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Status Updates posted by mewyeon

  1. Thank you Tristian! You're a sweetie :)

  2. Thank you dahling! Haven't spoken to you in so long, hope everything is going well! <3

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      It really has been a while! Everything's going great thank you~ And same to you!!

  3. Thank you!! Can I also say that I stalked some of the pictures on your profile? They're REALLY cute! Keep up the good work :)

    1. Icarusu


      Ah,thanks,hope you have seen sakura, i recently wanted people to check more on my bio stuff but thanks again anyway ^^.

      You welcome~

  4. Many thanks dear! I hope IB is treating you well...or at least as well as it could possibly treat anyone :O

  5. Military class? What is that exactly?

    1. Aryabug


      It's a boring class all about standing outside and walking around >.> (And yayy, I'm off to that again when I reply this ^-^~)

    2. mewyeon


      Lol what. At least you get exercise!

  6. You're in exams? Are they the IB exams? I noticed on your profile! DUUUUUDDEEEE I DID IB TOO!!!! I'm a diploma alum ;) I understand your pain

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. --------------------


      O, I already did the CAS project. Also you need a 43 to get into medicine...which is nuts, I know :'D

      I probably wont make it so i'll just try for postgrad or something. Yeah, I am borderline on CAS, i'll just go off to play some sports on the holidays and see if that will satisfy the requirements.

      I'm doing the IB in the southern hemisphere (in Australia) so the exams are in November.

    3. mewyeon


      How can you get into medical school right away from just your IB scores? :O And dude I didn't get a 43....LOLOLOL I don't know hardly anyone who did so I guess they all won't ever get into medical school. OH WOW you're doing them in Australia??!!! Do you live there (not in a creepy way)?!!! That's super cool! I think if you just say that you have an 'supervisor' for those sports, I'm sure you'll be fine.

    4. --------------------


      You can get into some medicine schools with just your IB score over here in Australia, I know of only 1 that does that (yep I live here). But most unis require a UMAT (potential doctor aptitude test, I managed to fail this) as well as a 40+ so its nuts :P

      So i'm going for optometry which needs 38 or if I manage to get into a good American university- that is a possibility as well.

      I am now also an alumni~ I graduated today =w= (I totally didn't wait until I graduated to reply)

  7. Hello thereeee! :D How's it going?

    1. --------------------


      Things are nice. Im in exams OTL

      Hoshi-chan said you were cool~

  8. HELLLOOOO! It's lovely to meet you too! :) How are you doing?

    1. Aryabug


      Haiiii ^-^~ I'm still fine, going to Military class in a minute :"D

  9. Happy birthday, dear! :D

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Thank you mew~

  10. Wow I almost didn't recognize your username! hehe ;) I get all confused whenever people change their names. ANYWAY just wanted to see how you were doing these days!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. mewyeon


      No! What made you change it? ;) and me...I've been sick. YAYYYY!!! Actually it's more just that I have throat issues and feel tired all the time. Just in time for a midterm on Friday :D :D :D

    3. ZemZem


      My friend persuaded me to change my UN to one of my favorite Touhous, so yeah. XD Being sick sucks, I think I came down with something right now. :< Did you take the midterm?

    4. mewyeon


      Ohhh...what's a Touhou? I did take the midterm! LOL if I didn't that'd be disastrous. I wish it was still high school-esque where we could arrange re-takes later if we were sick on that day, but in college it's like '...NOPEEE!!!'

  11. Hard science classes reduce my lifespan by 4975230948750293849587234 years

  12. Hello there! Just wanted to see how you were doing :) haven't talked to you much!

    1. Green Poet

      Green Poet

      Oh, hello! I'm fine, just haven't been on SF for a while :P Thanks for asking, and how have you been?

    2. mewyeon


      swamped with school DX what have you been up to these days?

  13. WELLL HEYYYY THEREEEEEE :D hehe how's it going? I saw your profile and how is it possible that we haven't talked more about leon scott kennedy and ephraim? I mean, we discussed marth somewhat, but we have to talk about the first two a bit more ;) I love that mother teresa quote by the way. Simple goodness <3

    1. Midnight Nightmare

      Midnight Nightmare

      Haaaaaaai Yeon <3 Its been very busy D: but its okay. I know!!! We need to fangirl more on the first two and then fangirl on every fictional character we find on our paths :D Awww ;3 I love Mother Teresa, she's an inspiration to me <3

  14. Thank you! Wow that avatar picture of yours...is that...female Morgan? From Bad Future? lol as you can see I don't speak fanart XD

    1. Amelia


      The old one was female Morgan yes, but this one is Grima!Amelia. xD

      I wanted something creepy for Halloween. :3

  15. Thank you! You're very kind :D I hope you have a lovely day!

    1. PuffPuff


      Tee hee. <3

      Your so kind, Mew. You lucky to get some ethereal smile. :D

  16. Thank you! You're very kind :) hehe your profile picture is so cute! Though I'm a bit late on these kinds of things...is that a bird version of Chrom and FeMU?

    1. Ace Tactician

      Ace Tactician

      Your Welcome^^ My profile picture does have a bird version of Chrom. The other one is a bird version of Lucina, though it does appear to look like FeMU though.

  17. Thank you! You're so kind :) I hope you have a wonderful day!

  18. Thank you! You're very kind :D I hope you're having a great day!

  19. Thank you! Hope you're having a wonderful day :D I don't know you personally, but it was really sweet of you to post! :)

    1. IceBrand


      It's just a nice thing to do.

  20. Thank you! I hope you're having a lovely day :D

  21. Thank you! Hope you're having a great day :D

  22. Wow our birthdays are so close to each other! Well then, A VERY MERRY HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! I hope you get a chance to do something special :D

  23. Thank you! I know I haven't been on skype chat much, but some time, when I'm on break from school, I will! Hope you're having a lovely day :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Breezy Kanzaki

      Breezy Kanzaki

      Hope instead of hop.

      I hate you phone

    3. mewyeon


      Oh no! I got the 'breezy' part of your name confused with 'woozy' D: Forgive me! You say everything is not going well for you? :( I won't pry, but I'll continue hoping things will turn out better for you :)

    4. Breezy Kanzaki

      Breezy Kanzaki

      No problem!

      Yeah my life being crap happens a lot.... Hopefully it gets better soon....

  24. Thank you! haha I haven't talked to you since IP chat, so I hope you've been doing good these days! Now, 'moeyawn' is definitely a new one XD oh you

    1. buttmuncher.ops


      i typoed too fast, and just ran with it instead of correcting =p

  25. Thank you! hehe I don't know you personally but it was sweet of you to post anyway :) hope you're having a lovely day!

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      You are welcome and thanks, but from what I know you are a friend of Boney's and we were also in a chat with all the guys from the LtP thread, my name was Kurumi Tokisaki...

    2. mewyeon


      are you still on the group chat on skype? i'm not on frequently, but i'll be sure to look for you if so!

    3. James Bond

      James Bond

      Well right now, I am not but I will tell Boney to add me again anyways.

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