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Everything posted by Suichimo

  1. One last pull, haven't seen a 5 star in a while, and then I'll be waiting for the Navarre banner, unless these guys have some baller skills.
  2. Easier just to put up a picture: Roy is at +2, so the actual total would be 16. Two of them were brought up from 4* though, Robin and my most recent Roy who was sacrificed to the one currently shown.
  3. Unfortunately, I think only one of the unreleased characters is anywhere close to coming out: Roy(Potentially CYL) Celica/Severa Nephenee Miledy I've got Roy, at least, and I'm trying to mold him as close to his FE6/A appearance as possible. I'll be able to do the same with Nephenee, though I'll need a Wrath replacement, and Severa. Outside of Iote's Shield, no odea what I'd give Miledy.
  4. Have you bought your 3 Light's Blessings yet? Just as well, how many do you have? You can easily brute force all of these with them.
  5. So I've currently got two Roys(-Atk/+Res and -Atk/+Def). If I pull another Roy with a more favorable stat spread(say -HP/+Spd or Atk) in the future and I merge my current Roy into it, does it keep all of the skills it has inherited and learned or will he have to learn them all over again?
  6. This is actually a build to get Roy close to his in game, including Awakening and filling in where I have to, presentation. Roy w/ Binding Blade Push Sol/Noontime A - Distant Counter/Fury 3/Life and Death 3 B - Renewal 3 C - Threaten Speed 3 Distant Counter would be the obvious preference, but that would require me to get a Hector and I'd want a second Hector before I sacrificed the first Hector, because who would seriously give up a Hector. Fury 3 would be the choice afterwards, as there should be plenty of healing to maintain it. Renewal 3 mimics the Binding Blade's ability to heal Roy. Threaten Speed should do the most work when it comes to keeping him alive, I don't know what doubles it will stop though.
  7. Did they seriously translate it as Elffin?
  8. You can literally just solo starting stratum with characters that meet two of the criteria and blow through them.
  9. So Noontime vs. Sol. 3 turn cooldown for a 30% heal or 4 turn cooldown for a 50% heal? This is pretty much the last decision I have for Roy, my build for him will be complete after this.
  10. Wonder when preorders will start happening, I was already going to be paying a visit to Gamestop today to pick up a copy of Horizon for my sister's birthday. It'll finally give me an excuse to pick up a Roy Amiibo as well.
  11. Wait until they get to Rutger, they'll never be able to replicate his 100+% crit chance.
  12. I'm, mostly, with @Glaceon Mage. I don't really care for Ike. I'll be perfectly fine if he only gets two forms, I think weapon choice should be handled outside of forms anyway.
  13. I expected Minerva, but not the others. I'm surprised Marth isn't there. Looks like I have no qualms about keeping to the current banner, at least.
  14. Thinking of the actual GHB, do we know who is on the banner yet?
  15. Fucking hell, barely did it in time, the map was gone after I beat it. I used Ninian, Y!Tiki, Lucina, and Takumi. I bunkered down in the lower left with Lucina in the trees, Takumi to the upper right of her, Ninian to the upper left of him, and Tiki above Ninian. Tiki tanked the attacks from the blue foot lancer and Michalis. All the enemies converged around Tiki except for the red flier who went south and the red cav who took the long way around the right. Round 2 started with Tiki blasting Michalis again, Ninian dancing for her, Tiki moving to the south, Takumi finishing off Michalis, Ninian tanking the blue flier, Takumi tanking the red flier and murdering it in revenge, and the red cav creeping my way. Round 3 saw Takumi move to murder the blue flier, Ninian dancing so he could move aside for Lucina, and everyone else bracing for the imminent red cavalier. The blue foot lancer attacked Lucina, and got doubled in return. Final round. Lucina finished off the blue lancer with Luna, Takumi took two pot shots at the red cavalier, and Tiki came in with her special which barely allowed her to kill the cav, she did 29 damage to its remaining 28 hp. That was grueling, but fuck yeah I did it.
  16. Do training maps give roughly the same xp as equal level story maps? It's getting extremely tedious to shuffle maps looking for Reds for Ninian, and Azura, to slaughter.
  17. They haven't seemed to give any info more than a week away. We have no idea. As has been said, wait for the games to get closer to release.
  18. Hoo boy, it's been forever since I've posted in here. So I'll only put up the 5*s since I last posted, a 5* Eirika which was my 4th 5*. I have since pulled(in order): Lucina Eirika Lilina Kagero Ninian Rebecca Azura Rebecca and Azura were even in the same pull. Really hoping Hector gets a banner soon, I need at least two of him.
  19. According to @Robert of Normandy, apparently it's a Google Play promotion.
  20. The announcement explicitly said that it would cost 1.5x the normal SP cost to learn them. Also, capped characters continue to gain SP as long as they are fighting appropriately leveled enemies.
  21. Are you on Android or iOS? Android users got a free 4* F!Corrin sent directly to their allies.
  22. So any comment on this? I'm with Eclipse, here. Camilla has a glass jaw. Renewal would be wasted on her.
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