmaster with a killing edge. Swordmaster misses, then Ike criticals him at one percent, awesome stuff!

    As for story weird, I always find the gay laguz in RD and the gay warriors in FE7 to be pretty weird.

  3. You Scored as Light

    You value loyalty and friendship, and you care about others. You can be pretty literal.

















    Spot on man!

    EDIT: Wait a minute, I bet I've already posted my results here, but answered the questions in the way I'd want to be and got fire. Yeah, that doesn't really fit me.

  4. Fantastic source of information, but it's a double edge sword for posting there. With more people there you'll get more trolls and flamers, but the forums will also be much faster. As long as you watch what you say you should be fine.

  5. Again, I'd like to make a plug for the book Men are like Waffles, Women are like Spaghetti. For guys, everything is in its separate square of the waffle, while for girls all the strands are interconnected.

    LULZ! Girls are like SPAGHETTI and men are like waffles that can be TOASTed! Youtube poop inuendos FTW!

    As for how they think, I've heard a long time ago that women think more broadly than men because they can use twice as much of their brain than men can.

  6. And what's the average time between announcements and releases?

    I'll do one for the amount of time it took for each game to be translated then released, but I don't have any clue where to find out when the announcements happened. If someone provides me a link I'd gladly do that.

    Anyhoo, here's the average time between the American, European and Australian releases:

    FE7 Japanese: April 25, 2003 and FE7 American: November 23, 2003 = 185

    [FE7 Japanese: April 25, 2003 and FE7 European: July 16, 2004 = 447]

    (There was no Australian FE7 release)

    PoR Japanese: April 20, 2005 and PoR American: October 17, 2005 = 180

    [PoR Japanese: April 20, 2005 and PoR European: November 4, 2005 = 199]

    (PoR Japanese: April 20, 2005 and PoR Australian: December 1, 2005 = 226)

    RD Japanese: November 22, 2007 and RD American: November 11, 2007 = 262

    [RD Japanese: November 22, 2007 and RD European: March 14, 2008 = 385]

    (RD Japanese: November 22, 2007 and RD Australian: April 10, 2008 = 412)

    SD Japanese: August 7, 2008 and SD American: Februrary 17, 2009 = 198

    [sD Japanese: August 7, 2008 and SD European: December 5, 2008 = 124]

    (SD Japanese: August 7, 2008 and SD Australian: Februrary 26, 2009 = 207)

    The estimated release dates are based off the date May 12, 2010 in which the average Japanese release puts us.

    American average translation time: 206 days; date is December 4, 2010

    European average translation time: 296 days; date is March 4, 2011

    Australian average translation time: 282 days; date is Februrary 18, 2011

    Sheesh this takes time

  7. I think using the Japanese announcement/release dates would be wiser.

    There were two teams working on Sacred Stones and Path of Radience at the same time, so that'd skew the results.

    (I would have quoted that, but I'll just edit the post.)


    FE7: April 25, 2003 and PoR: April 20, 2005 = 725 days

    PoR: April 20, 2005 and RD: Februrary 22, 2007 = 673 days

    RD: Februrary 22, 2007 and SD: August 7, 2008 = 531 days

    The average for the Japanese releases is 643 days

    The day in question for the Japanese releases is May 12, 2010.

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