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Everything posted by phobia

  1. [spoiler=Chronicles of Valnia: Volume Two] yikes let's get this part started boys symmetry in all things eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeasyyyyy still an ok level, thwomp stomp Speaking of thwomp Die you bastard. (that's with Eirika near him- dem support bonuses) However! This guy is a shitter I guess I'll just go with this peter parker goes down ephraim can just PLOW through this and a sweet level to boot He'll have a couple caps. This is nice light magic>dark magic rite aaaaaand die the last group of reinforcements shows up and Forde and Kyle finish their sexcapades Easy game easy life so much health so much mag this is gonna be a pain in the nuts AND FINALLY THE ALL POWERFUL BOSS QUAKE IN HORROR AT HIS MIGHT DARK AFFINITY This is it. Our final battle. You know, in Valni anyway. OTPS all around (Dozwan so cute) His offense vs monsters is crazy with support from Ewan and Slayer this brave axe is scary though But dozla crits his shit thank you kind sir, if Lyon is a swordmaster you'll be my best friend this unit sucks too, even with metis's tome HA GET SMOTE <_< twins are my best units now thanks? :L i stand corrected As Franz nears his level cap, his levels are getting more lame and he isnt capping stuff he's still good doe FUCK MONSTERS GET BITCHES ser fronze! sorry Fronze dozwan still dunking but without their support bonuses ewan is a waste of space (i savestated just to show the difference but didnt take the other picture lmao) Spooky scary shadowshot finally a level that isnt ass !!!!!!????? i didnt re-take this picture? lmao LOL HE DIED TO THE BEAM yawn, get me a heal staff out of shadowshoots i suck. Third try's the charm, still shit level though wow dozla 2 fast this would be very dangerous doe. savestate to TRY! eeeeeeee anyway reloaded and moving on just POKING his belly little bit more than a poke shit from the chest aaaaaaaaaaaaand LOL it says three hours because of how much fast forward actually speeds it up
  2. I took one look at my now-Sethless team and thought to myself hey, I could use a couple supports and a few stronger units. Also, a break before I kill myself during chapter 17. And what better way to bond than by re-killing over 800 undead corpses AM I FUCKING RIGHT? btw it's not just a montage. I PRESENT TO YOU: [spoiler=The Chronicles of Valnia: Volume One] Start off with this because I like double digits and now let's go! I'm bringing Eirika and Ephraim in alone because I want them to level the most ya ok that was quick Idk if i've been over how crazy these entombed are, they're tank as hell Sieglinde for when I want to get the level over with Not like I have to save Hammerne or anything Damn son where'd you find this unit oh my, what a pickle! Die, sucker. Actually the twins have some pretty solid stats now. Ephraim is awesome actually Ephraim dunking these silly kiddies His defenses are climbing too, a bit There are tarvos coming, man ur zanbato stations LOL, this guy is hiding or something Her strength is the only awful thing here Oneshotting noobs EPHRAIM TURNS ON HIS SISTER while being his sister btw all entombed bosses became eirika lords i guess He'll be capping at least three things how about this thing i found when i was googling if eirika and ephraim were really twins (don't judge me) mfw Ephraim says absolutely fucking nothing oh so that's what kind of family they are maybe that google search suggestion wasn't too far off I bring Vanessa to floor 3 for the chest The first handful of floors are basically just all enemy phase, move your units to the boss and you'll just kill everything on the way Some strength has been gained But not in this situation yummy gold, almost makes up for the gold i lost last chapter This doog is just hanging out in the wall also i thought this was supposed to be a bael boss, now it's just weird hey ephraim kill yourself Great unit alert yaaaaaaaa anothER These two need to up their sup and i need someone to sweep the other half anyway when swordslayer goes wrong damn it garcia! zzzz this floor eirika's muscles grow even more GOD DAMN IT THESE KIDS oh. They weren't talking about twincest zzzzzzzzzzZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ This floor is a tiiiiiiiiiiny bit harder (just twins and vanessa) But i can do this easy OHHHHHHHHHHHH god there are so many of them what's funny is revs have very small sprites and it looks like eirika lord is just poking him in the eye Gained strength on 2 levels in a row i think so it's k Half done He's about to take on like 15 at once sooo Not many other things he needs so good levels here that was close Vanessa is a strange one 14 uses left, I really only need it for SPOILER just kidding, demon king I guess he got both defense levels here And eirika picks up an amazing level holy shit, seeing health bars this low after holding speed button is like e_e get away from me ..okay, that's fine this one's a little better. and finally master baited Also he must've capped strength, i think i check later Okay now a full team, because this floor is pretty big But.. I need to bring Vanessa (everyone else is going to build supports-- she's going to support Syrene IT'S PERFECT) Alright, her support is done anyway Neimi gets an amazing level Just put your dick away next time Garcia Oh, they don't fall in love? Well this support is fucking worthless, then. WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAASTED Get away from me Neimi. Never realized how behind Franz is on stats, they're almost all worse than Ephraim lol Even Garcia has some better stats than Franz, 14 levels lower It's almost as if Franz takes Seth place the gates have been opened thanks matey Forde and Kyle get their second support and move one step closer to an M rated game Look at this smut! Disgusting! Probably the best chest in the game Also, the treasure I opened was decent too Now where the fuck did these monsters get this gold I'm so GLAD i gave you metis' tome! it's such a powerful boost! Delphi Shield makes me throw kyle everywhere recklessly DIE YOU SPOOKY SKELEETON oh she has a couple stats that are better than franz too YIKES I mean, that's a couple hundred gold to buy Almost done okay this is just a straight up waste of a lockpick use SIR FRONZ and with that we end part one of this epic adventure up next: spidermins broter
  3. [spoiler=this is so dumb] I skipped a couple turns I guess but this is how I split up the team to intercept the thief and some of the great knights that spawn later. SHIT idea. Trust me. The promoted units in this game are ALL more difficult than bosses, they all have crazy defenses as well as retarded speed or skill. It's so lame lol i sent the iron lance back because i want to get rid of that javelin this FUCKING swordmaster die, damn it Good level from Dozla. He's still weak as fuck. Everyone is. Fucking ughh These Warriors are disgusting When the hell do these things spawn Ughhh... There's not even that many enemies on this chapter, there's just a handful of promoted units and JESUS CHRIST baits? get out of here ... oh... Dude, you suck. I tried to be positive about you but fuck you. Fucking six of them this is beyond ridiculous but ok this is a thief i assume? OUCH Someone's going to die. and this piece of shite is taking my gold. Finally If she dodges the thief i will lol Still the best She's got 13 levels to get 5 strength, can she do it? In retrospect this might be a bad idea. Ninja HE STEALS A CHEST KEY INSTEAD? LOL die bitch and forde lives. whoops rewind go tank it franz eep LOOK AT THIS FUCKING SAGE he's so bullshit! hey! you rat! that's MY talisman I'm just wasting turns now this chapter is getting old real quick but i managed to take out that ONE cavalier and these three, finally. Magic myrmidon on a horse any day now... So much defense.. Forde and Amelia go to hide off to a great start I bet he wont hit Gets hit misses twice this is gnarly btw these things have terrible move vanessa pokes them And this is where it all goes downhill. Nobody on my team can hit the broad side of a fucking motherfucking barn and the enemies have crazy skill. This Great Knight crits Seth. YIKES She's not going to cap strength watch i mean i could walk away like a smart person would But i'd rather equip my Silver Blade and sit right near the guy who does 9 damage and doubles me because Seth has low speed and con! GOOD PLAN, RIGHT. Long story short. 71, and doubles. I rewind and maneuver people around. Seth's move is way too far behind to be rewound to for some reason and I haven't made a savestate during the chapter this is funny but not the point Seth still dies. DODGES ONE Dies. DIES DIES. Forever. I spent 30 minutes loading a savestate after Seth died. I'm not joking. It took that long. I suck at calculating RNs but I know how to burn them and I know that after a half hour of trying to manipulate them so that Seth can dodge two 71% attacks, if it doesnt happen there is NO WAY I'M FUCKING WASTING ANY MORE TIME and i don't want to start over. And that's the same bullshit that happened last night when I tried this chapter, except it was with Ephraim and the Cavaliers. So it happens. I leave Seth dead. For good. Sucks to be Seth. Probably going to suck to be me too because he was my strongest unit lmfao. And then I send a giant spider to fuck up this thief so I can get my item back. Out of purges but still a fucking cock. And this guy still has boltings Whatever And in a fit of rage over the death-- sorry, retreat (because Seth cannot die in the story)-- of his commander, Franz equips Garm. And also he needs it to dodge bolting but that's besides the point Now read this joke Sage crits Saleh I savestated before attacking the sage These promoted units are a fucking pain in the ass. I don't think you understand. I bet he misses oh! he did it die, die, DIE Okay i have too many pictures and i dont want to make this two parts so i kill the divine sage and i take 6 turns to try to kill the sage on the right but he just cannot be hit with anything that does more than 5 damage to him so i give up and kill orson and end the chapter It takes ages. But i do it i pick hero because rangers fucking suck and i dont care about the move fucking [spoiler=rip] goodbye seth
  4. I sold the hero crest and master seal yes, ephraim will promote with eirika's bracelet and eirika will promote with this I needed the gold from master seal and hero crest to spend on items while I was training, even now I'm low on item uses because I'm a bad player I'm promoting both of them at the end of chapter 16 for the sake of tradition
  5. i have no update other than the beginning of the chapter because i got really mad that after a half hour of savestating i still was getting LITERALLY ONESHOT AT 98% ACCURACY BY BOLTING SAGE so i gave up, there was one mistake I made early that made it so I was almost completely boned for the whole chapter hrrngh /forgets to get Ephraim to 20 is small as fuck it's like 5x the size of a human started from here now we're here started from here now the whole Crew here the stage is set but then ephraim fucks it all up and saleh will come instead goodnight
  6. Technically if you were to connect every FE character to Ewan you could use Fire Emblem as their connection
  7. [spoiler=more towerspam] play while you read fucking no thanks @4 move HO! daddy! EWAN CAME UP WITH THE IDEA OF PLANES? EWAN CONFIRMED TO HAVE BEEN PART OF 9/11 ah! EWAN ALSO THOUGHT OF PHONES? EWAN CONFIRMED AS HAVING SOMETHING TO DO WITH THE "Deez Nuts" MEME 6 DEGREES OF EWAN BACON EVERYBODY you mean like two cups with a string? and boom im done training
  8. [spoiler=bonus content] WINK WONK HELLO LITTLE BOY WHY DONT YOU GO SIT DOWN, SAY MAYBE ON MY LAP Ewan's like "I want to magically make flowers but I don't want to use magic" and Dozla's like "The FUCK are you talking about lmao" i don't want to make this sweet little conversation rapey but really ewan is just begging to be on the news no comment dozla finally stops harassing this little boy This tower run actually was unwinnable because i was out of ranged weapons and that Revenant found his way into a wall Falcoknight was winning poll \ missed level 2 RIP i dont need this SHIT finallllly omg thanks dont need this either i need to get rid of this bullshit, can't sell it Everyone got some pretty decent levels but Kyle got too tanky and Light magic is too expensive and Neimi was dying (because she can't ORKO shit) so i ended up stopping, i'm really tired. i'll get amelia to 20 tomorrow and start leveling her a little in the tower before moving on
  9. Hoplon Guard is a weird item. Like, it's useful, but who do I give it to? Weird. anyway, part two! [spoiler=the part where we savestate even more than the last part] First of all I just want to say I wasn't planning on promoting Eirika until after chapter 16, for coolness purposes-- you get a master seal here and a hero crest there, so technically I wasted money buying one... But I digress. If i sell master seal i never lost any money right anyway let's go fucking oops, that's the wyvern i forgot didn't die. Vanessa still looking for that silver card. Neimi has great luck and picks up this treat a million billion turns and im only slightly over halfway done. WORP!? Now if i had a brain i'd save some time by just waaaaaaaaaaarping but nope! I have these guys ferry them over instead. oh, hey, nice find So I dropped Seth here, thinking it was Neimi, and then Duessel found the card anyway. Lol. btw i did all of these from memory Now these guys make there way over here to take out Valter's half of the army. yawn. A nice level. zzzzz die oh, shit HELLO EVERYBODY SAVESTATE CITY COMIN ATCHA Franz and Saleh take on this entire half of the army in the sand, missing and not doubling allll the time. Saleh's tanky as hell and really fast but not that strong. However, these assholes are preeeeeetty strong. I maneuver people around a bit and Saleh gets this great level But seth dies, because I didnt know he would take so much damage from this ranger. In retrospect I should've guessed Finally Saleh dies, and I keeeep trying. What the fuck how did you get over there Dozla BTW I wasted almost all of my physics on this chapter. Good thing they won't be super necessary until chapter 19, where I believe i can pick up more. can you uh, get that other level? Okay, we try some more. Seth is running the fuck away with god knows who (dozla actually) and Saleh is still tanking. Franz has really low health probably and needs some healing Neimi and Natasha blow a physic to heal him up and net a preeeeetty good level for neimi these rangers are so FUCKING obnoxious seth rams his ass with a horse slayer Forde chips the other one to get an excellent level Bravo, Seth. Amelia is no longer a loli! Just one mother fucker to go LOL, okay Level is pretty much over. I got all the loot. What's that? There's an Eclipse in the bottom corner? Nah, I got all the loot. Shut up. All that's left is this monster, an attack-less Shaman, and a shitty Troubadour. OH NEVERMIND THAT PUSSY RANGER RAN AWAY AND SHOT GARCIA DIE. Hooray for Metis' Tome! Thanks brother THE DEVIL AXE BERSERKER CRIT SETH BUT HIT HIMSELF AND I FUCKING LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL'D Valter=WEAK saleh=WEAK but poison is better than nothing so here we goooo this is taking daaaaaaays Franz nabs an amazing level Dozla is not impressive. But that doesn't really matter lol, he's just a healbot. OH, I had this thing all along. Well, CYA Valter. ...le miss and valter goes down to franz's might HAMMER he's also purple as fuck Lol! BROTHER? BROTHER! Franz thanks ya kindly. eh shaddaaaaaap
  10. of all the screens in this game that could end up glitch
  11. I had almost 180 pictures so I deleted my first handful of deaths- pretty much all that was left was where I started abusing savestates. I really didn't want anything to do with this chapter. Uggggghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh wasnt that bad but only because I must've used rewind and loaded savestates a dozen or so times, dude i hope that doesnt ruin the fun of the LP but it has to be done, and after chapter 10 i'm still salty Still being split into two parts, i just have 40 less pictures now [spoiler=jeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesus pt.1] This chapter was only shit because you dive right into it from chapter 14. I really wanted a chance to train my newly promoted units, finish training Kyle so i can promote him/Ewan, and train Amelia, and even Eirika- but I digress, I got through it and the next update will probably be a tower update. holy fuck he is so tanky AND HE HAS ALACALIBUR SO I CAN'T EVEN BRING GARCIA NEAR HIM TO SLAY HIS HORSE ASS This guy isn't as bad, though. Only has 12 speed. NOT RETARDED LIKE CAELLACH AT ALL Because why not, they can support. After several tries this is the start up I settled on, I guess. The dragon axe dude on the right is CRAZY FUCKING STRONG so I had to position franz there to draw him in so I could dogpile him But then I get this great idea. I savestate and go to silence this baddie once and for all. PRETEND YOU DIDNT SEE THAT ah, there we go. Here, we can clearly see Vanessa proccing Silencer on the Berserker. What's that? It's a black screen? Well, fuck you! here's your fucking proof The tanks trudge along through the sand Since she got the exp boost from silencer/that guy being promoted, she gets another level from just chipping this Wyvern Knight hha, dees nutz Whoops. GLAD I SAVESTATED (yes he can oneshot Knoll) I think I deleted the pictures of Knoll and Duessel's stats, but I have... 42 or 36? deIlluminati This many things in my Recycle Bin, so I don't want to look for them ever. Plus I just emptied my recycle bin. Time to take new ones. there. back to the show Rennac gets a thwomp level Forde takes up residence on this Fort. 'melia gets a decent level. MUST PROTECT AMELIA FROM HORSEBIRDS I did take a picture of his weapon stats though lol EZ LOL This was the tricky part. Knoll cannot survive combat with anyone. Duessel is a god. These cavs have crazy movement. Ephraim has 4 and cannot take more than 2 hits. Rescue Knoll, move Ephraim, burn RNs, pray. yessss nooo how about this? blah blah blah emo fuckboy whatever according to this ancient document, knoll is awful. Finally Ephraim lived. Now he just has to live... again. And then he can be rescued. YYYYYYYYYYYIKE Much better Yes, Forde<3 oh god, these shitheads Everybody is safe now. EXCEPT THAT THESE SHITTERS SPAWNED NOOOOWWWW EVERYONE IS SAFE. ugh im scared Her res to defense ratio is funny as hell oh, look these ugly mother fuckers need to go before Caellach can be touched, but one thing at a time "Oh, wait. I'm Eirika." "You... have breasts now! And... you look like me!..." omw to fuck your bitch where is this GOT DAMN silver card GOT DAMN waiting amelia simply does not care about your magic damage This will take some time. As will this. One more look at this. Bitch has capped defense. THIS IS TAKING AAAAAAAAAAAAAAGES take that! meanwhile saleh makes himself useful 3 years later Yaaaaaaasss. oop! rewind and after a long arduous trial-and-error of switching which item seth has equipped, he finally lives. and that mother fucker ran away for some reason. ANYWAY \ no comment Basically a perfect level, nobody has really been getting LUK at all this game Nice, nice. Ahhh. So peaceful. NOW, for Caellach! meanwhile some treasure hunting But... that's not going to help the crew marches towards the evildoer! well mama good luck movin up cause i'm movin out YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYIKES horseslayer pls Nope! lol got this son of a bitch pretty easily. Actually a great level see, that level really helped her here! I had put Amelia in range of this wyvern to heal vanessa but after i loaded savestate i found out my fears were unwhatstheword (i seriously can't remember) FINALLY! SOMEONE DOES DAMAGE! this one is even better than the other level 8 she got. (wyvern doesnt die but i think he does bc focused on caellach) die, whore tune in next time for the exciting conclusion!
  12. Funny, that's the reason why I am a fan of FE4 lmao also, I own and have beaten fe11 and I don't really love it, but I really thought FE12 was a pretty great game when I played and beat it. shot
  13. you're thinking about league too much! FIONA is the cav, sheeeeeeesh is peg knight in fe7 n00b!!!1
  14. [spoiler=Queen of White Dudes part 2] Saleh begins this episode by unlocking chests. but this SHIT CRIT happens, which is STUPID AS HELL, so I use the Rewind feature to switch Forde to Javelin and he doesn't die. Simple. Speaking of, Forde is almost at 200 battles. We've come a long way, boys. This guy tried to zerk Forde, what a chump. Eirika picks up a restore staff and trades it to Dozla, who is then put in range of Forde while he chips down this TANKY FUCKING PRIEST Forde and Neimi are trying to sneak by. miss, i think TINKTINK'S PONYKILLER SPEAR BROKE UHhhhh ohhh. Fucking noob priest thought he could ruin my game. Eat shit. Amelia unlocks this GIANT GATE Dozla gets a great level! If seth doesn't dodge this, it could spell trouble. Hint: He dodged it mothafuckas be HIDING Why do they even try? *SEEEEEEEEMENS EVERYWHERE* FINALLYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY yes yes YES yessssssssssssssssss this guy took so fucking long to try to attack Rennac that his Javelin broke Rennac eventually manages to put him out of his misery He took exactly zero damage, that missing hp was from his level up. it feels so goooooood Or... Better caps be damned, Paladin won the poll and 6 move+canto is better than 8 move with no canto. Plus that CON and AID! confrime Now all they have to do is take out a couple of-- HOLY SHIT THAT'S A LOT shitty level is shitty but he still manages to ORKO everything, dodging two 65+ fire tomes now, we wait for Seth to bring vanessa. meanwhile, i can get some experience for Amelia by having forde attack at melee and chip down carlyle This is probably the weirdest screenshot i've ever taken. she gets some magic! These fucks dont move. it feels so good to pick chests you're what? dead? oh you're sorry oops i didnt mean to kill you i didnt want... oh god Forde gets a crap level, REAL SHOCKER never die all clear. now just have to loot this chest, head back to the shop, and seize. 2/3 done YESSSSSSSS PHYSIC and i buy a bunch of shit, running out of gold. i can just farm runeswords so i dont care lol DONE for the buttsex? the second pic was me missing excalibur but it doesnt matter cause no one can use it. the god and we end the episode.
  15. I'm only missing one unit from my Endgame team-- Syrene! Unfortunately River of Regrets is going to be a PIECE OF SHIT! Let's dive into the version of chapter 14 that doesn't suck hard: Attack on Carlyle [spoiler=Queen of White Dudes part 1] There aren't many promoted units on this chapter, so this will be super easy. [spoiler=savestate count] None probably, and I used rewind because Forde got hit by a BS Luna crit I have A METRIC FUCKTON of pictures because this is such a long chapter and I took TONS I don't think I had more than one restart. However, this will be two parts. [spoiler=actual chapter] You got beaten at swordfight by Eirika? She's awful though! Oh, right... You have to come... The team! Since all Saleh needs is OP Claw, I have him bring some keys along for the ride. All of this pls, I have a secret shop to get to. I'll never use Ocean Seal/Orion's bolt, there aren't even any thieves, or archers in the game. Plus Colm/Natasha are shit Pirates anyway. Rennac's not a mercenary, he's tier 2! This chapter is pretty dorky if you ask me *shot* Do... do I not get a Door Key for this door? The Crew splits into two groups. Wuhhhhh ohhhhhhh caellach is here and BOOM goes the Ismaire Shitty boss is shitty, no surprise there. Who knew Unlock staff would be useful? His defense is through the fucking roof, wow. But, then, umm... I kinda fucked up. I needed to trade something to Vanessa or something, I forget But then I found out I still can't count. So, I think Kyle's going to die, but... Nobody dies! All is well! Kidding. Alright, I don't want to have to blow money on Rennac, so FUCK YOU KYLE. Sure, that should do. Also, Vanessa picks up a Shamshir I forgot to give her from L'arachel, boosting her chances of Silencer by a lot. dorky joke the NEW plan. Franz is strong enough to take on a couple of shitters by himself. I spend a lot of time bullshiting in this chapter, taking my SWEET ASS time. RELEASE THE HORDE? The crew spills rapidly into the newly opened room, scooping up Rennac and taking out enemies. Rennac gives this Fighter a big FUCK YOU sword smack to signify his entrance into the Crew. When Reaver weapons go wrong The coast is clear. Now to take out the people in the middle room. Thanks! The rightmost one has a steel bow. All these longbow losers suicide on Franz before the steel bow user even moves. Brilliant then this shit eater spawns. Doesnt matter got Chest. It has a guiding ring btw Looks like Amelia is primed to promote! The plan is for Rennac to be a fucking brick-ass wall and keep the cavs at bay. For the rest of the chapter. Thanks, knight. It took me AGES to hit this motherfucker. Damn it. oh no rennac run away there are ponymen out to get you! Enemy Phase: tink tink tink tink This guy looks like he's NO PROBLEMO. And, he isn't. Seth takes out the other archer that Forde isn't having a poke war with and gets a whatever level, considering his strength and skill are capped. Then these monks suicide on Franz for some reason. This chapter is way too easy... I think it's because around this time these units would be this strong already, so my units are LEAPS and BOUNDS ahead of them RELEASE THE HORDE Oh god, this guy is strong Bur forde and vanessa manage to double team him and take him out Also, Forde picks up an item for EIRIKA! I wonder if she can still promo with her bracelet. Saleh is a really good wall. I usually have this room unlocked by now. Bullshit I can't get in. GO, DOZLA Vanessa completely ANNIHILATES this stupid motherfucker. Meanwhile, Rennac. BULLSHIT Oh, cool. And with that shitty level, we end part one. We're halfway there, boys! Eirika isn't THAT bad and she'll be good when she promos. Ephraim might turn out well too, even with Eirika Great Lord's shitty caps.
  16. I thought these guys were shitty enough for me, but that up to 100% growth really kicked in here. Good show, though.
  17. No the real problem with chapter 10 was that the green units were giving me cancer. NOW THE PROBLEM WITH THIS CHAPTER WAS THAT THERE ARE THREE FUCKBOY RANGERS AND THOSE GUYS ARE BROKEN It may not seem so bad because I didn't have as many deaths as some other chapters, but I used savestates so hard dude and i don't regret it, i'm tired of this game's shieet. I havent even paid attention to supports. I should spam turns in valni polls up, but reminder that depending on movement i might have to go against what was chosen btw he has 14 deaths, Kyle has 15. Stupid fucking archers. 6 move poll winners
  18. This chapter was probably the hardest chapter in the game. I've never been more frustrated in my entire life. It's so hard, I can't believe I finally did it... but I did. It took me hours to beat. This is probably going to be part one of 4. I have about 400 pictures of fuckups... [spoiler=lol jk] Insert racist joke about Arabic laughs He has the lowest skill on my team, except Dozla. oh boy. How much of a mess is Saleh going to be. Give him some spare things and... HOLY SHIT HE'S A GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 52 HP 23 DEFENSE AND 21 SPEED? CAN I RETCON MY ENDGAME TEAM? 42 uses should do the trick kidding i took that mid chapter so i reset to give him an actual inventory bettter. WHO'S THAT ARMOR? mfw Garcia misses this guy twice Kyle, my man. I'm gonna have to promote you before Garcia so you're not just dead weight, unfortunately. THE CRIT GOD! Dude, Saleh is b r o k e n hahaha that secret book did you good Fucking mountains man oh god i almost got oneshot by this dog i got a nice level in return, but MAN WAS THAT SCARY Wow this chapter is a joke. these baels are jokes. So i savestated here just to see if Kyle would hit, just as a joke. he missed tho lol Heaven let your good levels shine down please Oh, god. Am i fucked? Well this should be a cinch. Garcia reking scrubs. Let's get Dozla some experience, shall we? This might be too much for Dozla... Spoiler, it wasnt. Doogs do like 5 damage. Spiderman is about to invade the homes of these poor people. I need to get you some shamshirs.... Interesting, lol. Oh noes, Saleh is at half hp! SPIDERMAN dunks this scrub Bael Me neither! Can you give me something that will boost my armor or damage output so I can kill them more easily? Right, for all the... magic damage... that these Revenants output... Fuck you, lady. That's right. Get back in the box. Seth: "No, I'm a monster." And that's the story of how Ewan was eaten alive. His con is great and his defense and strength are good, but that 1 speed is going to hurt me. 5 move is good for a knight though. However, he comes with some nice toys. Energy Ring probably going to Eirika, she'll never cap strength as a hero (or ranger if you guys are scrubs). Plus I need her to be generally more usable. shite boss lmfaooooooo i did check off "Buff Bosses"! Aw, I want that brave bow. BETTER HEAL SO THE BONEWALKERS DONT GETCHA ah, man, what a joker Saleh waddles on over to the Gargoyle fleet. Foolish Mogall Franz kills the boss I think and gets a pretty okay level, nothing special But what's this? That dumbass boss attacked me with a steel bow instead of the brave one, what a GOD the only three things he needs I mean, Fetid Claw is crazy strong. And if i could've nabbed a hellfang for him... it'd be GG WP OH GOD WILL I MAKE IT? all that's left is their... non-moving entombed. hahahaha, valni's going to be a BLAST AND A HALF with Ewan niceme.me Needs speeds but still MVP even if not endgame unit lmao NOPE, SPIDERMAN HERE [spoiler=ewan] i pretty much went over it already, he's going to be a nightmare to train. I'm sure he'll end up as a shitty tank, too. I'll probably post Valni screens here so I don't have to do 772719 posts in a row. I'd be doing this LP a hell of a lot faster otherwise, but nobody is replying edit: it took me longer to do commentary and upload this episode than it did to beat the level [spoiler=valni] this ended up being easy because Ewan has HUGE DEFENSE and I rng'd for as much speed as possible, he still didnt get much First off This fucker is in my way. FOG OF WAR? yarite. okay montage time oh this first, dozla and neimi had a harder time surviving than ewan Pretty decent. Weak and slow as fuck but dem tank stats.
  19. [spoiler=part 2] New plan, Forde goes to the right. everything is set up correctly (EXCEPT FRANZ DIDNT KILL THE DOOG) still an okay level, i wish she would get any type of strength All clear, for the most part Seth is now using his runesword instead of his Killer Axe. If he dies this time he's just hopeless. (btw i would use franz to do this but for some reason i cant drop him on the wall) He survives Franz gets a nice level with dangerously low HP Seth heals himself in preparation of things to come Whatever man! dozla DECIDES TO TRY HIS LUCK Oh, god. This is not good at all. Dozla used his Elixir but for real this is not good. I can't kill the Deathgoyle without a crit and those two bonewalkers can kill L'arachel. THIS LOOKS LIKE A JOB FOR RNGESUS Nope! first of all fuck off mate nope! after about six tries I manage to crit the motherfucker. CAN RNGESUS SAVE THE DAMSEL IN DISTRESS? not like that. btw those are two different screenshots ALRIGHT I DID IT, SHE DODGED ONE Seth! MY BOY :D Need to get this chest. simple, I take out some scrubs with Forde, get the chest, and then end the chapter. Useful for later I guess. that's it for down here. gilliam gets a gilliam level wait, why? She takes damage on Enemy phase and then on her phase she suicides I actually have to use the rewind feature here because i was NOT expecting that shit. I burn some rn's with Kyle but she just keeps getting hit like a fucking idiot that's on HER PHASE! STOP! finally for some reason she simply does not move, and Dozla heals her after the enemy phase. Forde picks up the chest. There's only one left where are you, you rat bastard? AHA! GET SNIPED ...for not suiciding on that last turn. [spoiler=dozla analysis] Bruhh Dozla's got no mag. But he'll probably be my only bishop because he has an actual move stat. Bishops are good. Also, he'll probably get a whole bunch of Mag. We can only hope. the rest of his offensive stats and HP are decent enough though. btw if anyone wants me to i will post this randomizer as a patch (and i'll go through and change it so not everybody starts with A in everything and op weapons)(i'll try to leave it so it's beatable without RNG abuse) but that's only if there's any sort of demand for it
  20. Valk it is, ever so slightly [spoiler=the AI in this game is CRAZY stupid] this chapter took a LOT of savestates and RNG abuse, as well as a lot of retries because L'ARACHEL WOULD NOT STOP DYING. Here we fucking go. [spoiler=a tiny bit of Valni grinding] Let's get this show on the road. also I'm going to have to give boots to Vanessa, because really? 4? Gerik has 8 move so I'm bringing him to carry around some chest keys and a torch. I have a lot of shit to get rid of. My supply is almost full... (hint i forgot to get rid of the axes) L'arachel starts off her phase with a crit! Male bishops have 6 move. What a relief! He still looks like crapp though. Hopefully that DOZLA STRENGTH kicks in. I restart the chapter anyway, because I figure this is the only way I can save those scrubs. ...This simply will not do. Seth gets a decent level and L'arachel dies because Dozla has nothing to heal her with. Looks like a job for... NIGHTMARE! The crew after turn one. She's decent as a valk i guess. She needs a lot more mag. Why? Why are you running away? you're right, it wont. L'arachel was set to "attack 50 do nothing 50%" because she was set to heal people (and otherwise go running around the map), so I set DOZLA to heal people instead. I did downgrade him to shine and heal after that though. Again, turn one antics. Sure sure. As long as you have good Luck. Why are you DOING THAT damn you! L'arachel was set to "attack opposing units within move/2" because she still kept diving into the fog of war at her max move range and dying/being too far from Dozla She's still an ass. But her AI isnt awful now and she knows when to NOT DIVE INTO THE DARKNESS me likey, reminds me of a weak raven THANK GOD! Seth goes to save the day again. Yes! this is great! Die you beast. Missed level. Amazing level, neimi However..... ugh. This is acceptable However I had to use Seth to kill the Entombed, so he is lagging behind for saving Dozla and L'arachel. missed level i guess It looks good here! bellisima! dont run in front of me omg Take dis key lol@ this ss but THANK YOU dozla The deathgoyle that is nearby looks strong. ... Yup. This boss sucks. Lol. So i didnt reset because of Seth and then L'arachel died, I just wanted to see how easy it would be. This picture was taken while the victory theme was playing, meaning one left. But I said I wouldn't do that. So before these greenies were the problem. Now seth is actually the problem, lol. Seth takes some things to heal himself. Missed level WHY ARE YOU SO DEEP Thank you. The Deathgoyle looms ominously in the distance nice level bro Seth, come on. You're supposed to be able to solo this game. Gilliam re-enters the fray! The rest of my army is having a tiny bit of trouble so I bring an extra healer so I can have Torch as well as having less worries about my army so I can focus more on Seth. I finally stop being retarded and I give Seth an actual inventory. Torch OP The greenies are set Neimi gets an ok level Dozla ventures blindly into the abyss Seth is here to save you, m'lady. *tips sethdora* Noice level from princess Renais. Here comes the deathgoyle. Where is the deathgoyle? Oh, there he is. He's doing 26 damage to seth btw and the other gargoyles are doing around 10 In other words, he cant survive all of them part two right after this, I didn't have enough room for all my pictures so it has to be two parts anyway this ai sucks.
  21. wowwwwwww i cant believe you got male mage lute, that lowers her effectiveness slightly lol
  22. yeah but more move and canto after healing is pretty much the best thing i could ask for I was sure this chapter was but dat glitch bro i will be reading that
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