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Da Bear

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Posts posted by Da Bear

  1. Chapter 15 3 (90)
    Boots were acquired by triple shoving Sothe on turn 3. This allows him to stay safe on turn 2. Volke picked up guard which I probably won't use and Silver Blade which I definitely will use. Marcia is a falcoknight so game is ez lol. 

    Chapter 16 6 (96) 
    I think this turncount is hypothetically beatable but I'd need to rig a few marcia crits/dodges which is not what I'm on. Level 4 falcoknight marcia has 20 strength so the rest of the game is just gonna be her solo'ing with boots!Ike trying to keep up. Feeding all kills to makalov but the boosters make it not hard at all. 

    Chapter 17-1 4(100)
    almost a 3 turn but I didn't want to rig. Makalov is given as many kills as possible.

    Chapter 17-2 4(104)
    Marcia carried ike to the finish line. Makalov takes a longsword for the horse enemies and goes ham. 

    Chapter 17-3 10 (114) 
    Most of the gang protects ike from the guys near spawn while marcia kills the entire bottom half of the map for sport. Soren and Makalov are closing in on promotions which is nice. I routed on turn 6 and then makalov just got all of the rest of the kills on the reinforcements. 

    Chapter 17-4 3 (117)
    watching enemies do the "no damage" tink to Marcia may never get old (it will likely stop pretty soon though). In this map (to the Shock of everyone I'm sure) marcia runs ahead and kills oliver while everyone else just tries to get some xp before she ends it.

    IKE CAN LEVEL UP AGAIN NOW TIME FOR SOME REAL SMASHING. Soren and Makalov really need to promote soon but it would've cost me turns somewhere to do it earlier. Rip Mia as she might join the undeploy crew whenever I don't need some shoves (and she can't shove ike so). I'll probably give another update later today and stats then. 

  2. Lost my TCs from 11-14 so I'm giving it to the best of my memory. Will edit anything wrong at the end.
    Chapter 11 7 (67)
    Marcia gets a steel lance forge and some statboosters and runs all over this map. JK Titania runs all over this map and Marcia is fed levels by the rest of the team.
    Chapter 12 8 (75)
    I forgot to put hit on Marcia's steel lance and she pays me back by missing so. many. times. Probably a 6 turn if she doesn't miss ever but life goes on and I'm not tryhard enough to rig.
    Chapter 13 8 (83)
    Routed on turn 8. All items acquired through a mix of chest keys on Titania and Marcia, Sothe and raven killing. Titania continues to rampage, Marcia and Soren are getting really strong. Ike has been strong but he has such low movement speed that it's not that useful?
    Chapter 14 4(87)
    Got spirit dust (guess who used this?) with Sothe. Mia kills the hand axe barb to the left and does nothing else. Titania, Ike and Soren charge forward and reach the boss for killing on turn 4. 
    Gave both speedwings and a seraph robe to Makalov. The spirit dust to Soren. Any statboosters not accounted for so far went on Marcia. I promote her at level 17 for Chapter 15. Chapter 15 is taking me a little while because Marcia is the only one who can reach Muarim in a reasonable amount of time but I also need to get sothe/volke to boots without getting attacked and holy shit Mia/makalov are useless this map. 

  3. 13 hours ago, Tootsie said:

    Oh did we? I forgot. TBH I don't mind either way with bands, they've felt kinda inconsequential. If we wanna band together and vote to ban them I'll take a like 12 turn penalty and stop using them. Not that it matters much my TC is kinda ass rn.

    I mean idc it's not like POR enemies are particularly scary either way statswise. 

    My TCs fell off pretty bad here but I've gotten some serious levels into Soren and Ike now which is quite nice. Also got several kills on Marcia so hopefully she pays me back for that. 

    Chapter 7 6 (36)
    Titania runs to the left and kills everyone while Ike and Soren meet mia and kill the enemies there with her. Shinon shows up and kills the thief. Titania gets the boss group and the two armored guys who arrive with shinon. The B team deals with the other reinforcements. It actually took me a while to get this down to 6 instead of 7 so maybe I'm just bad. 
    Chapter 8 8 (44)
    Nothing much to be said here. Mia is pretty useless and idk if I'm going to bother training her because training Marcia also takes some work and it might cost turns to train both. Ike got a lot of XP and Soren cleaned up a few kills. 
    Chapter 9 10 (54)
    So I could've done this chapter much quicker but it would've required not recruiting Marcia so that was out. I got her a few kills, I can shave a turn or two pretty easily still but I got good levels and fed marcia some kills so I'll take it. Marcia ate my Seraph's robe.  This is the first bad(tm) turncount of the run but Soren leveled up like 3 times in the beach and they were good levels and I have confidence in my ability to take you scrubs down. 
    Chapter 10 6 (60)
    Just sort of barged my way through the enemies with Titania and had Marcia carry Ike to the end. Marcia hands off Ike to Titania and Titania escapes turn 6 with Ike. I think 6 is actually a pretty good tc here so I've taken it. 

    Stats after chapter 9 (holy shit Titania is high level):

    Character   Level HP  STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES
    Ike         14.00 28  16  02  16  14  13  09  06
    Titania     09.01 39  15  07  17  17  15  13  09
    Soren       08.00 20  01  11  09  13  07  04  09
    Mia         08.10 21  07  00  11  15  07  07  03
    Marcia      06.00 28  08  00  07  12  04  08  07
    Shinon      01.??  L          O          L 
  4. 6 hours ago, Tootsie said:

    Here's the strat

    1. Titania squats on the throne

    2. Ike runs up to Ilyana, yeeting upon everyone because he's gonna be so buff at that point (because honestly, this is gonna sound really noobish, but if I only use Titania she'll be stealing too much EXP so I'm gonna feed Ike a lot of kills.)

    3. Have both of them run back to Titania

    4. Have Titania kill the boss while Ike and Ilyana squat on the throne.

    Hopefully it works otherwise run dead.


    I'm sure you can do that, I'm more talking about the one where you can't deselect anyone in the greil mercenaries base because you can't deselect all the other people which could cost you turns. 

  5. Tbh it’s so late you can probably just give them a unit and it won’t change anything. It has been a while at this point

    E: we can either random or have me pick (it’s furthest away from me so u have the least personal interest) for her if you want to do that.

  6. So I restarted my playthrough because I got Shinon but I already had my early game strats so I'm through Chapter 6. Here y'all go. 


    Prologue 5/5
    Why won't boyd attack back T_T
    Chapter 1 3/8
    Got both houses and it's impossible to 2 turn without Oscar. Titania kills the boss on turn 2 and
    Chapter 2 4/12
    Ike deals with the first wave Titania deals with the second. 
    Chapter 3 3/15
    This one is a tad bit more complex. Titania has to run as far forward as possible on each turn to reach the boss and Ike needs a shove on turn 3 from Shinon (Ike can technically reach marcia on turn 3 without shove but he needs to only aggro a few enemies turn 1 or else not enough people die to Titania and his path isn't clear)
    Chapter 4 3/18
    So Titania has a 4% crit rate on the boss for the 2 turn but I didn't feel up to rigging it. Titania once again charges as far forward as she can every turn defeating all enemies in her sights while Ike and Shinon soften up some kills for Soren. 
    Chapter 5 6/24
    Soren and Ike got some nice xp on the guys to the left. Titania did all of the heavy lifting to the south, got the ashera icon from dakova . Shinon is hella useful backup here 
    Chapter 6 6/30
    I wish this was faster but Ike has very low defense so I couldn't just throw him into all the enemies with reckless abandon. Only Ike and Titania escaped and no one really did much xp -wise

    Character  XP    HP STR MAG SKL SPD LCK DEF RES 
    Ike        8.05  25 11  01  10  11  11  05  03
    Soren      4.22  20 00  08  09  10  07  02  08
    Titania    5.87  36 14  06  16  15  14  12  08
    Shinon     BASE 

    So base defense Ike could be a problem. We shall see



  7. I already have Ike, Titania and Marcia and it's NM so I'm looking through the champ list like "will I even use this guy?" Probably just picking utility champs for rest of game lol

    Also, regarding BEXP, what does "top off" mean? Give me a general amount of EXP, 10 xp off of the level up? 20?


  8. 2 minutes ago, Tootsie said:

    Ohh right. IDK I kinda accidentally didn't use Marcia first because I kinda used Jill and Tanith and it was a choice between Jill and Tanith for early promotion and I chose Jill because god damn Minerva archetypes are bae then I just kinda forgot she existed lol. Also, what are you referring too when talking about bands? Are you talking about like the Demi Band, and Knight Ward and stuff?

    Well you’re probably not getting Jill lol. I am referring to the bands you get throughout the game that increase growths marginally. I believe that those are the names but idr.

  9. 1 minute ago, Tootsie said:

    I'm fine with the list lol. It's more effort than what I have to do. I guess I get two picks then? That's neat. Also, why do people first draft Marcia?

    Well a draft is won by having the lowest turn count and Marcia does that better than anyone but Titania in the entire game.

  10. 22 hours ago, Da Bear said:

    Really hope I don't get the first pick, I hate Marcia. 



    24 minutes ago, DarthR0xas said:



    So if you want to use that one, then we would simply call upon @Da Bear to please select his first draftee.



    Marcia (unless Tootsie is opposed to this list)

    Also, Bands; what's the call on those because I don't have a completed POR game on my preferred "console")

  11. 55 minutes ago, DarthR0xas said:

    Need a last one? Sign me up.

    Favorite game Radiant Dawn gang. I'll be free for drafting a lot of the next two days so hopefully we can get moving and I can research LTC strats over the weekend lol.

    Really hope I don't get the first pick, I hate Marcia. 

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