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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. Yeah. Infernal gives you 2 skills per slot, but the stage and difficulty don't change the skill pool. After completing all of the stages for rewards, it's best to return to stage 13 for the remainder of the event since you'll have the easiest time feeding first kills to the unit you want skills for and have the smallest chance of failing the map.
  2. While Even Tempest is a possibility, Dimitri would very much just prefer to not have to deal with Tempest in any skill slot other than his weapon. Ideally, he just gets a permanent +1 movement like Sigurd, Yuri, and Brave Alm. The problem with encouraging keeping his default Odd Tempest on his build is that it doesn't give him any in-combat effects, and it doesn't have a version worth 300 SP to help pad his Arena score. If they end up giving him only Even Tempest on his weapon, it'll still be optimal to run Atk/Spd Oath 4 on him over Odd Tempest and just rely on the teleportation effect on odd turns.
  3. Translation notes for the new weapons: Brilliant Rapier is "光明レイピア" (kōmyō reipia), "Bright Rapier". "光明" (kōmyō) literally translates as "bright light", but it also refers to "hope" and "a bright future", as "明" (myō) can mean both "bright" and "tomorrow". Flame Battleaxe is "炎帝の烈斧" (entei no reppu), "Raging Axe of the Flame Emperor". And the usual hopes and predictions, many of which are rather short because we've seen these unit archetypes plenty of times already: Young Marth: Brilliant Rapier Currently has Rapier, which has effective damage against armor and cavalry and Vantage 3. I'm expecting Vantage to be made able to activate a full health, either by lifting the HP condition entirely or by giving it an alternate condition. While it's possible he'll get the Slaying effect added to his new weapon, it would be better to just give him Special Spiral 4, which would give him more options for his B and C skills. And given that Hero's Blood is just Fire Emblem with a different name, he'll probably also get Bonus Doubler 4 like Brave Marth. Flame Emperor: Flame Battleaxe Currently has Guard Axe, which grants the Guard effect. She's a melee armor. She'll either get the usual melee armor defensive effects, or she'll get some version of Raging Storm. Divine Vein (Flame) would also be fitting, given that she can't inherit Flared Sparrow, but I doubt they'll give something that strong to a Grail unit, even if it's Edelgard. Plumeria: Flower of Plenty Current effect is: Permanent +3 Res Grants +3 Atk/Res to allies within a rectangle 5 rows by 3 columns centered on unit The remixed Sweet Dreams now also grants a guaranteed follow-up on player phase and Hexblade to the dance target. Plumeria's new skill is Atk/Res Hold, which is simply an upgrade of her existing Atk/Res Rein. As a dancer, there's a lot they can do with her in terms of support effects. I expect her weapon to inflict at least one additional debuff on dance and probably also grant a mobility effect. Given that Sweet Dreams is also having its debuff range increased to the closest enemies within 5 spaces of the target, it's possible she'll grant the Formation status effect, which allows ranged units to target enemies up to 5 spaces away when teleporting. She could also grant Assault like her Rearmed version, but I don't think they'll overlap that effect. If they want to do something more interesting, inflicting False Start on dance or at the end of her action would be a great way to get around Freyr's shenanigans. She also does actually have a good Atk stat and will almost certainly get a guaranteed follow-up to help out her combat performance and might also get post-combat debuffs like Mirabilis. Legendary Dimitri: Areadbhar Current effect is: Slaying effect If HP is 25% or higher at start of combat: +5 to all stats in combat Dodge 3 Atrocity's remix only really adds obligatory stat boosts, first-hit damage reduction, and the addition of Guard to its post-combat debuffs. Dimitri's new skill is Atk/Spd Clash 4, replacing Sturdy Impact. Atk/Spd Clash 4 indicates that they want to double down on mobility. While he has Odd Tempest by default, it's sub-optimal to actually use when there are better skills available like Oath 4, so he might get Tempest moved to his weapon instead. Otherwise, because Atrocity's improvements are pretty generic, it doesn't really give us any hints as to what else they might do with the refine. This version of Dimitri is a Spd tank with good mobility, and the effects that would complement the role most would be flat damage reduction and passive healing. Giving him +1 Special charge rate or Pulse effects would also help him activate Specials like Galeforce and Godlike Reflexes that fit that role. Similarly, because Atrocity isn't getting the Tempo effect added to it, there's a decent chance he'll get it on his weapon. Altenna: Earthly Gae Bolg Current effect is: Permanent +3 Def If opponent is infantry, armor, or cavalry: -5 Atk/Def to opponent in combat Nullifies opponent's stat bonuses to Atk/Def Altenna is the next unit in this nonstop parade of dragon knights month after month. She'll probably get some new permutation of the effects that the other dragon knights have gotten. Thematically, getting Rein Snap on her weapon would be pretty fitting. Othin: Vouge Current effect is: Slaying effect If HP is 50% or higher at start of combat: Distant Counter Othin has decent Atk and decent Spd and would be able to function as a Spd tank if they give him the usual +8 to all stats and a Dodge effect. What would make Othin stand out, though, is if they gave him Tempo and an unconditional post-combat (or pre-combat) Pulse, which would make him able to reliably use Godlike Reflexes without having to worry about the opponent having Guard or Tempo to prevent it from charging up. And unlike Felix, Flame Lyn, and Timerra, he wouldn't need to give up Atk/Spd Finish 4 to get Distant Counter. Mamori: Mirage Axe Current effect is: Permanent +3 Res With a Unity condition: +6 Def/Res in combat Follow-up prevention Ideally, she'd get a guaranteed follow-up so that she could run something other than the guaranteed follow-up Fighter skills, but that's not strictly necessary. Either way, she'll probably just get a ton of defensive effects. It would be nice if we got another unit with Divine Vein (Stone), though.
  4. New remixes have been announced again: Plumeria: Sweet Dreams+ Range 1 Dance effect Grants the following status effects to target: +5 to all stats (previously +3) Guaranteed follow-up when initiating combat (new) Hexblade (new) Inflicts the following status effects to closest enemies within 5 spaces of target (previously 4 spaces): -5 to all stats (previously -4) New skill is Atk/Res Hold, which is an upgrade of her existing Atk/Res Rein 3. Guaranteed follow-up when initiating combat is a pretty big deal as an effect applied on dance. Hexblade is cool, but is more like icing on the cake in comparison. Extending the debuff range to 5 spaces is nice for ranged cavalry, as it guarantees something within their normal threat range will be hit. Unlike Mirabilis, though, none of Plumeria's effects splash, which is a bit of a bummer. Dimitri: Atrocity II If opponent's HP is 40% or higher (previously 50%) at start of combat: -4 Atk/Spd/Def to opponent in combat (new) Additional damage equal to 25% of Atk, excluding AoE Specials 40% damage reduction on opponent's first attack (new) Inflicts the following effects to target and enemies within 3 spaces of target (previously 2 spaces): -6 to all stats as a status effect (previously -5) Guard as a status effect (new) +1 Special cooldown, cannot increase beyond maximum New skill is Atk/Spd Clash 4, replacing Sturdy Impact. Dimitri getting Atk/Spd Clash 4 makes me think they might give him a Tempest skill on his weapon's refine so that he can get rid of his default Odd Tempest that is rather sub-optimal. Other than that, the upgrades to Atrocity don't really give any hints as to what else he might get on his refine since it's just the obligatory stats and first-hit damage reduction and some improvements to his post-combat debuffs.
  5. 284 pulls on the Veyle banner: 3 Veyle (+1 spark) 6 Freyr 9 Shez 3 Ash 1 Xander 1 Citrinne Well, this was an absolute garbage fire of a banner. 8.1% focus rate is below average by about 1 pull. 1.1% Veyle rate is below average by 3 and a half pulls, which is to say I got less than half as many copies of Veyle compared to the expected value, due in large part to the fact that I went 169 pulls between the first and second copies of her. And I don't have a copy better than neutral because of course I wouldn't. So it's been a few months since the last time I calculated how bad my luck is on Legendary/Mythic Hero banners. Starting from Bramimond's banner and only counting banners with 1 new unit, I've now pulled a total of exactly 600 focus units of the color of the new unit, and of those, only 174 of them were the new unit. This means I have a 29.0±2.2% pull rate on the new unit. Either I'm incredibly unlucky or the new unit is actually weighted slightly less than the others on the banner (about 4:5).
  6. That's not a strawman. That's an analogy. Replace "Engage" and "console game" with "manga" and "official publication" and you have your exact argument. And I haven't said otherwise. The problem is that you haven't made any arguments as to why the manga should be treated any differently than any other official publication in the same way that Engage shouldn't be treated any differently than any other main-series game. You've asserted "it's not the same" with no justification. You asked this question: And I answered: I am literally telling you exactly what I'm arguing, and you've been dodging it the entire time. Hartmut should be counted in the same category as the crusaders, and if he gets in, he is most likely going to use his manga design. I don't use absolutes because I'm not a Sith. And also because using absolutes is the easiest way to be wrong. And as an aside, Roland and Durban should be counted as less likely than Athos, but more likely than Hartmut and the crusaders.
  7. My opinion doesn't change the fact that IS is still using the designs from the TCG and onward and has discarded the designs from the NES era. Why would the current designs ever be considered in need of a complete redesign like the characters in Gaiden? All of the games from Mystery and onwards have had their character designs reinforced by the fact that they've been in continuous circulation in other official media after the original releases of their games through the TCG, Cipher, and Heroes. They don't have the liberty to significantly change the character designs in the future because the characters have been continuously identified with these designs this entire time. Even if the original designs from the TCG are eventually considered "too old" in the future, there would still be the designs in Cipher, which are the same designs. When the Cipher designs become too old, there's still Heroes, which again uses the same designs. When the Heroes designs become too old, there's whatever comes after Heroes, which would use the same designs because it would've had Heroes and Cipher and maybe still even the TCG to base its designs off of, which would still be the same designs. There might be progressive refinement, but the designs won't be thrown away and redone completely because they have a history of use and reuse. Gaiden, on the other hand, had virtually no representation in any other official media until it was remade as Echoes, having no representation in the TCG, no representation in Cipher until after the release of Echoes, and no representation in Heroes until after the release of Echoes (technically a few days before, but it was still tied to the release of Echoes and used the designs from Echoes). The only representation it saw was Alm and Celica getting new art in Awakening's DLC and the game having a SpotPass team in Awakening using 10 of its characters with their original official art. I care because someone is wrong on the interwebs. Conflict? No, I'm just refuting the things you say because I think you are wrong, and each time you reply, you say something new, and I think the new thing is also wrong. And doing additional research to support my arguments is fun, and it would be waste not to use it. "They can't release a Mythic Hero from Engage because we haven't gotten a Mythic Hero from Engage yet." "But they've released Mythic Heroes from every other source console game." "But not Engage yet. There's no precedent." Engage is obviously not different enough from any other source game to warrant excluding it. TMS and Warriors obviously have potential licensing issues to deal with, but not Engage. Why should a manga be considered different from any other format of official publication to warrant excluding it? (They may or may not own the rights to Hasha's original characters, but they clearly own the rights to Hartmut, so that's certainly not an issue.) I'm saying that your interpretation of what counts as precedent is too narrow.
  8. Mystery is where the character designs actually start becoming stable. However, the modern designs for Akaneia and Genealogy come from series 2-5 of the old trading card game, so that's objectively where the line is drawn for what counts as being "too old".
  9. That's certainly an odd way to spell "dated". The character designs that I've seen look like they're from a shojo manga from the 90's, and that makes sense because the manga is in fact from 1992 and very much looks the part. Hasha ran from 2001 to 2005, and while the art in the earlier chapters still looks dated (though 90% of that is Gant's face), the art in the later chapters is virtually indistinguishable from Yamada Kotaro's current art style and could easily pass for something drawn today. It's pretty clear that the reason the manga designs for Gaiden were discarded (along with the original official art) is because they're outdated and not because they're from a manga.
  10. That has nothing to do with their designs being from a manga format. They redesigned L.I.T.E.R.A.L.L.Y. E.V.E.R.Y.O.N.E. from Gaiden for Echoes, including all of the characters that had official art (which was all of the playable characters), and that includes Alm and Celica. You're also ignoring the reason why they redesigned everyone from Gaiden, and that's because they all had dated designs, and almost everyone other than Alm and Celica looked extremely generic. The Elibe games are not even close to being in a similar situation as Gaiden.
  11. What makes an officially licensed manga any less official than an artbook? Or even Cipher for that matter (considering we have multiple units that are based off of outfits originating from Cipher)? It's unlikely that Yamada Kotaro was given free reign to design Hartmut himself for the manga (or any of the other original characters, for that matter), and he likely would have received at least some input from Intelligent Systems. There's no reason to redesign Hartmut when they probably already have a character sheet for him lying around in an archive somewhere (other than the fact that they would need to design armor for him). Currently, 21 of the 37 Mythic Heroes (including Veyle) are Heroes characters, and we get an average of slightly less than 8 Mythic Heroes each year, which comes out to an average of just over 3 non-Heroes Mythic Heroes each year. Roland, Durban, Athos, Dheginhansea, Lehran, Ashunera, and Sombron are already enough to get us through another 2 years, and by then, there will probably be another new console game that they can get at least another 2 or 3 new characters from to last another year before ever needing to touch the remaining crusaders or the generals that don't appear in the games themselves, though they'll probably give us at least one of the crusaders somewhere in between to have some more diversity in source game along with Anri. That gets us through most of 2027. We're not running out of candidates anytime soon.
  12. While the story of Hasha is not considered canon, it's still an official publication like the artbooks, and I think we can consider the character designs from it for characters that don't appear in Binding to still be considered canon. Personally, I don't really see them ever actually bothering to fill out the crusaders, given the number of them and their general irrelevance. I imagine Fala and Neir to be the most likely to be released due to them having weapons that aren't usable by playable characters (and aren't usable by Ishtar). The generals, on the other hand, are more likely to all get in. Athos, Roland, and Durban are all actual characters in Blazing, and Hartmut has the novelty of being a potential dual wielder as well as having high-resolution art in Hasha. Hanon has an okay chance of getting in due to being female, being cavalry, and using a bow, as there is a rather distinct lack of both cavalry and bows among Mythic Heroes. Barigan is the least likely of the generals to get in, but he's still also a cavalry unit. It's actually interesting just how few cavalry Mythic Heroes there are given how useful mobility is in Aether Raids.
  13. Menace is mentioned for ranged cavalry because they don't have a better skill to grant stat bonuses in that slot (since they don't have access to any self-buff skills that also grant an in-combat stat boost). As far as self-buff skills go, Oath 4 and Pledge are more optimal than Menace on infantry, and Oath 4, Hold, and Rein Snap are more optimal than Menace on fliers. Yes, the debuffs from Menace are pretty nice, but they can be offloaded onto a support unit.
  14. Otr is a dvergr. Ulir is human, but is not a Heroes character.
  15. It's not so much that they "found out" and more that they were creating too many Heroes characters to be able to viably use only Legendary/Mythic Hero banners for them. Also because they're not human. It's worth noting that every Heroes Mythic Hero so far has been a non-human character. To be fair, there aren't that many human Heroes characters to begin with, but all of them are either regular units (Alfonse, Sharena, Anna, Laevatein, Laegjarn, Helbindi, Surtr, Ylgr, and Letizia) or Legendary Heroes (Fjorm, Gunnthra, Hrid, and Veronica) in their base form.
  16. So my previous response had me thinking of which units would even want what Echo skills as optimal picks. A lot of these aren't really that straightforward. So the Blow Echo series are pretty simple. They give a smaller stat boost than Oath, Pledge, Rouse, and Alarm and don't have a secondary effect, but the stat boost stacks with similar effects. Any purely player-phase unit will probably want to run either Death Blow Echo or Darting Blow Echo depending on which stat is more important to it. The hypothetical Armored Blow Echo and Warding Blow Echo are completely useless for the same reason why their A versions were useless even back when we still only had single-stat A skills. There's never really a situation where an extra 4 points in Def or Res is going to be better than an extra 4 points in Atk or Spd on a player-phase unit. Unlike the Blow Echo series, a hypothetical Stance Echo series would have all four of its variants viable on at least someone, as each stat has at least one enemy-phase unit in the game that prefers it over the other stats. The Oath Echo series is more complicated for a few reasons. The first is that Oath 4 and Pledge grant both the +6 stat bonus as well as a +3 in-combat stat boost, whereas Oath Echo only grants the +6 stat bonus. This means that it's always more optimal to run the unit's two highest-priority stats in the C slot and the third-highest-priority stat in the X slot. The second is that Oath Echo grants the Formation teleportation effect, which overlaps with Oath 4, and that means it's never optimal to run Oath in both the C and X slots unless that's the only option. On infantry units, you're pretty much always going to want to run Atk/* Pledge with either Def Oath Echo or Res Oath Echo because there are very few units where Atk is not their first- or second-most prioritized stat. The only time Atk Oath Echo or Spd Oath Echo will ever be optimal will be on units that are unable to run Pledge in their C slot, namely units running Infantry Pulse 4, Time's Pulse, Def/Res Smoke 3, Ploy, etc. Fliers have an easier sell on Atk Oath Echo and Spd Oath Echo since most of them optimally run Rein or Rein Snap in their C slot and therefore won't overlap with either of Oath Echo's effects. However, since Oath 4 grants only 1 point less in each stat compared to Rein, it's entirely reasonable to run Oath 4 + Oath Echo on a flier in order to not have to rely on teammates to grant stat bonuses, in which case you're going to run Atk/* Oath 4 with either Def Oath Echo or Res Oath Echo, just like with infantry. A hypothetical Pledge Echo and Alarm Echo series have the same considerations as Oath Echo. A hypothetical Rouse Echo will depend on exactly how it's implemented. It's dead on arrival if its condition is the same as Rouse 4, but will be viable if its condition is changed to match Alarm. Assuming the latter, the main complication with Rouse Echo is the fact that Rouse 4 is an awful skill due to lacking an in-combat stat boost and having a shitty condition. This means that melee cavalry are always going to optimally run Alarm Atk/* with either Rouse Def Echo or Rouse Res Echo, just like infantry with Pledge and Oath Echo. Ranged cavalry don't have access to Alarm and therefore will probably run either Rouse Atk Echo or Rouse Spd Echo with some other C skill (like Smoke 4 or Ploy 4) or run Rouse Atk Echo with Spd/Def Menace or Spd/Res Menace. A hypothetical Fury Echo would be rather underwhelming. The biggest issue is that Fury itself is not a skill that is in high demand. Units that want all four stats are always fast and therefore would always prefer a larger boost to Spd over a boost in all other stats. Units that want all stats except Spd are usually willing to give up points in one of those stats in order to get more points in the other two. Most units would instead prefer to run a hypothetical Life and Death Echo, Solid Ground Echo, Still Water Echo, or Fortress Def/Res Echo. Null Follow-Up was designed to be used by fast units to counter skill effects commonly used by slow units to manipulate follow-up activation. It protects fast units from having their follow-ups blocked by slow units with follow-up prevention, and it protects fast units from being doubled by slow units with guaranteed follow-ups. Nope. Gambit's additional damage and damage reduction effects require the unit's Special to activate on either the unit's or the opponent's attack, and Galeforce doesn't fall into either category. Gambit's effects are based on the visible cooldown on the unit's Special skill, which does factor in the existence of the Slaying effect and will therefore count against Gambit's effects. While the Slaying effect is detrimental to Gambit's effects when viewed in a vacuum, the benefits of having a functional Special usually outweigh the weakening of Gambit's effects. If the unit has +1 Special charge rate, it's better to run a Special with 4 cooldown (i.e. Slaying effect + Aether) and activate it on every round of combat than to run a Special with 5 cooldown (i.e. Aether with no Slaying effect) just to make Gambit slightly stronger.
  17. Her exclusive passive skill grants "Drive Scowl", but uses her Res for the stat comparison instead of the unit actually in combat. That's nifty. She clearly wants to be running Still Water instead of Atk/Res Finish, but Atk/Res Finish doesn't have good distribution yet, whereas Still Water already has decent distribution. And the usual translation notes: Veyle's epithet, "Gentle Dragon", is "優しき竜" (yasashiki ryū), "Gentle Dragon". Obscurité is "オヴスキュリテ" (ovusukyurite), "Obscurité". Atk/Res Tempo is "攻撃魔防の拍節" (kōgeki mabō no hakusetsu), "Atk/Res Tempo". Fell Protection is "邪竜の救済" (jaryū no kyūsai), "Fell Dragon's Salvation".
  18. The +3 Atk from Alarm Atk/Spd isn't going to make or break the build, and the +6 Atk stat bonus can always be made up for with team support. I wouldn't worry too much about it if you can't get it, and in the worst-case scenario, Alarm Atk/Spd is available from Nerthuz, who has scheduled reruns, and from Eitr, who is a Rearmed Hero with a low-priority weapon, and Rearmed Heroes do get moderately frequent reruns, even if they aren't particularly predictable. The only real way to "compensate" for the lower Atk is to run Blade Session in the Sacred Seal slot over the more commonly used Solo or Catch. The reason why this is the only option that I think actually counts as compensation is because it grants more stats without costing an additional skill slot. Instead, the cost of running Blade Session is more restrictions to activate the effect, as it's only active on player phase and requires 2 allies to have ended their turns. Basically, you get to patch up the missing stats at the cost of versatility. As far as Echo skills, the only one that Eirika can equip right now is Death Blow Echo, and I don't think it's worth giving it to her just to make up for having the wrong stats on Alarm. Unless you're swimming in resources, Death Blow Echo is better used on a slow player-phase-only unit (mostly units with Brave weapons).
  19. I did my customary full-circle pull on the Duo Duma Halloween banner and got another copy of Duma (now +7) and another 4-star Naga (1 spare). And also yet another copy of Faval. What the fuck. Is he stalking me because he heard me badmouthing him in my last post? If he wants me to stop talking smack about him, maybe he should give me a copy with a Spd Asset so that he can actually be somewhat useful.
  20. Anna showed up a gajillion times in her banner and has been doing great for me so far, so I'll be joining her first. If she loses, I'm guaranteed to have at least one of Duma or Naga going into the finals that I can join.
  21. Thracia isn't lacking marketability. Not enough people are going to miss the game if it doesn't get a banner for a long time, which allows them to put it off in favor of games and characters that are higher in demand. That's not the same as lacking marketability.
  22. Thracia hasn't had a New Heroes banner since the release of Rearmed Heroes (its last banner was Ascended Mareeta), and Engage is literally only one and a half banners behind Thracia in terms of the number of playable characters represented in the game that have a "normal" version. And even with obscure characters, it's not like they've already run out of easily marketable characters that haven't been released yet. Lara is a dancer that could be used for an Arcane dagger, and Linoan could be used for an Arcane staff. And that's not to mention the option of it being an Attuned Hero instead. The name of the unit type isn't sufficiently descriptive enough in Japanese to really put any restrictions on what characters would quality for the unit type, which gives them the freedom to use it for pretty much anything. (This is also the situation they're in for Rearmed Heroes where the name in Japanese gives them little to no restrictions on what would qualify, and the only real "restriction" is the lore that got almost immediately tossed out with Alfred.) Basically, while they do have the option to put an Ascended Hero on the next Thracia banner, they absolutely aren't required to pull from the tiny pool of existing characters and could easily just have the special-unit-type premium unit be a brand new character.
  23. This week's free Arena ticket gets me regular Lysithea: 84 pulls on the Ascended/Rearmed banner: 1 Grima (+1 spark) 5 Elincia 1 Ganglot (+1 spark) This banner reminded me that Ganglot is still the only human (class-wise) melee infantry Rearmed/Attuned Hero in the game and is therefore still the only way to duplicate Vital Astra, Godlike Reflexes, Dodge, etc. I'm still sniping colorless because Grima is also still the only armored Rearmed/Attuned Hero (and Elincia has good staff skills for fodder), but green is my first backup color. Only 1 copy of Grima plus the spark is a bit disappointing, but getting an extra Ganglot and a ton of copies of Elincia kind of makes up for it. And at the very least, Elincia is actually useful (especially since staff skills can't be duplicated yet), unlike Faval. I now have 15 spare copies of Grima (including the merge base that still has inheritance available), 6 spare copies of Elincia, and 6 spare copies of Ganglot (including the merge base that still has inheritance available). Also, this like the second or third time I've pulled Patty since she was released, and each time I've had to stare really hard to figure out what the giant walnut on her back is supposed to be.
  24. And next is Nifl Fir, leaving us with only 3 more slots before the end of the year and still no Nidavellir in sight: Embla Gordin Dokkalfheimr Female Corrin Muspell Brave Roy Askr Innes Muspell Brave Lyn Ljosalfheimr Palla Ljosalfheimr Aversa Dokkalfheimr Cecilia Hel Surtr Nifl Ninian Hel Sigurd Hel Female Robin Ljosalfheimr Nina Muspell Lucius Jotunheimr Nephenee Muspell Male Morgan Dokkalfheimr Rhajat Dokkalfheimr Ursula Nifl Shigure Embla Sheena Nifl Fir Nifl has now caught up to Askr to no longer be untied as the least-used theme from the launch of Resplendent Heroes. Meanwhile, Askr is soon to join Nidavellir in forever-ago limbo, as the most recent unit with the theme is Innes from February of this year. Not quite as bad as Nidavellir, which still hasn't had a new unit since November of last year, but we've had at least one of each of all of the other themes within just the last 5 months.
  25. Given that both of the Engage Rearmed Heroes are "normal" versions of the character, making any of the characters that aren't already in the game into a Rearmed Hero is a completely viable option, which so far hasn't been the case for Ascended Heroes. And we still have plenty of weapons left in the existing archetypes without the need to start overlapping or making new weapon archetypes: With guaranteed follow-up: Axe Dagger Colorless tome Staff All beasts With Null Follow-Up: Axe Dagger All tomes Staff Dragonstone All beasts except cavalry
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