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Ice Dragon

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About Ice Dragon

  • Birthday 10/22/1988


  • Member Title
    Not Dead Yet

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    Monster Hunter
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    Madison, WI

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    Radiant Dawn

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  1. I want to give Ninian Reprisal and a Spd-based weapon refining with Desperation.

    1. Ice Dragon

      Ice Dragon

      Reprisal has the problem that its damage output is incredibly unreliable.

      While it has the potential to far out-perform its 2-cooldown competitors, dealing 16 damage at 1 HP with a +10 merge, refined weapon, and the HP +5 Sacred Seal, it both requires setup and does not activate on every round of combat. With Ninian's incredibly low base Atk, that leaves her vulnerable on the rounds of combat where it does not activate.

    2. Junkhead


      It's not +10, I don't do that crazy shit. Mine is +HP/-Res, so it can work on Player Phase.

      I do see your concern, and it may have been something I didn't think through too much. Since she's more of a support role, she isn't as likely to afford many decent Player Phase situations. :[ Kind of leaves me secondthinking whether or not I should give her a Lightning Breath. :awesome:

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