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Everything posted by phobia

  1. that's the only file i have besides the rom. i have no idea. i'm assuming name it the same thing and put it with the rom
  2. looks like you're right, lol. if that's not a personal screenshot, i did indeed find it http://puu.sh/beQfH/868ef8d210.srm i think that's what you want?
  3. i googled it like 8 times, i don't think there's a hard mode. there's a patch that makes the game harder, though. and i mean i've beaten the whole thing and nothing happened so i don't think so
  4. I honestly have no idea what you're talking about. BROFORCE [spoiler=some rage] ok! dude i dont remember what's going on steel bow so stronk are you kidding me quality unit, shanna CRITBONKED Ouchies. Deke the master Lance, what the fuck i was wondering what the fuck happened here and then realized rutger is red Oh, god damn it. Seriously fuck you dorkothy. The crew SHAZAM! woah early screenshot much better Deke the love of my life <3 elen 0/10 didn't proc res Dorothy does something worthwhile hey man im just lookin for sum chestz stahb *punts lance in the dick* Alright, cleared out the assholes in the middle. mo' money less problems Rapey subtext allen! yay! Roy the molester Won't be needing that for a while. Wait, what what the fuck allen you're supposed to be invincible you assclown the sith lord never lets me down tho zzzzzz Redger the braaaaave man, i took lameass screenshots Nice miss, Dick. That frame is also hilarious Hey uh, strength please Hey uh, magic please res? res? bbruh get outta my house yeah whatever lol ... a loser! HAH! CHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAD shit level didn't proc Con Only level three, looks like I might have to spam things or promote her earlier than I would like saved lance's life kool framz Rutger needs that for avoid also this mage is hopeless Whatever lol. Shin's coming in like five chapters Eugh. 3 magic at level 7? the jedi master facestabs another small child wearing a traffic cone I think that was a crit He refuses to get anything but HP and Luck and Strength. eek moron, you and that soldier could've double teamed and killed shanna i would've cried wholeheartedly. Well, they're kinda all gone Also more fucking rape allusions deke so buff Deke fell asleep. So scarrrry. hey why is he so fast BONK whoever gant is, thanks for a shit lance also a shit manga Weird levels As rutger ORKOs swagner with a crit everything (there better be a lute smiley) Roy did it all for the nookie. so you can take that cookie
  5. this is where it gets tough [spoiler=the plot thickens] What a moron. This is a Fire Emblem game! Such quiet. Wow. Yay! Seeya bitches. I'm sure there's a couple thousand gold coins in a chest to the right. Today, Roy loses his innocence. Swagner's rapin' erry body up in here. Not on you, you horrible monster. Dude, I mean, look at Wagner's face. He's not attractive and he doesn't have bright hair. He's the bad guy! That's BULLSHIT, dog! You tell 'em, Roy. Wagner's a prostitute. Ooh, we definitely weren't expecting that! Right, Roy?! They want Guinivere to show them the sexiest way to tie people up. And uh, I'll just leave this beautiful piece of speech here. Better Call Saul is here, and he's giving his exp boosting Mend staff to Elen because fuck Saul. No one can dodge 70's. I'm pretty sure this mage fucking dodged. I'm sure this will end well. A rather swell level for a swell thief. I mean I don't get it, why does he still kinda suck? killin shit healin shit more killin shit Save the beautiful girl! Merlinus, block it! RAWR! God damn it, Merlinus. You had one job. At least you don't suck. Jesus, finally. no. don't. FUCKING oh god that's hideous RESTART ...tomorrow
  6. whatever man this chapter's easy [spoiler=ez pz] hey huh woah man that's weird that's like a series or something dude that's real cool This fucker again Chapter five, guys. Let me remind you the boss of chapter five in Sacred Stones is the Javelin knight and you get an armorslayer. LET'S GO ON AN ADVENTURE RUTGER Oh, so you morons have been jerking off my support points. OH GOD GET IT AWAY dude dorothy is not cute at ALL stabb'd Kombat Thief is at it again This fighter does the egyptian as he waddles away from a bs hit. WOOOOOAH WE'RE LIKE 90 PERCENT OF THE WAY THERE WOOOOOAH LIVIN ON A FORT Must stab everything. What the fuck? Fuck your hand axes WTF BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM The dust settles, and Lord Roy is suddenly better than Lance. not as good as the dark lord. THE CREW RUTGUH MUNTUGE Laaaaaaaance :( "oh he's 2 levels lower he'll catch up" yeah keep watching Thx mrcs. Chad meets fucking Shrek The Sith Lord takes no prisoners! TORNADON hey man i guess this was a crit maybe because like the whole blue half is pushed right Strengthger Weakna This boss is bullshit, lol. I can't imagine why. Die, bandit scum! wat ellen degeneres phase OOPS SORRY ELLEN I LOVE YOUR SHOW holy mother of god allen welcome to the team All the clergymen and women are thirsty as fuck. must be hot under those robes
  7. Oh yeah I meant normal I didn't hate it, it just made me cry every time i played she's so inappropriate! [spoiler=you're gonna love my ruts] OH SHIT THAT RHYMED Oh wow, that's what his translated name is? shut up i improvised the ch that took like twenty minutes in paint What a dick. Da gang. The fuck was this screenshot. the horse's foot disappeared HORSESTAB CRIT Hey, I need a new nickname for Roy! talk shit get hit Clarine looks so freaking angry Yeah! Uh wait I think he missed? God damn it. :( got him lol This game is so rapey. Are you saying Clarine was originally a cleric until rutger gave her a horse? MOAAAAAAR HORSE STABBING I'm glad he got Lu, because that was the last natural rare earth element to be discovered. the more you know. More lutetium. MLG strats. Heh... I'm missing a couple teeth. Me there? Oh, sorry. SHE BROUGHT HEALS TOO DEKE NOOO that's rather annoying. stay gold, ponyboy. and now it's time to forget why screenshots were taken! Rutger's like " I don't wanna" Lance might actually be a shade of blue. I know he's making me blue. Allen proves he is superior to Lance and I might use Noah. Okay, now, don't die. OH, FUCK lol horribly timed screenshot oh that's not much better. eat shit hand axe man. Let's play "who eats shit first" Oh wow, successful phase save elen! roy needed to get healed, get out of rutger's way, and protect clarine from more than one attack all at the same time Hey man I lived. They're both so madbro. Kombat thief levels up. this pirate would double roy if roy had a chance of missing, but he had exactly 11 hp left WHO OUTNUMBERS WHO NOW BIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIITCH two part dodge montage? I did it! I spend a couple turns healing people up and getting some much needed experience for Elen and Clarine. Then I head to the Armory, and stock up on swords and lances and a couple javelins! I murderize this straggler who had 12 hp, who decided to attack rutger instead of lance for what reason? Clarine gets a thing! Damn it. This is, uh. A bit awkward. Excuse me, moldy? Dumbass. Allen kills an archer and once again proves he's better than Lance this time. I think this is the first time i used marcus. Some heal on heal action. God damn it. His defense is high? He still wrecks erik. sweet jesus seas no nunnuendos in post chapter plot, not worth posting :(
  8. hey i screenshotted this like 12 hours ago so dont sue me if i forgot my jokes [spoiler=i didn't] [spoiler=banana puns] Hey it's that guy whose life you saved from Ursula Barely, his beard is bleeding. the bishop's like " I get all of these children for myself..." Like I'm pretty sure the heal animation was taken from a dbz attack Lance the Inaccurate impales an lolarcher and becomes less Inaccurate shanna gets the most improbable level up of her life. Also I accidentally placed her in archer's range Things are looking up YOU'RE SUCH A FUCKING DEBBIE DOWNER Have you seen his stats? You're better off as the leader, BaseStrength. I think allen initiated the first one, missed, got hit, hit, and then got hit again enemy phase and i guess hit again YES CHILDREN OFF WITH YOUR CLOTHES I need an official punny nickname for Javelance. Sir Missalot i think he killed him i liked the str level better The thief animation feels so much slower in this game Prostrats just out of range of archer the res! The... skill i guess! idenn it's like ten people with a collective level of like 30 calm your tits I DONT THINK YOU'RE "YOUR HIGHNESS" NARCIAN "We can handle it, but we won't." critikal hit Look at this Big Bang Attack shit. NOT THE PONYMANS Soldiers are the best. Woah, the dodge. What gave it away? My cute haircut? Or my pegasus? Because red units don't haaaave those. LUGH IS SO A PEEL ING Moar res for non res gaining units. Lugh better make like a banana and split! oh hey thanks man that means a lot im glad you're here for me Clearly he just stabbed the horse in the neck. slowclap.avi watch out lugh, you're gonna be in a BUNCH of trouble! Darth Allen horsestabs mercenaries kinda stand there like "oh hey man how was work" just resting their giant sword on their shoulder This armor frame is completely hilarious. also why you gotta be so ruud Take THAT, you son of a bitch. Oh no, you almost SLIPPED up! armorslayer so gud. pls no. moar dodge. Javelance strikes again! Stop the FUCKING presses This is the highest magic stat i've ever SEEN The Sith will have his revenge, someday. Rapier the bessssst. If you fail, you will be dead so that doesnt really matter More res?? Have mercy on my corpse? SEAS Jesus Christ, Elen.
  9. hopefully ilia, i'm gonna try to use shanna more than shin
  10. oh shit SF has it too i forgot what website i was on [spoiler=ruud puns] if you're referring to the blue area. that's not small. you fuck. [spoiler=WHY YOU GOTTA BE SO RUUD] YEAH DOES THIS LOOK LIKE THE FACE OF PENETRATION?! I'm gonna need these. Somewhere. Dude I can see Elen from right here. Umm... Yeah...go Lott... the first cutiepie pegasus knight is MINE! her speed is unparalleled! Your name is Lance, you're supposed to be good with lances! Wolt>Lance Roy>Lance once again roy proves me fucking wrong by missing a 91 and not doubling a fighter mlg pro strats for not going to sacae, train shanna He missed I guess. i love when fighters wear armor. wait I'm so happy BRING ON THE BIG DEKE mlg pro strats for healing shanna got BONKED ...bonked? they should've named you Sword I think one of those hit though 10/10 best healer would promote to femsage oh shit bro you just got impaled the force is with allen today CMERE RUUD BOY IS YOU BIG ENOUGH are you stephanie tanner because "HOW RUUD!" mlg pro strats protip number 1337: heal effective against armors my ass. epic frame i guess that you could say that was a ruud awakening I mean, it's res? conquer* Elen, that's kinky as fuck. This game's plot just became BDSM.
  11. or rather the normal on time birthday wishes cause i cant read timestamps thanks

  12. Okay, I got bored. Today is my birthday, so I decided to a) torture myself and b) give you guys who care a present. I cannot stand playing this game. I keep just barely messing up and missing Holy Weapons every time I play. PLUS, IT'S REALLY FREAKIN' HARD. So this is half blind, I guess. I mean, I've gotten pretty far. What the hell ever ok I'm not gonna rage quit like a little bitch if I screw up this time i'm gonna do this we can get through this yes we can EDIT: i ragequit like a little bitch lol Tell me if I'm missing something, cause I'm going off this to saVE MY LIFE also easy mode because fuckno [spoiler=very calm chapter] pussy shit read it before Woah, woah. Greatest knight? You clearly haven't played Blazing Swoh wait. LET'S GO NINTENDO WOAH what's gonna work? teamwork! You don't need that sword you senile old man. oh, god. this monster. btw i kinda really hate all the knights in this game i mean i look at bors and he's all like In the old translations he used to say "shit" :( Lance the Jedi Master Game froze here for a second so it obviously wanted me to screenshot this moment of horseboss. Righteous. Totally a green cav level. /sarcasm Hey woah thanks villager i mean that means a lot to me if i dont have any money bors can't fuck any hookers with his chin Ladies and gentlemen. I present to you. Roy. Plus a res proc. Redcav at its finest. Making my way downtown Beeettter. yo this boss is mad swole better safe than restart amirite I think you're looking for Roy's father! Allen the sith lord crit stabs dummass with his lightsaber this level was so red i thought my screen was bleeding other translations say "conquer", which is tbh more satisfying. oh shit dad you got mad old. god save me edit:i think i deleted a puush with the gif about bors i made, reuploaded
  13. oh god the early birthday wishes thx

  14. Hi I'm fairly certain it worked for all thieves just repuushed to http://puu.sh/9Uokx/256cfb46ba.ups if you want it
  15. i'd like to make an official statement that i'm done with this LP :o it's been too long, and I'll just finish the game on my own time and post endgame results maybe. sorry about that
  16. Yes I got the gaiden. Also, I've been waiting for Klok to give me the patch that has the restore staff???????
  17. immediately after posting that i hit ctrl w by accident and would've lost everything! heh [spoiler=part 2] Decided to go with this after numerous deaths, i'll spare you the details Suck moar weirdest hector lord ever How does canas die? ever? still the same old rath what i dont understand is how she's not level 20. yeesh nailed it yayyyyy sayonara betch I'm so glad this happened it's really damn late so i'll get to the point so what's going on here is i've taken out all of the enemies northeast of the throne room, some directly south of it, and to the southwest there's just a bunch of enemies that are rather frail in comparison to canas, who takes them down or tanks them all easily. I'm trying to work out a way to get canas down to steal some stuff and still get rid of all the enemies and try to get some chests, and it's growing increasingly difficult rescue the nino and use #mlgtactics to unlock night of farewells boom bang zap oh rip rath Surprise! Canas must tank this! no, Luna bites SO ORIGINAL WOW Where did everything go Alright, you gotta die thanks breh I am dumber than i look Eliwood needs MOAR epic Rath is in the same kinda vein 13/15! Oh, Marcus. Good thing you've outdone yourself. Hmm. Suicide attempt. Savestate yeesh, that hp also sol katti broke whatever man lol CANAS WILL TANK THIS? good thing he didnt double AH!!!!!!!!!!! also stimulant on heath cause eat shit
  18. guys i beat it i used an embarrassingly large amount of savestates and rng abuse but I BEAT IT AND ISN'T THAT ALL THAT MATTERS? Okay, my team is clearly not cut out for this game. I spent waaaay too much time on Canas (because he's amazing) and Serra (who is also amazing) and not enough time on like, anyone else. So everyone else is sorta lagging and stuff. Now, the limited uses of the legendary weapons bite me in the ass here. I actually didn't have to use up the Sol Katti, but I decided I wanted at least a couple rewards for beating this pile of shit. See for yourself FINALLY [spoiler=it's about goddamn time phobia you prick part 1] Looking back on it now, this wasn't even that bad. It was the fucking miniboss and attempting to rush that were bad. Every enemy on the right side of the map is pure cancer UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH Hi there rollout Okay there are like 130 pictures here and I don't even remember taking all of them so these are general first phase shenanigans CAN CANAS CAP SPEED? Then this fool goes to attack someone kk i rescued the prince do i win? die Nothing. Capped nothing. not res, not speed. Strength. Laaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame What was i even thinking here idk Oh i was seeing if filla's might would increase staff range spoiler alert it dont wut oh yeah TANK THE MINIBOSS wat? oh yeah there was a savestate here all the help he can get wat lightning stab Hawkeye's actually pretty good. I only brought him to unlock that one door on the right side lol and maybe nab a couple things His lockpick actually has only one use. Go figure, Canas' has 3 and i used an unlock staff instead of lockpicks for the one door he had to go through Ehhhh cool DIE what was this picture for Oh yeah all gone lmao Okay. So. This is it, guys. Savestate. NOW, CRIT! CAN HE DO IT no burning numbers no ugh doesn't even ohko burn baby burn nope nope DISCO INFERNO! nada zilch zero Now how does that work? BOOM Goddamn that took like ten minutes! Finally. Lol, okay, so Jaffar might be a bit too OP now. You just can't win with him, I guess. Mine. da hp wut was this wut? LE EPIC DODGE Uhhhh probably not a great idea so savestate also im only halfway done and i don't want this to be one super insane long massive wall of post (also i dont want to accidentally lose all of this) so
  19. I feel like once more I should apologize to you guys for taking so damn long with this chapter. It is absolutely the most brutal chapter as of yet. It's rather unforgiving. With this chapter especially, I've just never been in any sort of mood to actually get mad at a game. Or I try and just get pissed off. However due to the nature of my school's schedule I won't have to do homework for like 2 weeks or so starting tomorrow. So I'm going to finish the game hopefully within those two weeks. I hope. :P
  20. [spoiler=Chapter 3 finally] Wow what a coinkydink. We were just fighting those guys. wow such deus ex machina GIVE ME SOMETHIN TO BREAK HOW BOUT YOUR FUCKIN FACE Hardmodenodouble En garde! the BOULDER will tank this. AWWWWWWWWWWWWW YEAH Die. Sweet. Vanessa :c Added a whole extra turn cause she missed TANKIRIKA Throwing Javelins like they're darts. Pegasus Knights are very strong. Well, other ones are. KOMBAT THIEF OH GOD THE UTILITY OH GOD THE STAB and the STRENGTH which is actually low lmao 2 good Oh, I forgot to open any chests. Awkward. All the speed (tied with Eirika) GG no re Took longer than it should've. Whatever.
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