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Ice Dragon

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Everything posted by Ice Dragon

  1. And the usual translation notes: The banner name, "New Heroes, Ascended Ced, & Rearmed Plumeria", is "新英雄&開花セティ&魔器プルメリア" (shin eiyū & kaika seti & maki purumeria), "New Heroes & Blooming Sety & Arcane Weapon Plumeria". As usual, the term for Ascended Heroes is "開花" (kaika), "blooming", and the term for Rearmed Heroes is "魔器" (maki), "magic weapon". Sety's epithet, "Sage of the Wind", is "風の聖戦士" (kaze no seisenshi), "Crusader of Wind". Heired Forseti is "継承フォルセティ" (keishō foruseti), "Inheritance Holsety". Infantry Pulse is "歩行の鼓動" (hokō no kodō), "Infantry Pulse". "歩行" (hokō) literally means "walking", but in context, it refers to units that move on foot, hence "infantry". Faval's epithet, "Mercenary Waif", is "子供思いの傭兵" (kodomo-omoi no yōhei), "Mercenary With Childish Thoughts". Heired Yewfelle is "継承イチイバル" (keishō ichiibaru), "Inheritance Ichii-bal". Spd/Res Hexblade is "速さ魔防の魔刃" (hayasa mabō no majin), "Spd/Res Magic Blade". Fee's epithet, "Aspiring Knight", is "見習い天馬騎士" (minarai tenba-kishi), "Apprentice Pegasus Knight". Protection Edge is "守護の剣" (shugo no ken), "Sword of Protection". Because we still can't have "swords" in this game. Plumeria's epithet, "Rapturous Dream", is "恍惚の夢" (kōkotsu no yume), "Dream of Ecstasy". Arcane Euphoria is "魔器・恍惚の花" (maki: kōkotsu no hana), "Arcane Weapon: Flower of Ecstasy". Cloying Dreams is "あまいみつのゆめ" (amai mitsu no yume), "Dreams of Sweet Nectar". The Japanese skill name is a blatantly obvious euphemism. Compare with Sweet Dreams, "あまいゆみ" (amai yume), "sweet dreams". For an unknown reason, all of the fairies' dance skills are written purely phonetically without the use of kanji. Def/Res Ploy is "守備魔防の謀策" (shubi mabō no inbō), "Def/Res Scheme". Patty's epithet, "Youthful Thief", is "無邪気な盗賊" (mujaki na tōzoku), "Innocent Thief". Miasma Dagger is "毒煙の暗器" (dokuen no anki), "Poison Smoke Dagger". As usual, the name of the dagger weapon type, "暗器" (anki), literally translates as "hidden weapon". Arione's epithet, "Gungnir's Heir", is "天槍を継ぐ者" (tensō o tsugu mono), "The One Who Inherits the Sky Lance". "天槍" (tensō), "sky lance", is Gungnir's epithet.. Heired Gungnir is "継承グングニル" (keishō gunguniru), "Inheritance Gungnir".
  2. Armor is Jugdral is pretty similar across most of the generic promoted classes. Based on the wording, it's only the status effects.
  3. That's not minimal skill inheritance. That's no skill inheritance. A lot of the moves are similar to what I was doing on Infernal, but it bugs me that I wasn't able to do this on Abyssal because Lumera's merges mean that Etie's Gap buffs go to her instead of to Alear. Which means it's time to see if I can still replicate this with Sacred Seals despite the merges. EDIT: @Flying Shogi The video title says it's Infernal, not Abyssal. Gotoh has too much HP to do this on Abyssal.
  4. Welp. I managed to beat Infernal with just the free units (in deployment order): +3 Lumera [=] (base kit + Bonus Doubler 3) +0 Etie [=] (base kit + Reposition + Res Opening 3) +0 Male Alear [=] (base kit + Mystic Boost 3) +2 Zephia [=] (base kit + Even Spd Wave 3) I'm pretty sure I can't do it with this team on Abyssal without some significant skill inheritance.
  5. No supports. I'm running minimum possible investment on my units, which is why I didn't use Diamant or Alcryst despite having them leveled. EDIT: Here's the full team I was using: +4 Legendary Female Alear [+Spd] (Dragon's Fist, Reposition, Dragon Blast, Atk/Spd Finish 4, Null C-Disrupt 4, Atk/Spd Pledge, Distant Counter (D)) +0 Male Alear [=] (Liberation, Reposition, Draconic Aura, Atk/Spd Ideal 4, Repel 4, Green Feud 3, Null Follow-Up 3) +0 Etie [=] (Protection Bow+, Reposition, Draconic Aura, Atk/Def Ideal 3, Atk/Def Gap 3, Drive Atk 2) +2 Zephia [=] (Packleader Tome, Reposition, Dragon Fang, Atk/Spd Catch 3, Windsweep 3, Blade Session 3)
  6. Gotoh and Fomortiis with only Engage units was probably the most ridiculous map I've done in a while. I was able to get through Lunatic using only the 4 free units with no skill inheritance (+0 Etie, +3 Lumera, +0 Male Alear, +2 Zephia, all neutral, no Reposition) and only Sacred Seals. However, I had to bring out Legendary Alear (+4 Spd Asset, no skill inheritance except for Reposition) and give everyone Reposition for Infernal and Abyssal with the ending of the Abyssal map being just Zephia chipping Fomortiis to death 5 damage (after his passive healing) every other turn with her Windsweep using the pillar and chasm to run circles around him because no one else could actually fight him. I'm glad there's no turn limit on these.
  7. Red is most likely, as Hinoka is the most recently released unit on the banner. Seiros is the only blue rerun. Green is full with Dagr, Otr, and Male Byleth. Colorless has Claude and Gotoh.
  8. Halloween Myrrh's optimal set with skills through the CYL banner would look something like this. Near Save: Halloween Myrrh [+Res / +Def] Spirit Breath [unique] [Assist] Bonfire / Ignis Atk/Res Scowl 4 / Close Def 4 Counter Roar 4 / Special Fighter 4 D/R Near Save 3 / A/D Near Save 3 Def/Res Form 3 Far Save: Halloween Myrrh [+Res] Spirit Breath [unique] [Assist] Armored Beacon Atk/Res Scowl 4 / Distant Def 4 / Fireflood Boost 3 Counter Roar 4 / Special Fighter 4 D/R Far Save 3 Distant Counter (D) For the Near Save build, Bonfire should be used with Counter Roar, and Ignis should be used with Special Fighter. D/R Near Save should be run with Scowl. A/D Near Save should be run with Close Def. Fireflood Boost can be used with Special Fighter even though the Guard effect overlaps because you still get the additional 5 HP. Arcane Grima [Def / Res] can be used instead of Spirit Breath for the Slaying effect and passive healing in exchange for some bulk. This also give her access to a standard Hardy Fighter build. Summer Laegjarn would probably run something like this: Summer Laegjarn [+Spd] Worldsea Wave [unique] [Assist] Ruptured Sky / Luna Flared Sparrow / Atk/Spd Catch 4 S/R Far Trace 3 / Seal Spd 4 / Escape Route 4 Atk/Spd Oath 4 / Spd/Res Hold [any Sacred Seal that boosts Atk/Spd] Flared Sparrow deals more damage, but Atk/Spd Catch 4 gives her 2 additional points of Spd for the purposes of creeping Spd. Escape Route 4 should only be used if you have a reliable means of getting damage on her, as she is unlikely to take damage in combat due to her weapon's Desperation effect. As with the passive A skill, S/R Far Trace deals more damage, but Seal Spd 4 grants a higher boost to Spd. Atk/Spd Oath 4 is her overall best C skill for combat performance, especially because her weapon relies on having stat bonuses to gain additional Atk/Spd. Spd/Res Hold should really only be used if you already have support effects to grant her Atk/Spd bonuses. If you can afford to give up combat performance from her C slot, she can also run Guidance 4, Soaring Guidance, or Def/Res Smoke 3.
  9. Given Rearmed Plumeria's incredibly min-maxed stat spread and Arcane Euphoria's effects, she's clearly meant to be a combat unit, and not getting the remixed version of Sweet Dreams isn't really going to change anything about that. That said, there's also no guarantee she'll get Sweet Dreams at all. The Rearmed versions of Grima and Chrom both got brand new exclusive skills despite Grima already having one and Chrom already having two.
  10. I can't wait to try to figure out how the fuck I'm supposed to build a Summer Lorenz again. (This is only half sarcastic.) I'm hoping Echoes wins the one after this one since I'd love to get Firestorm Dance 3 on Rinea.
  11. It looks like the skills from the second summer banner, the Engage banner, and Freyr have been added to the Hall of Forms skill pool. Specifically, these are now available: Weapons: Defier's Sword (sword) Wooden Tackle (axe) Seashell Bowl (blue tome) Passive A: Fireflood Boost 3 Flash Sparrow Atk/Def Finish 4 Passive B: Spurn 4 Beast Sense 4 Lull Atk/Def 4 Passive C: Soaring Guidance For the units in this Hall of Forms, Seashell Bowl is a viable option on Camilla (and only really competes with Magical Lantern), Fireflood Boost is a viable option on Flora (and is potentially best-in-slot), and Soaring Guidance is a viable option on Camilla and Kagero (competing mostly only with Oath and Hold skills).
  12. So there's an in-game announcement that says that the effect is staying and the description will be changed. Which makes zero sense to me, but whatever floats their boat, I guess.
  13. Am I the only one that likes Rebecca's art? Her idle art looks like she came out of a shoujo manga. I haven't gotten there yet. Give me another couple months. (It's 6,000 miles away, so it should take about 4 months to make the walk.)
  14. I managed to get Claude on the free pull from the Tempest Trials banner. He's now +8. This week's free Arena ticket gets me Mahnya: And now for the usual catching up on my procrastination and pulling on banners that are about to expire despite not having cleaned out my barracks yet and only having 10 open spots: 100 pulls on the Hall of Forms banner: 4 Lilina (+1 spark) 2 Igrene 5 pity breakers: Brave Chrom Geoffrey Echoes Est Ascended Ishtar Brave Eirika 6% focus rate and 11% 5-star rate are both well above average. Lilina is now +10, which was the goal. I managed to pull 3 copies of her before the spark, but it took another 60 pulls after the spark to get the last copy. Igrene was already +10, so these are just extra copies of her Duel and Rein skills. 40 pulls on the Ascended/Rearmed banner: 0 Lif (+1 spark) 2 Fir No non-spark copies of Lif is a bit disappointing, but 2 copies of Fir is nice, especially since one of them has a Spd Asset. 141 pulls on the CYL banner: 1 Corrin 2 Gullveig (+1 spark) 1 Robin (+1 spark) 0 Soren (+1 spark) 1 pity breakers: Diamant Anankos Ascended Hilda Rhea Total 181 pulls: 2 Corrin (+2 sparks) 3 Gullveig (+1 spark) 1 Robin (+1 spark) 0 Soren (+1 spark) 6 pity breakers 3.3% focus rate is basically exactly average. As is a 6.6% 5-star rate. No extra copies of Soren is a bit disappointing. I'll probably feed the sparked copy of him to Rearmed Ophelia and just wait to get another copy later. Also no copies of Corrin or Gullveig with a nature better than neutral. Robin has a Def Asset, which is at least decent. This is my first copy of Anankos, and like Soren, he's immediately getting eaten by Rearmed Grima. Plus, this copy of him has a Spd Flaw, so there's no point leveling it anyways. Diamant is my first copy with a Def Asset, so he's my new merge base (the previous one had Res). Hilda is my first copy with a Spd Asset, so she'll also be me new merge base. Rhea is also being fed to Rearmed Grima for Scowl since I already have a perfect merge base for her. 145 pulls on Legendary Alear's banner: 5 Alear (+1 spark) 4 Robin 3 Ninian 1 Embla 1 Lucia 1 Syrene 1 Rhea 11.0% focus rate is about 3 or 4 pulls above average. I'm a bit surprised my pulls are not insanely lopsided against the new unit for once. I have both Spd and Atk Assets available for both Alear and Robin and need to figure out which merge base I want to use for each of them. Robin will be +7 once I figure out which base to use. Alear is obviously going to be +5. My second Embla is now +4. This is my second copy of Lucia, and this one has an Atk Asset, which is better than my existing one that is [+Def, -Spd]. This is my first copy of Syrene, and she's [+Spd, -Def], which is perfect. This Rhea is identical to the Rhea I just got above from the CYL banner, and will probably end up being a merge. I'll deal with the wind festival banner later when my procrastination catches up to me again.
  15. If they don't make that distinction, then they should expect twice as many fairy-themed outfits as any other theme because there are twice as many fairy themes as there are any other theme. Pretending the distinction doesn't exist doesn't make it not exist.
  16. And we get a second Dokkalfheimr outfit in a row and another Grail unit with Ursula: Embla Gordin Dokkalfheimr Female Corrin Muspell Brave Roy Askr Innes Muspell Brave Lyn Ljosalfheimr Palla Ljosalfheimr Aversa Dokkalfheimr Cecilia Hel Surtr Nifl Ninian Hel Sigurd Hel Female Robin Ljosalfheimr Nina Muspell Lucius Jotunheimr Nephenee Muspell Male Morgan Dokkalfheimr Rhajat Dokkalfheimr Ursula Dokkalfheimr is still the third least used theme, but it's now tied with Nifl for that spot at 9 outfits a piece. The only themes behind it are Jotunheimr at 7 and Nidavellir at 4. It also now ties with Muspell for the most outfits during this calendar year so far at 4 outfits a piece.
  17. I'm fine with more Dokkalfheimr outfits only because they've been trailing behind Ljosalfheimr outfits for a while. At the start of the year, they had the second least number of outfits, and despite now having 4 new outfits this year, they're still only tied for third least number of outfits with Nifl. But that doesn't excuse the fact that we have gotten zero Nidavellir outfits this year. And now that we've gotten 4 Dokkalfheimr outfits this year, they're now tied with Muspell for the most outfits this year. Anyways, since no one's posted it yet, here's the art for Dokkalfheimr Ursula: As far as stats go, Ursula is pretty solidly outclassed. With the Resplendent boosts and max Dragonflowers, she only has 35/38 offenses, which is behind Valentine Veronica's 39/41, with both units being Grail units and with Veronica having made a relatively recent appearance in Hall of Forms. And the recently released Summer Tharja has massive 46/45 offenses. Her exclusive weapon is also wildly outclassed, having only effective damage against cavalry and the Dominance effect (boosting Atk instead of additional damage). That said, it's rather fitting that our next Arcane weapon will be a blue tome with a Dokkalfr flower weapon sprite to boot.
  18. Every icon that appears in the corner of the unit's map sprite that corresponds to a positive status effect except for the green up arrow for direct stat boosts counts as 1 Bonus towards Prime's Close/Distant Counter effect. Examples: Atk/Spd Menace adds 0 to Prime's counter. Atk/Spd Oath adds 1 to Prime's counter. The Formation status effect counts as 1. Opened Domain adds 2 to Prime's counter. Resonance: Blades and Resonance: Shields count as 1 each. Playful Pinwheel adds 2 to Prime's counter. Null Follow-Up and Null Panic count as 1 each.
  19. Hel has Distant Pressure instead of Distant Dart because Inevitable Death+ grants her the ability to teleport to enemies, which means she needs a Distant Counter variant that is active on both phases. While Seliph is functional on both phases, he's significantly better on enemy phase, so he got Distant Ferocity instead of Distant Storm. There's also the fact that Distant Storm is already available from another Legendary Hero (Caeda), whereas Distant Ferocity is only otherwise available from Duo Duma, who is very hard to get.
  20. Mystic Boost 4 is a relatively niche skill. Its primary use is on units with Miracle-like effects to recover enough HP to activate the effect multiple times, and even then, it's difficult to justify running it over a different B skill and simply putting Mystic Boost 3 in the Sacred Seal slot. (And it's worth noting that infantry also have access to the Finish and Bulwark skills for healing.) If you're considering running it for its anti-staff effects, infantry have Null C-Disrupt 4, which is useful in more situations. While armors and fliers don't have access to Null C-Disrupt, they have other defensive skills that are also useful in more situations and are generally considered to be better than Mystic Boost.
  21. Clash wins anywhere stat penalties are common, which is most competitive game modes and challenge maps. Catch wins everywhere else, but the difference in stats is small enough that the benefit of nullifying stat penalties with Clash generally outweighs the reliable +9 stats with Catch. As long as you don't forget to move at least 1 space on player phase and position the unit so that enemies will have to move at least 1 space on enemy phase so that the skill activates at all, Clash is going to be the generally more useful skill.
  22. +10+15 Brave Eirika [+Spd] has 49/78/68/50/46 with just her weapon and exclusive B skill equipped. +10+20 Freyja [+Spd] has 51/79/72/49/47 when transformed with just her weapon and exclusive B skill equipped. Both have full Null Follow-Up and offensive Tempo. Eirika gets +1 to all stats for each non-stat Bonus on the opponent (up to a maximum of +4), nullifies the opponent's stat bonuses, has 40% damage reduction against the opponent's first attack, and has a free Moonbow or Luna on every attack. Also effective damage. Freyja gets +1 Atk/Def/Res for each space the attacker moves (up to a maximum of +3), steals the opponent's stat bonuses, has up to 40% damage reduction, and has an additional 30% damage reduction against the opponent's first attack if the attacker moved at least 2 spaces. Running Distant A/S Solo also costs Eirika a few more points of Atk/Spd compared to a different A skill, but I think it's still a viable pick. She won't be quite as bulky as Freyja, but she'll hit back harder. You'll probably want to run Spd Smoke 4 for the additional stack of Dodge with this build.
  23. It's a "夢喰い" (yume-kui) in Japanese, so literally a "dream-eater". She has Arcane Euphoria as her weapon. She's definitely Rearmed.
  24. It's at least worth noting that a guaranteed follow-up is roughly equivalent to the offensive Null Follow-Up effect for fast units. Fast units that have a guaranteed follow-up instead of Null Follow-Up lose out on a follow-up against slow units that have both follow-up prevention and the defensive Null Follow-Up effect (basically just Hardy Fighter units that have follow-up prevention on their weapon), but gain a follow-up against fast units that don't have the defensive Null Follow-Up effect (which is somewhat less common than the offensive Null Follow-Up effect on weapons).
  25. Now that I can mention it without spoilers, the current Tempest Trials boss has revealed Arcane Euphoria as the next Arcane weapon, and it's a blue tome. It has the Slaying effect, +5 to all stats, a guaranteed follow-up, 30% damage reduction on the opponent's first attack, and deals additional damage equal to 15% of the unit's Atk. Basically Arcane Nastrond as a blue tome. Lute and Ilyana both have the same Atk stat with maximum Dragonflowers. Lute requires more Dragonflowers to max out, but she has higher Spd, whereas Ilyana has higher Res. If you want a more recent unit, Desert Soren is in the Grail shop and is basically Ilyana with more Atk and Res in exchange for less HP. The other top-tier options for Arcane Euphoria are Summer Tharja and Desert Byleth, who are both 4-star Special Heroes.
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