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Posts posted by Chrom-ulent

  1. Can I just vent? I'm sick of F2Ps wiping me and then me failing to beat their teams. I can tell they're F2Ps, the only merged units are non-5-exclusives. I may end up falling out of T19 from the defense losses and failing to get offense wins. And then T18 is even worse because without the sixth member, full defense losses are guaranteed.

    I think the first problem is that I'm trying to use off-the-beaten-path units on my defense team. I think I'll resort to a cancer competitive team. I don't have time to piece together a defense map, I'll just take screenshots and steal maps I lose to.

    ...now that I've calmed down a little, I'll make it a creative cancer team. I gave Valentine's Roy a Brave Bow+, now he's basically Reinhardt with a bow. L'Arachel with Blarblade+ takes Brave Lyn's place.

  2. I used to not have a budget. Then I spent about a student debt's worth on this game, vowed to cut back, and realized I spent way more in January (Laguz, Hostile Springs weapons) than December (Winter Eirika). As I want to keep spending at December levels and not January levels, I have a target of one or two heroes to get two copies of. I'd feel much more satisfied with a crippling flaw erased.

    This month, the hero is Valentine's Ike. For March/April, whenever they rerun the banner, it'll be Spring Catria. May will be saving orbs, June will be a splurge as I complete Summer Cordelia and Tana and see if pulling one of the new bridal heroes still running won't break me. Bridal and first summer overlapped, did they?

  3. 2 hours ago, XRay said:

    Against what enemies does she need Null Follow-Up for?

    Julia can one shot most dragons, so there is no point in disabling dragons' follow-up attacks.

    I was worried about Bold/Wary/Vengeful/QR dragons in Assault.

    But if someone like Anna can tank L!Tikis just fine in her bonus season, Julia will do even better.

    Throwing on Vantage since I have enough manuals of it.

  4. Disappointed that Oboro didn't get Waterwheel, but a second potential Close Defense 9 user is never bad.

    Will we ever see DC weapon refines? Ryoma and Xander need them the most. Or will we ever see DC added as a base effect on a new power personal weapon? I'd gladly build Peri if her refine is faithful to source:

    Peri's Lance - Unit can counterattack regardless of foe's range. Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count -1). If unit KOs foe, grants +6 Atk/Spd/Def/Res for one turn after combat.

  5. Alt: I want to be damn sure I'm escaping the shithole of Tier 17, so I played my best. I want to see how well a 700ish no-casualties run ranks in this shallow pool. I'm a whale in a thimble here. Except this account isn't the whale one.

    Worst moment: A fifth match and Ike flung Inigo into his doom instead of safety, after over a half hour of failed runs. I threw my mouse in anger.

    Can't wait to repeat this process next week so I don't fall back into the shithole.

  6. And so my alt sees the destitution of Tier 17 for the first time in a long time.

    It was the perfect storm. Anna week is always bad, doubly so with Tibarn as a bonus unit. Then it was a Voting Gauntlet, so more players were turning in better and better scores to try to get more flags. And then it was extra-long, so even more players were inflating the score. To top it all off, my car's brakes got stuck and I had to take it to the mechanic,  and then I forgot my house keys in my car. Why is this important? I use an emulator to play my alt, and couldn't turn in a better run because I couldn't get home.

    I will forever curse Heroes Anna's name. Whose idea was it to give a Pegasus Knight stat line to an infantry axe?

    Tomorrow morning, I will hold my nose as I rush through a run. With highly merged units, even if I take a casualty or two, I'm bound to promote right back out.

    Meanwhile, on my main, that lucky Assault run still kept me in Top 5k and gave me enough stones to refine Donnel and then Palla. The Whitewings are complete with one merge each to become flawless.

  7. Main had no chance of staying. Earth season = all the Legendary Tikis come out to play and inflate the score. At least the Assault run was one and done without any bullshit casualties.

    Alt might actually fall to Tier 17. It's Anna season. Galeforce Tibarn tears through my team every time, I was lucky to get 3501. I have about 1700 places between me and losing an orb. If I check tonight and it's down to 1000 places or less, I'm mass-sending home, rush-training Naesala, and putting him in.

  8. Main's going with Owain from Leif. He led us to earning and maintaining Great Summoner status in his Arena bonus seasons.

    Alt's going with Corrin from Cherche. I just pulled him with +Res -Def (not great for performance, but equal stats always looks good), and in the process pulled the +Atk Reinhardt who will help me with F2P strategies. Leaving Corrin at level 1 to use a friend's trained unit to cheese through the maps, and fielding my +10 original Camilla to support him.

  9. 2 hours ago, Kaden said:

    They could do away with the health requirement and make it a 1-range target version of unique refined Parthia. "If foe uses sword, lance, or axe (or dragonstone, or beast damage), grants Atk+6 during combat."

    In that case, Hinata's Katana could be: "16 Mt. If unit initiates combat, grants Atk+6 during combat" and with a unique refinement of "If foe uses sword, lance, or axe (or dragonstone, or beast damage), grants Atk+6 during combat." Hinata would essentially gain Atk+12 against swords, lances, and axes along with potentially dragons and beasts when he initiates.

    The alternative thing is for the unique refinement to be Fury 3. Built-in Death Blow 3 and Fury 3 would kind of be hilarious for Hinata. And watch as Hinata's Katana have T-Adept 3 instead with Fury 3 as its unique refinement. Or for more insanity that will never happen, Sturdy Impact and Steady Stance 4 for Hinata's Katana.

    Fury 6 would make Hinata a meme build. Yeah, I'd rather see your idea of Close Offense. Making it work on both phases would make it as good as Florina's Close Stance.

  10. Main: BHB gave me 150 feathers. Year One gave me Spring Xander and now I will build Donnel.

    Alt: BHB gave me my first Soleil in a long time. Of course the useless HP asset. Year One gave me Winter Chrom. Not sure I have anyone who could use his weapon.

  11. Year One:

    • Red: First choice. Leo offers Lloyd Atk Ploy, Nowi offers Hone Fliers, Tharja would give me a reason to build Sophia, and Camilla would erase her Def flaw.
    • Blue: Third choice. Xander would give me a reason to build Donnel, F!Robin would erase her Def super flaw, but I'd rather try colorless.
    • Green: Last choice. I wouldn't say no to any of those merges, but SI isn't the best (outside of Lissa).
    • Colorless: Second choice. Olivia and Jakob have crippling flaws, but I'd rather have a red than any of the other colorless heroes.

    For my alt, green is second choice. Inigo is a dream merge project.

    Year Two: 

    • Red: Second choice. Tharja is already +10 but offers Atk/Spd Bond. Tana would become +9. I wouldn't say no to the other merges offered.
    • Blue: First choice. Catria would reach +9, Cordelia would reach +5, Lyn is also a welcome merge, Ninian and Ryoma have Chill skills, Camilla would make Lyn better with her tome, Niles has Swift Sparrow, I don't have Ephraim.
    • Green: Third choice. Already merged Sharena to +10, so she's the whammy. Highlights: Hector is worth merging, Sanaki would make Odin his best, I don't have Fae.
    • Colorless: Last choice. Already merged Linde to +10, and the other heroes are lower priority merges or SI.
  12. Main buys four packs. Two copies of Duma (both +Res), Laegjarn (now waiting for Summer Tana), Lucina (+HP, and I had a spare manual to erase the -Atk), and Hot Spring Hinoka (+Spd -Def). If, when Hinoka is rerun, Hector is the green legendary (or the new legendary / mythic is green), I'll pull for the bucket for Summer Linde.

    I got quite a bit of value out of it. Now February can be (needs to be) quiet so I can recover.

  13. Had a defense loss kick me back to T18, and needed to win matches to get back in. Second match was a double dancer team of six - unwinnable with a level 2 offense fortress, and I used my first rope. Third match was an easy wipe for me - a team of four and a level 2 defensive fortress. I guess that player is packing a maxed-out offense instead? Awaiting my -80 "rematch by foe" from this guy.

    After that, I unlocked my sixth member and defensive fortress upgrade.

    Said defense loss was from the opponent parking Hrid to wipe out my L!Lyn on my turn. I now have a L'Arachel providing Res/Def Tactic and ready to pick off a DC sword foe.

    As for the bonus units this season, it seems a New Mystery fan was in charge at IS this week.

  14. 3 hours ago, Usana said:

    . . . You know. For some reason it didn't cross my mind that in the case of a tie that it would buff all the units that tied. It isn't surprising since that is how chills work, but for some reason I never thought to try and equal out attack.

    I had to give Amelia Atk+2 on the A slot. Xander gets an Atk +1 seal for the first two battles, then Fortress Res for subsequent battles to make up for only him getting the bonus.

  15. Got hard-walled by a Beruka. Used my first out of three uses of the Escape Ladder today. My defense is still managing to pick at least one foe off, so I might have a shot at cracking T19.

    Side note: It looks like Beruka with Hack-O-Lantern is the new Effie with Berkut's Lance. Fates retainer taking a limited unit's inheritable weapon.

  16. My defense losses are improving. The first was a full -80. The second was a -60. Today's is a -40.

    ...Unfortunately, I lost 40 on offense from taking casualties. Getting 150 Lift per day is a pretty tall order for a Tier 18, especially when these opponents do a good job of protecting their pots.

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