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Father Wood

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Posts posted by Father Wood

  1. I've got a few for Ike



    Down throw


    If your opponent sees the grab coming after the jab-kick I just go for the grab then the rest.

    For killing I just do


    Grab-Grab attack(s)

    Down/back throw


    Oh and when near the edge I usually do



    Instant kill

  2. I mentioned mine in the other thread. Give us a remake of both FE6 and FE7 in FE3 style. By this I mean present FE7 as a Book 1 of sorts and FE6 as Book 2.

    So there is the basic idea of how to start it, one cartridge with both FE6 and 7 on it in the proper order. From there we could use quite a bit of back story. They could redo Lyn's section in FE7 to not be a tutorial and just be a part of the game that takes place before the main events of 7's story. In Lyn's place, for the tutorial, send us back an amount of years that I can't remember and give us control of Hartmut and the others at the final push of the Scouring. It gives players a taste of power and I feel it could be a very epic scene, especially for only being a tutorial. From there fill in the obvious gaps where they need it.

    Then we get to FE6's part of the game. This could use quite a bit more development in back story and the characters, doubt anyone would say otherwise. They could also fill in gaps such as "Who is Roy's mom?" Beyond that, bring Al and his group from Hasha no Tsurugi into the game. They could get a few gaiden chapters dedicated to them getting their little group together before they meet up with Roy and it would eventually lead to them joining your team. Continue on from there.

    Things independent of the book system, that I've seen mentioned, that they could also add a generations system into the game to merge 7 and 6 even further.

    All of that and I think they'd have an amazing game, and I'd probably call it a must have. Some items may need a bit of tweaking, you get the SoS fairly late and have probably saved the Hammerne for it anyway so just give it infinite uses, but characters can probably stay at their original power level.

    I'm horrible with names but the first thing that really pops into my mind would be something like Fire Emblem: Complete Elibe.

    Oh yeah, that would be awesome!

    My top one would probably be FE4 though, just to get the world to know Sigurd and perhaps get him in SSB4?

    Second would be a remake of FE3's book two and third would be FE5.

  3. The doubling didn't seem to work right.

    And wouldn't Aether heal Ike?

    It would, but I forgot to give Ike more % so that it would seem like he'd be getting healed. Instead, they both have 60%. Also, this was made before I became an arena fan so I didn't know that the faster fighter started doubling after the first few exchanged hits.

  4. More then likely, seeing how they are ruining God's Word and pissing on it as a way to spread hatred (which is a sin), they're going to hell.

    Thing is though, according to the Bible you don't have to do anything good to go to heaven. You can murder the entire human race and if you believe that Christ died for your sins with all your heart you're forgiven.

  5. They really don't need shields IMO. They've got so much armor anyway. However I'd prefer it if they removed their chest armor and use it as a shield every time they atack like in the GBA FE's. It's really funny IMO.

    Axes should be their secondary weapon, because they never double with swords, so give them some additional power.

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